
Cyberpunk: I am the heir of a corporate dynasty

Transcending into the role of antagonists in the cyber game, with a daunting entourage of mesmerizing maidens, is indeed intriguing. However, it is lamentable that they are all mere pawns. The cerebral enchantress, possessing the capability to paralyze entire military forces, is hailed as the uncrowned monarch of the hacker realm. Yet, she falls prey to the protagonist's charm, ultimately succumbing to divulging corporate secrets, tarnishing her erstwhile reputation. As for the dark war deity, whose individual prowess can obliterate a squadron of mechanized warriors, as a mercenary, he bestows upon her the finest arsenal and perks within the conglomerate. Alas, the plot prevails; amidst a crackdown on the protagonist, a mutual affinity emerges between them, culminating in betrayal of the conglomerate in a certain denouement, aiding the protagonist in severing ties with her former self. Such instances abound. To avert a fate of stifling demise, he deliberates meticulously, arriving at a resolute decision. Observing the preparations for the impending assault on the protagonist within the corporate hall, Jonas beckons her into the confines of his office. Amidst the bemused gaze of her counterpart, a delicate collar materializes in his hand. "Miss Dark War Deity, surely you wouldn't want your sister to suffer indignity, would you?"

lei_shi · Fantasie
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135 Chs

Could it really be his unilateral decision?

The Levi Consortium.

Before the panoramic floor-to-ceiling windows, a middle-aged man in a white suit observed the intelligence before him, his brow furrowing involuntarily.

Greysi Rodrick, the name of the middle-aged man, also the authority figure of the Levi Consortium.

It could be said that the plan to seize the Nathan II tactical chip was orchestrated by him alone.

Originally thought to make the Nathan Consortium suffer a setback, to ruthlessly fleece them.

However, midway through, a third-party force from an unknown source intervened, not only stealing the results but also leaving their true identity unclear.

Fortunately, the clever rabble of the Fire Gang provided him with the necessary clues...

Greysi looked at the intelligence sent by the Fire Gang regarding the "Black War God" Esni, sinking into contemplation.

According to the intelligence, this "Black War God" Esni seems to be subordinate to the heir of the Weiting Consortium, Jonas Weiting, and the Weiting Consortium is very likely the third-party force that intervened in the previous incident.

With this, all the previous doubts could be explained.

The reason for the intelligence leak was that the Weiting Consortium had planted their own people within the Levi Consortium, and the old fogies of the Weiting Consortium's board had long planned this event, knowing full well that they would not deploy too much armed force to seize the chip, just waiting for themselves to suffer this setback.

As for the possibility that Jonas took the initiative to lead this event, it was not even considered.

Not to mention whether the other party had the guts to strike at the top two consortia without support, even the intelligence was hard to explain.

He didn't think that the young heir could penetrate the Levi Consortium's intelligence network.

It must be said that the Weiting Consortium had taken a step forward this time, provided their people hadn't been exposed.

A hint of coldness flashed in Greysi's eyes.

Being played by someone like this, he naturally wouldn't just let it go.

The Weiting Consortium might have calculated all the outcomes when the incident occurred, but clearly hadn't considered Greysi's temperament.

As the head of the Levi Consortium, he didn't lead the consortium to this point by being passive.

He even dared to snatch the core chip being transported by the Nathan Consortium, so how could he swallow being played like this?

Opening the virtual interface in front of him, Greysi casually dialed the communication.

After a moment, a steady male voice came from the other end.

"Mr. Greysi, do you have any orders?"

"Inform all the companies below to enter a state of alert... Additionally, terminate all cooperation with the Weiting Consortium. Utilize all forces to pressure the Weiting Consortium," Greysi's voice carried a hint of ruthlessness.

Upon hearing Greysi's words, the man on the other end hesitated for a moment before confirming:

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"You know very well that I wouldn't joke about this," Greysi's tone was calm.

"I shall comply with your orders."

The voice on the other end of the communication no longer hesitated, speaking steadily.


It was precisely twenty days after Jonas reached an agreement with the Nathan Consortium that an event occurred that shook the entire District 25.

The Levi Consortium declared sanctions against the Weiting Consortium, and without any warning, the war between the two top consortia began without a trace of smoke.

Greysi Rodrick's decision caught everyone by surprise; no one had expected such boldness from the leader of the Levi Consortium.

With this event, District 25 boiled with excitement. Human nature loves spectacles, especially of this magnitude.

For a moment, the onlookers gathered, preparing to witness this rare consortium battle.

Not only the onlookers, but also one of the parties involved, the Weiting Consortium, were unclear about the situation.

In just two days, the losses of the Weiting Consortium had already amounted to millions of credit points. The board of directors urgently convened a meeting, discussing for a full two hours, but still had no idea what the Levi Consortium's Greysi was up to.

Of course, Jonas, the instigator, remained aloof.

The board of directors never expected that this sudden trouble would be caused by the one they despised, Jonas.

Mister Weiting, the acting chairman of the Weiting Consortium, realized something was amiss after this event occurred, and immediately contacted Greysi, the chairman of the Levi Consortium.

"Greysi Rodrick, have you lost your mind? Stop your foolish behavior immediately," Mister's voice was somewhat old, tinged with a hint of anger.

"Did you start this trouble, and now you're blaming me?" Greysi chuckled, looking at the white-haired elder on the communication screen and said, "Before advising me to stop, show some sincerity first, won't you?"

Upon hearing this, Mister became even more furious. It was obvious that the other party wanted to take advantage of him, but with no enmity between them, was Greysi crazy to play this mutually damaging game?

"Sincerity? You sanction us first, and then you want us to show you sincerity?" Seeing that Mister was still pretending to be clueless, Greysi didn't bother to be patient and directly cursed, "When you decided to hijack my goods that day, you should have thought that this day would come. Do you really think the Levi Consortium is so easily bullied?"

Upon hearing this, Mister also realized that something was wrong, "Hijack what goods? What are you talking about?"

—This old guy is still playing dumb

Greysi couldn't help but curse out loud:

"Don't pretend to be innocent here. Wasn't the Nathan Consortium's II Generation Tactical Chip hijacked by your Weiting Consortium?"

How come it's related to the Nathan Consortium again?

Mister became somewhat confused. He gathered his thoughts and said, "Firstly, there must be a misunderstanding here. I haven't seen any chips, nor do I know what you're talking about."

"Secondly, the Weiting Consortium is willing to help you resolve this trouble, provided you explain the situation to us clearly."

Upon hearing this, Greysi couldn't help but furrow his brow.

According to the other party's statement, it seemed that they really had nothing to do with it?

Then why did the evidence provided by the Fire Gang always point to the Weiting Consortium?

Thinking of this, Greysi suddenly had a flash of insight, thinking of a possibility that he subconsciously ignored.

—Jonas Weiting.

Could it really be his unilateral decision?