
cybernetic: alien reincarnation

law was originally called Lary, he died in a fire that killed only him. he never lived long enough to get a girlfriend for himself. now he was a robotic alien that can transform into vehicles and have almost never-ending supply of weapons and gadgets. he finds his new life hard, fun, and stressful as both monsters and people see him as an threat, but not an enemy. He starts off on his planet originally hit a war quickly brings his home world to it's end. Sending them to another world.

Oaks_lad · Fantasie
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15 Chs

Law the drifter class.

Flicker ~



The red lights within a certain area lit up there were four lights that glowed in a slit on a black shiny steel plate that looked like the headpiece to a knight that lived in the future.

"Ah what the hell!" law spoke but he didn't have a mouth rather it was like the voice was just being projected when he wanted to speak from his voicebox as if it was a radio.

Law looked down at his hands they had wires attached to shiny steel that was his hands the wires were only there to hold him up while he was unconscious. He walked forward a little bit onto a shaking platform that started to glow.

The wires snapped off of him and dangled down from above before the platform that he had just walked on stopped shaking.


A: make one

B: randomly choose one.]

"What type of birthing law is this? Randomly choose a name!? Come on man." law felt a lot of emotions in this singular moment but his thoughts were quickly dispelled after a ding was heard.

The booming voice started to adjust its tone so it wouldn't damage hearing sensors for this specific cybertronian.

[name: Law

Class - drifter

Height- 16 feet]

"I didn't even choose that name! Damn it ever" law swiped at the panel aggressively, he wanted it to go away and the room he was in was making him rather anxious to seek freedom and to have more room to move about.

[moving up to surface levels.-/

Please behave yourself


"D.i? Wait answer my questions! You little shit!" law was slowly elevated upwards toward the surface area.

As his platform reached the surface it came to a slow stop before steam and blue gas were released from under him from the platform. It was just steam from the platform moving so much and adjusting to the new height and stress it was under.



Law heard more hissing noises from the sides, front, and back of him. Law turned his head slightly to see there were other robots or should he say cybernetic beings otherwise known as cybertronians coming up from the ground platforms.

They looked like him but they didn't completely look like him they were only alike by material as they were all made of iron. But they all weren't the same color or had the same build.

Some were bigger had different legs and hands and actually had faces while some were smaller and had different features and stuff on their faces.

Some didn't look like they tried to make them human at all, as they had some beings that looked like completely different species of animal or completely different and not from this world. But they were usually sectioned off into different groups.

There were three groups. law was in a group of cybertronians that are usually all-rounders then there were the ones that looked more like animals they were usually made for battle and for long-distance journeys. The ones that looked like complete extraterrestrials could be used for combat but that's only if they can utilize their intelligence for combat purposes. They were highly intelligent and were usually used for weapon creation, armor, repair, gear, and more.

While law groups could be specialized in all of this. All this information was on a big metal red billboard

Along with being transported into their heads.

A white light flashed on and was directed into the center opening of the groups. The groups formed a giant triangle that had an opening in the middle where the light shined down at.

Suddenly a sound in the sky could be heard as an odd-looking jet started to fly down toward the center of the light. The jet looked like something straight out of the future or a sci-fi movie.

"Isn't it gonna crash?!" law spoke out. As he spoke out some of the other bots looked at him oddly but with the agreement.

"Yeah isn't it gonna crash?! another spoke out. Well then again what even am I?" another hot said as they looked at their hands. All the other bots started to question their existence as well as they looked at each other and at themselves.

As the law group started to talk the other group looked up in awe as the jet started to shift its mid-air. Each piece started to slide against each other not breaking apart at all as it slowly transformed into one that looked similar to them and landed on the ground in the middle of the circle of light.

'Can't tell me that wasn't a scene out of transformers or something' law thought in his head as he looked at this female jet robot. That stood in the middle of the light.

"I'm sure you all have a lot of questions. Do not worry." the robot said as she placed one of her hands on her hip and looked in the direction of Law's group. Soon the other two groups shuffled to their sides till they were side by side with laws group

They now had the two other groups of robots on either side of them.

"They will be answered shortly."