
Custom Made Eldritch Creature

A traveler wearing a black cloak limps around a ruined world. Being the last of his kind on the planet, he once called Earth, now called the endless footsteps. Eventually, he finds what he’s looking for: a crimson tome. This book had a weird look to it, and opening it, he saw a lot of names. “Sin of Pride, Wrath, Envy, Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth.” They all had names under their sin title, but that wasn’t what he was there for. He turned to the last but most significant page… “The Crimson Prince.” Was what that entire page was dedicated to, with ways of summoning him and everything. “CRIMSON PRINCE GET OUT HERE!” The man screamed and suddenly fell due to a change in positioning. He was on gray sand with a massive neon crimson tree in front of him, and right in front of that tree was him… The Crimson Prince! ————————————————- Extra Tags: World Destruction, Death, Jumping, R18(?), SCP, Mindless Slaughter, Omniverse, Overpowered to Disgustingly Overpowered, Crimson, YANDERE!

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Chapter 4 - The Red Dragon




{System Speech}


In my endeavors, I have run over twenty miles; I have killed over fifty different creatures and even used seven of those souls on a Demon King sense that those Heros have, and I think I just struck gold! In the sky, I see something so rare that if I had been spawned into the world even three days earlier, I wouldn't have been able to even think about this. '[Observe]'

[Red Dragon (Demon King Race)]

[Name: Felix]

[Health: 300]





[Currently looking for animals to kill.]

[Is excited to get his first kill.]

Most Demon Kings, in the beginning, would let their summons do the work as they were either weak or didn't know how to fight, but seeing this, I can't help but think the stars have aligned. Quickly, I used [Shape Mold] and transformed into a [Bigfoot Bird] only to start screaming at the dragon. The [Bigfoot Bird] is very territorial, but even so, what I am doing is death, and I definitely got his attention.

I quickly looked at my soul's amount.


Seeing this, I immediately upgraded [Fall.] and added a new term under what you would be affected.

[Effects - Tiredness, Sluggishness, Impaired Vision, Nausea, Speech Impairment, (New: Flightless)]

The description of "Even a dragon would be rendered flightless" took twenty-five of my forty-three souls.


It was worth it, and the dragon had landed by the time I was finished and started walking toward me; too bad he never even knew that he was walking to his death. Immediately, I reverted to my original form with both my hands as long blades and bolted toward the red dragon. I could see the confusion in his eyes, but it was already too late as I had, with my speed, practically eviscerated his forward left claw. While dragons are powerful, this dragon has no unlocked talents and zero battle experience. Under the stress, he tried to turn around, allowing me to get way deeper gashes into his side and tail, but right as he was about to get off the ground, "[Fall.]"

[You've been hit by a miniature domain.]

[Stats Sealed by 25%]

[Effects - Tiredness, Sluggishness, Impaired Vision, Nausea, Speech Impairment, Flightless]

Usually, a dragon has the [WIL] to break out of this or even resist the effects, but this human has never fought before, is meeting a creature far above his level, and is actively trying to flee. In the end, I am already on his back, running up it while clawing him as I run up, and finally, when he tries to his head to bite me, I merge my two blades and stab him straight through the mouth into the brain, ending his life.

[You've Slain the Red Dragon Demon King!]

[You've Obtained 35 Training Points.]

[You've Gained the Red Dragon Form.]

This is what I wanted, as dragons have a chance to drop their dragon form. In talents, dragons can gain the "Draconian" form, which allows them to get a smaller semi-humanoid form. I then used [Endless Devouring] on the body.

[+3 CON]

+1 STR]


[Race: Eldritch (██████)

[Health: 360]

[MP: 153/200]

[STR: 35+2]

[AGI: 25]

[CON: 35+4]


[Abilites: Endless Devouring, Shape Mould, Maddening Aura, Assimilative Regeneration, Observe, Fall.]

[Talents: Red Dragon Form.]

The reason I wanted a dragon was due to one reason, and that is if you are a dragon, your stats could be:



And when dragons go into their draconian form, their [Health] and [MP] stats swap, generating more [MP] for a smaller form:

[Health: 200]

[MP: 400]

Thus, when I use my [Red Dragon Form], my stats look like this:

[Race: Eldritch (██████)

[Health: 740]

[MP: 100]

[STR: 70+2]

[AGI: 50]

[CON: 70+4]


This form makes me even harder to kill, but due to the dragon not having any talents, I have to do with only the form. The dragon had an Alter so that I could get more items. I take off with my brand new dragon wings into the sky toward the nearest Demon King Alter.

(Five Minutes Later)

I see the Demon King Alter guarded by one guard, and the rest are just [Draconic Laborer]s, and I immediately land only to crush the only soldier under my weight.

[+1 Souls]

The draconic units are costly, so seeing as the Demon King only had six other non-combat units wasn't a big surprise.  With my now twenty-six souls, I broke the Altar, granting me something new.

[You've opened a Demon King Treasure Chest. You've gained "Skill Stone: Red Dragons Breath" and "Skill Stone: Lowest-Tier Anti-Magic." That has to be the worst loot I've ever seen and gotten, as I should have gotten way more than this for a red dragon Demon King, but in the end, they all just started, so the loot will be low.

In the Demon Kings versus Heros game, if you aren't careful, you can die in the game's later stages. I have to take care of the Demon Kings I run into because of the threat they will be if I allow them to grow. The one person I need to watch out for is "The Abyssal Dragon," the main character of this world and the fastest-growing person in this world, as his stats are even higher than mine.

"Zhang Nu," starting in the Chinese continent, is the only one who could wholly overpower me if I am not careful. As a "Abyssal Dragon King," he'll have a domain and abilities that many Demon Kings won't have. The difference between an Abyssal Dragon and an Abyssal Dragon King is that they gain a Domain and different abilities than their standard counterparts. At least for now, I did confirm I am in the American section, so he shouldn't be trying anything for a while, as before level five, not one person can chat with other Demon Kings outside their continent.

Skill Stones can be acquired by killing Heros or Demon Kings, depending on which side they're on, as Heros killing Heros get nothing, and Demon Kings killing Demon Kings also get nothing. I should pretend to be a Demon King and fully invest in pushing for massive wars to get the most souls in the end. 'Using both those Skill Stones would be best as I would have the ability to burn foes from the sky and have magic resistance,' and with that thought, I crushed both Skill Stones.


[Race: Eldritch (██████)

[Health: 740]

[MP: 100]

[STR: 70+2]

[AGI: 50]

[CON: 70+4]


[Abilites: Endless Devouring, Shape Mould, Maddening Aura, Assimilative Regeneration, Observe, Fall.]

[Talents: Red Dragon Form, (New: Skill Stone: Red Dragons Breath and Skill Stone: Lowest-Tier Anti-Magic.)]

[Souls: 26]

Taking flight, I search for a place to call mine while burning any creature under me for souls on my journey.

(Two Hours Later.)

I had gained one hundred and thirty-seven souls, bringing my total to:

[Souls: 163]

Who knew dragon fire would incinerate most creatures it encounters? I'm getting off-topic; I found a spot I would like to call my own, as it's close to a mountain and has many trees surrounding it. I looked at how much it would take to make an Altar for myself, which was surprisingly high for the number of souls I was carrying.

[Place Altar For 143 Souls?]


Of course, I chose yes.

[Altar Placed!]

It looked like every other Altar I had seen before, besides the fact that it was pitch black with bits and parts moving in different directions, which shouldn't be possible. Other than that, it then displayed the units to me.

[Eldritch Laborer]: 3 Gold

[Eldritch Soldier]: 50 Gold

Having zero gold, I would have to spread my wings and find a couple of creatures. The first creature I saw, I grabbed and broke its neck due to me now being in this war; I would need food to trade with other Demon Kings.

[You've Slain Albino River Alligator. Gold + 15!]

With that, I took it back to the Altar and then summoned five [Eldritch Laborer]s.


[Eldritch Laborer]

[Health: 12]

[STR: 2]

[CON: 1]

[AGI: 2]

[WIL: 1]

[Loyalty: 100% (Locked).]

They looked humanoid with many eyes over their bodies, their skin pitch black, and they were precisely five foot and ten inches tall. "I want two of you to gather wood, two of you to gather stone, and the last one to gather food." And with my words, they were off. Due to my [Observe] still being bad, I couldn't see everything in their stats, but even though they look weak, they can overpower multiple adult humans. They don't eat food either; in fact, they drain the life force from the meat, causing it to turn to dust.

Using the twenty of my twenty-one souls, I used ten to fully unlock the Demon King chat with the one message a day limit and then used the other ten upgrading [Observe] to see more than what was being shown to me. Now that that was done, leaving me with one soul left, I went to hunt more alligators to sell them on the Trading Hub.

In only five minutes, I had gotten fifteen more alligators with fifteen gold each, which was 225 gold I had just gained as the alligators; despite being called alligators, they were very big, coming out to six meters in length. Opening up the Trading Hub, I put in the alligators for 15 gold each, as that is what they gave me when I hunted them, and then I was about to type in chat but remembered when you type in chat, they can see your race in front of your name, but you can choose to hide this information. I used one soul to change my name and hid my race from prying eyes.

[#### Scarlet: Selling Albino Alligators for 15 gold each :)]

Immediately after typing the chat, I was startled.

[Albino Aligators???? Aren't they really hard to kill?]

[They should be because they hide in deep rivers and swamps, so how did he get them??]

[Don't tell me he actually dived into the water and killed 15 OF THEM!]

[This man has to be somewhere high up in the race tiers, as he's even hiding his race. Also, who names their child "Scarlet"??]

[This man is weird, but even though the Alligator meat is expensive, it's also massive, so the price might not be bad anyway.]

[I'm going to get one to see if it's actually worth the hype.]


With a million Demon Kings, the alligator meat sold out so fast you couldn't even see the number individually drop, and because of the size of the creature, the gold might not be spent as badly even though the price of food is usually 5-10 gold. Ultimately, I gained another 225 gold, bringing my total to 450 gold. I summoned an [Eldritch Solider], and not only was it as weird as the first summons, but it also had a coolness factor to it.

[Eldritch Soldier]:

[Level 1 elite unit.

HP 40, MP 35,

  STR 6, CON 6, 

AGI 5, WILL 4.

Loyalty: 100% (Locked.)

Tiredness: 10%, Hunger: 10%

Skills: Minor Assimulative Regeneration (Rank D), Minor Shape Mold (Rank E), Horrific Constitution (Rank E).]

Damn, these are some good stats for a soldier, and it even has a "D" rank skill. I am eight meters long and thirteen meters tall in my dragon form, with the [Eldritch Soldier] standing exactly Six feet tall. With the gold I just got, I buy four more [Eldritch Soldier]s and then use 150 gold to buy fifty [Eldritch Laborers]. I tell one of the soldiers to guard the Altar and send the rest to protect the Laborers.

Things are going to get absolutely insane quickly...