
Cyberpunk: I am the heir of a corporate dynasty

Transcending into the role of antagonists in the cyber game, with a daunting entourage of mesmerizing maidens, is indeed intriguing. However, it is lamentable that they are all mere pawns. The cerebral enchantress, possessing the capability to paralyze entire military forces, is hailed as the uncrowned monarch of the hacker realm. Yet, she falls prey to the protagonist's charm, ultimately succumbing to divulging corporate secrets, tarnishing her erstwhile reputation. As for the dark war deity, whose individual prowess can obliterate a squadron of mechanized warriors, as a mercenary, he bestows upon her the finest arsenal and perks within the conglomerate. Alas, the plot prevails; amidst a crackdown on the protagonist, a mutual affinity emerges between them, culminating in betrayal of the conglomerate in a certain denouement, aiding the protagonist in severing ties with her former self. Such instances abound. To avert a fate of stifling demise, he deliberates meticulously, arriving at a resolute decision. Observing the preparations for the impending assault on the protagonist within the corporate hall, Jonas beckons her into the confines of his office. Amidst the bemused gaze of her counterpart, a delicate collar materializes in his hand. "Miss Dark War Deity, surely you wouldn't want your sister to suffer indignity, would you?"

lei_shi · Fantasie
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135 Chs

Ah, what were you just about to say?

According to the nature of the signal system, classical conditioning is often divided into two types: classical conditioning established with specific objects as conditioned stimuli and classical conditioning established with words as conditioned stimuli.

This type of reflex often has little impact on the body but significant effects on the nerves. The chip implanted in Miss Tianyu's body has the effect of enhancing conditioned reflexes... The specific principle Jonas is not clear about, but roughly speaking, it involves establishing temporary connections between the excitatory foci and non-conditioned excitatory foci in the cerebral cortex after multiple associations.

The chip implanted in Miss Tianyu happens to utilize the second type mentioned above, namely, classical conditioning established with words as conditioned stimuli, to stimulate the nerves to produce a response.

In layman's terms... it's just like the scene Jonas just demonstrated.

—He can manipulate Miss Tianyu's sensory sensitivity through words.

As evidenced by Miss Tianyu's current demeanor, after Jonas uttered those words, her toes unconsciously curled up, her cheeks flushed, her hands contracted as if shocked, but her expression remained in a state of bewilderment and confusion.

Clearly, Miss Tianyu is unaware of the implanted sexual companion chip, but her current state is obviously abnormal.

After a brief moment of contemplation, Miss Tianyu finally understood the implications of Jonas's words and her current predicament.

Her expression became complex, transitioning from shock and resentment to embarrassment and avoidance.

In just three or four seconds, the girl's skin became flushed, as if she had just finished bathing.

In the white light of the ward, it seemed somewhat sickly and peculiar.


Before she could finish her sentence, Miss Tianyu shut her mouth, fearing her words would turn into moans.

She glared at Jonas fiercely, but there was no surprise in her eyes.

Having long known Jonas's vile character, Miss Tianyu wasn't surprised by what had happened to her.

On the contrary, after being unconscious for so long, she should have known what he had done to her.

"It seems Miss Tianyu has experienced it."

Seeing the girl's struggle to endure, Jonas couldn't help but smile, curiously asking, "Could you describe the sensation?"

—Describe you!!

Suppressing the desire to curse, Miss Tianyu struggled to sit up, pulling back the blanket covering her body.

The friction of the blanket against her skin almost broke her defense, but she managed to suppress the urge to gasp.

The sensation...

At this moment, Miss Tianyu couldn't discern the complex sensations coming from various parts of her body.

But undoubtedly, she had never anticipated that simply amplifying sensitivity tenfold would bring such feelings.

It felt like she could sense the friction of the air against her skin, her body becoming hypersensitive to every touch, inevitably eliciting a response.

But fortunately, after adapting for a while, the sensitivity wasn't as intense as before.

Thanks to this, Miss Tianyu finally managed to speak her first words.

Lifting her head, she looked at Jonas with stubborn eyes, sneering, "Is this the only low tactic you know, Mr. Jonas?"

The last address was almost gritted through her teeth, not to show her hatred towards him, but because when she spoke the last few words, a gust of wind blew through the window, brushing against her skin, almost turning her subsequent words into moans.

Hearing Miss Tianyu's words, Jonas didn't get angry, just smiled and said, "Miss Tianyu seems to have forgotten how she ended up in her current situation..."

"I am not only capable of using underhanded means, but Miss Tianyu has also already experienced conventional means, hasn't she?"

For Miss Tianyu, this statement was like a piercing attack, as just one sentence directly dispelled her arrogance.

Although not explicitly stated, for Miss Tianyu, the other party didn't need to display the posture of a victor, just this one sentence could make her mockery seem like that of a clown.

With the addition of a silent effect, a single sentence directly silenced Miss Tianyu, but Jonas clearly had no intention of letting her off, just smiling before speaking, "Of course, I greatly appreciate Miss Tianyu's abilities, but I also ask Miss Tianyu to recognize her position."

Hearing this, Miss Tianyu coldly snorted, enduring the discomfort in her body, then turned her head away, as if afraid that the other party would notice her current state.

She knew very well that the more she said, the easier it would be to provoke the other party's sadism, so she cleverly refused to continue the conversation.

Even though some words were difficult to hold back, it was better to suppress them and stew in silence than to endure Jonas's ruthless humiliation.

Jonas could see Miss Tianyu's thoughts, but he didn't rush to do anything. Instead, he sat in front of the girl and calmly said, "No need to be so restrained. After all, we are not in any hostile relationship now, are we?"

"Are we? So Mr. Jonas feels that way?"

Hearing this, Miss Tianyu couldn't help but finally speak, sneering, "But I don't think so..."

She said this, each word deliberately emphasized:

"Once I find the opportunity, I will not hesitate to... uh—"

Before she could finish her sentence, the girl's body tensed up.

Unlike the last time, after a brief stiffness, Miss Tianyu slumped directly onto the bed.

As if experiencing some great shock, the girl's head was wet from the saliva, her tongue sticking out uncontrollably, her eyes beginning to roll upward.

As if rehearsed in advance, the girl's legs came together, her feet crossed, her calves stretched straight, and the mattress beneath her was wet in a large area.

"Hoo, hoo—"

The girl's gasping sounded along with Jonas's voice, as if he had truly forgotten something, apologizing with a hint of regret:

"Ah, sorry, I accidentally adjusted the sensitivity to fifty times."

"Miss Tianyu, what were you about to say just now?"

As the words fell, no one responded.

And as the principal party, Miss Tianyu had completely lost consciousness by now.

—Whether due to pain or pleasure.