
Cyberpunk: I am the heir of a corporate dynasty

Transcending into the role of antagonists in the cyber game, with a daunting entourage of mesmerizing maidens, is indeed intriguing. However, it is lamentable that they are all mere pawns. The cerebral enchantress, possessing the capability to paralyze entire military forces, is hailed as the uncrowned monarch of the hacker realm. Yet, she falls prey to the protagonist's charm, ultimately succumbing to divulging corporate secrets, tarnishing her erstwhile reputation. As for the dark war deity, whose individual prowess can obliterate a squadron of mechanized warriors, as a mercenary, he bestows upon her the finest arsenal and perks within the conglomerate. Alas, the plot prevails; amidst a crackdown on the protagonist, a mutual affinity emerges between them, culminating in betrayal of the conglomerate in a certain denouement, aiding the protagonist in severing ties with her former self. Such instances abound. To avert a fate of stifling demise, he deliberates meticulously, arriving at a resolute decision. Observing the preparations for the impending assault on the protagonist within the corporate hall, Jonas beckons her into the confines of his office. Amidst the bemused gaze of her counterpart, a delicate collar materializes in his hand. "Miss Dark War Deity, surely you wouldn't want your sister to suffer indignity, would you?"

lei_shi · Fantasie
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135 Chs

Do you think I dare not kill you?

Why does Kogar Veeting harbor such immense malice towards Jonas?

Because, in a sense, Kogar is one of the original legitimate candidates for inheritance. The founder of the Veeting Consortium, Lankasis Veeting, is Kogar's direct ancestor. However, due to a series of internal struggles within the consortium, the inheritance of the Veeting Consortium's legacy shifted to the Jonas lineage.

As a result, Kogar Veeting has always felt that the Jonas lineage usurped what rightfully belonged to him. Or rather, this sentiment is shared among the entire Veeting lineage.

Though the exact events of the past remain unclear, the legitimacy of the Jonas lineage does seem somewhat dubious. And after Jonas's father's death, this conflict resurfaced and intensified, eventually shifting the blame onto Jonas himself.

Why do so many members of the board resist Jonas's entry into the board?

Because Jonas's presence inevitably diminishes their power. No one wants to see their interests compromised. If they don't crush him while he's down, are they supposed to just watch him take away their power?

The root of all this has destined the conflict between Jonas and the board to be irreconcilable.


Veeting Consortium, Alt Division.

The news from headquarters quickly spread throughout the entire company. Though the exact details were unknown, everyone sensed something unusual in the air.

Like a prelude to an impending storm, the atmosphere in the Alt Division was heavy.

Jonas had prepared to receive the visitors in advance. He knew the delegates from the board were not coming with good intentions. But in such crucial moments, he had no option but to stand firm.

With the exposure of the Nathan Consortium's incident, trouble was inevitable.

Inside the meeting room, Miss Eiffel had changed into her usual professional attire, her short hair exuding a confident aura.

Standing beside Jonas, she had already reverted to her previous state, as if the events of the past few days had never happened.

Miss Eiffel was never one to dwell on the past. Mr. Scoundrel's attempts to breach her defenses might shake her momentarily, but once she regained her composure, she was the same ever-graceful Miss Eiffel. However, beneath this grace, her true thoughts remained a mystery.

And from the occasional complex expressions she cast towards Jonas, Miss Eiffel seemed far from calm on the surface.

The silver arc flew through the air, the coin landing in the man's hand, flipping between his fingers like dancing butterflies.

"How much longer until Mr. Kogar arrives?" Jonas asked without turning his head, flipping the coin in his hand.

"It should be another thirty minutes," Miss Eiffel replied, momentarily distracted, as if pulled back to reality.

"Tsk, he's not very eager to seek trouble, is he?" Jonas clicked his tongue, then leaned back in his chair.

Seeing this scene, Miss Eiffel's attention returned to Jonas. After a moment of hesitation, she couldn't resist her curiosity and asked, "You must be aware, Mr. Jonas, that Mr. Kogar is here for the chip?"

Knowing that the board who knew about this matter would exploit it, this outcome was anticipated even before the action began.

"Of course." Jonas nodded, as expected.

This left Miss Eiffel puzzled. With the means to resolve the situation, why hide it?

After a brief hesitation, unable to contain her curiosity any longer, she asked, "So why not just openly declare the agreement you've reached with the Nathan Consortium?"

Hearing Miss Eiffel's words, Jonas's actions paused, the coin landing steadily on the table.

"It's precisely because I have the means to resolve the situation at any time that I can reap the maximum benefits from this incident."

Jonas paused, then continued, "In other words, after seizing the initiative in the event, my focus is not on how to win, but on how to obtain what I want in the victory."

"So, what do you want from Mr. Kogar?" Miss Eiffel asked.


Jonas didn't speak immediately.

It wasn't until a long while later that he clasped his hands on the table.

Looking towards the door of the meeting room, he muttered as if speaking to himself, yet also responding to Miss Eiffel's query, "That depends on his performance."


Thirty minutes later, the door to the meeting room slowly opened.

Behind the black-haired man was a bodyguard wearing sunglasses, the two of them entering the room calmly, one after the other.

Upon entering the meeting room, Kogar's expression darkened when his gaze met Jonas's.

"Mr. Kogar, you've kept us waiting." Jonas smiled, his tone showing no signs of anything amiss, as if he and Kogar were old friends.

But as a representative of the board, Kogar's tone was far less friendly.

"That's what you should do, Jonas Veeting..." He sneered, cutting straight to the point.

"You should be well aware of the losses your actions have caused to the Veeting Consortium."

"Unfortunately, I don't know what actions Mr. Kogar is referring to," Jonas replied, pretending not to understand.

Seeing Jonas play dumb, Kogar, as if he had expected it, pulled out a video clip.

In the video, Miss Esni's figure was clearly recorded.

"Just recently, the research results of the Nathan Consortium were stolen, and among the perpetrators was one of your subordinates."

"Miss Esni Nora, she's under your command, right?" With a sneer, Kogar continued, "Daring to rob the Nathan Consortium, I didn't expect you to become so bold over the years."

Jonas fell silent, then asked, "So what, Mr. Kogar, is the purpose of your visit to me?"

Seeing the other party admit it directly, Kogar was somewhat surprised.

"Heh, you're quick to react." Without wasting time, he went straight to the point, "Your actions have caused millions in losses to the Veeting Consortium. Originally, the ruling was to revoke your right to enter the board, but considering this is your first offense, the original ruling has been rescinded."

"Now, the second ruling is to hand over the chip you stole to the Veeting Consortium headquarters, then compensate for the losses suffered by the Veeting Consortium during these days. Additionally, the board will retain the right to hold you accountable."

He said, looking at Jonas. Seeing Jonas's calm expression, Kogar couldn't help but feel annoyed, speaking with a hint of disgust, "Once you understand, sign the judgment."

Hearing this, Jonas smiled and asked in return, "What if I don't sign?"

Kogar wanted to hear exactly that. He sneered and said, "Causing losses to the consortium, unrepentant afterwards... we will revoke your right to enter the board and strip you of your position as the Veeting Consortium's heir."

"Mr. Kogar seems to have misunderstood something," Jonas interrupted, his voice cutting through. He looked into Kogar's eyes and said calmly, "I never intended to enter the board."

The interruption made Kogar frown, and he looked at Jonas with increasing disdain.

Clearly, he misunderstood the meaning of Jonas's statement that he "never intended to enter the board." To Kogar, it