

Rex pov

It's been a month she left. She didn't even say goodbye to me. She couldn't even look me in the eyes. What happened to my Iris? Did I do something to make her upset? *sigh * "Rex we were invited to see her become queen. She will also announce her King." Anakin said wiggling his eyebrows. "Don't tell anyone I said this. Iris is wirking on having every clone a member of Yatoosa. Yatoosieans and the Kaminoans have hated each other for years. If the Yatoosiean king is a clone. It puts the bill on a better ground to pass." He said making sense but I never mentioned a hate for the Kaminoans. I knew they never saw eye to eye but never hate.

Iris pov

The maids were getting me ready for the coronation. The dress was silk with gold  sowed in. It didn't feel like me at all. I liked my Jedi clothes they were comfortable.Two maids did my makeup while one did my hair. Threw the day I had a bad feeling. Something was about to happen. "My lady it is almost time. The suitors are here as well." A maid bowed to me. "Oh yes thank you" walking out my chambers the 707th waiting for me. They form aroun me and walk me to the courtyard. In a few moments I will no longer be free to be myself. In a few moments I will be Iris Tanooki queen of Yatoosa.  With every step it was like a death march bringing me closer to the hangman's noose. There was claps and cheers when the people saw me. The 707th took to either side of the stage. All standing at attention as Seswak removed my vail. Going to my knees infront of the high priestess. "It has been a tradition as old as the soil on this planet. The passing of the crown from parent to child. This daughter of Yatoosa safeguards the hopes of her people. She will bring Yatoosa into a new age. When she takes this golden circlet apon her head, she will stand and announce to you the name of your king." She said now  holding the crown. It was gols with rubys emeralds and Sapphires all threw it. "Do you Iris take this crown?" She asked "I do." I said turning and facing the crowd. "Do you promise to hold your people before yourself? Will you put your life down for your planet? " she asked I looked around seeing the screens the many villages and people watching. "I will do my part as queen. My people are top priority as it always has been. " I responded the priestess placed the crown on my head. "I give to you your Queen. Iris Tygreta Tanooki." She announce as I looked around at the crowd. "I do have a king for you. He is with out any doubt a great choice. My love for him grows by the second. Rex please stand by me. He looked shocked before he came on the stage.  Before the high priestess could go on with the binding of our hands Dooku made himself known.