
Custom Made Eldritch Creature

A traveler wearing a black cloak limps around a ruined world. Being the last of his kind on the planet, he once called Earth, now called the endless footsteps. Eventually, he finds what he’s looking for: a crimson tome. This book had a weird look to it, and opening it, he saw a lot of names. “Sin of Pride, Wrath, Envy, Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth.” They all had names under their sin title, but that wasn’t what he was there for. He turned to the last but most significant page… “The Crimson Prince.” Was what that entire page was dedicated to, with ways of summoning him and everything. “CRIMSON PRINCE GET OUT HERE!” The man screamed and suddenly fell due to a change in positioning. He was on gray sand with a massive neon crimson tree in front of him, and right in front of that tree was him… The Crimson Prince! ————————————————- Extra Tags: World Destruction, Death, Jumping, R18(?), SCP, Mindless Slaughter, Omniverse, Overpowered to Disgustingly Overpowered, Crimson, YANDERE!

HopOffMe · Anime und Comics
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42 Chs

Chapter 29 - The Prince Awakens





In a land beyond death and life, two beings stood tall. Half of the dimension was pitch black, while the other half was a deep crimson/scarlet color.

The color seemed to originate from the feet of the two beings as they stood facing each other with dislike clear in their eyes.

"You know… I didn't expect this."

"You don't expect a lot of things, Order."

"Yeah, but who could have thought this would happen so soon?"

"If it wasn't for you, Order, I would have eaten all of our companions and grown in power. This wouldn't have been a possibility if you stopped holding me back!"

"You may be right about that, Chaos."

Order took the form of a human, while Chaos took the form of an eldritch creature. Strangely enough, both of them had the human and eldritch depictions of the Crimson Prince.

"Power this, power that—do you ever think about anything other than power?" Order rolled his eyes as he grew annoyed at Chaos's constant groaning of power.

Suddenly, Chaos's face scrunched as he gritted his teeth, and the sound of breaking bones sounded before his teeth grew even sharper. "This wouldn't have happened if you let me go all out! From the moment I was born, I chased power! It was everything I needed!"

Chaos started growing in size as eyes formed throughout his body and tendrils came out of his back and legs. "I need to be strong! That's why I'll abandon anything and everything else! Everything I've done is to gain strength."

Chaos's eyes began looking in different directions as a crown formed above his head. "Fame, money, women, glory, good, and evil! None of it matters to me! There is only one goal I pursue." Chaos's body began shrinking and becoming more humanoid as he became equal in height to Order.

As he walked up to Order, only four feet from him, he began looking up. "Do you see me, father? Even while being dragged down by the absolute worst this being can give me, I still push forward with the unbreakable will of a god! I still go forward, even if I have to crawl for that minuscule amount of strength! I'll get it all, every last bit, until none of it remains!" The scarlet ground began reacting violently as Chaos's aura violently raged about with reckless abandon.

Order seemed unfazed at the obvious spelling out of calling him useless. Yet it all changed as Order suddenly looked down at his hands and clenched his fist with a saddened look on his face. "You know, I want to be strong too."

Chaos stared at Order upon hearing this, knowing he would either be lying or just trying to get him to be compliant.

"I want power, but... if we miss the opportunity to enjoy the little things, by the time we are at the top, we will have nothing." A single tear rolled down Order's face as his thoughts raced.

"If you wanted power, then you would have chased it! Don't lie to me, Order!" Chaos practically screamed at Order, as he knew they viewed power differently.

"You know Chaos... There is one thing we can do to become strong. Strong enough to destroy our enemies. To trample all that challenges us." Order stared coldly forward at Chaos.

Chaos's eyes widen almost imperceptibly. "Oh? So do tell. Tell me what this method is." Chaos said as he began circling Order. The colors of the dimension were unable to mix and formed a swirling motion.

A black crown formed above Order. "The fastest way to power was one I found only recently. It was a theory I was working on. We are both the personalities of the being known as "The Crimson Prince," yet we would never amount to what he could truly be." Chaos kept walking as he was listening to Order. Seeing the crown that formed above his head, Chaos knew he was serious.

"In the end, we would have to merge together." Order finished speaking as Chaos punched him in the face, and before he could fly away, Chaos grabbed his leg and smashed him into the ground.

"That's impossible! We are the concept of chaos and order in the omniverse! We could never merge!" Chaos got even angrier upon hearing what Order had said.

"You said you would do anything for power! Even doing the impossible!" Order slowly began standing up by only using his legs to pick himself up. Black lines began forming on his body as rage could clearly be seen on his face.

"Oh? And say, on the off chance, this works. What would happen to us?" Chaos scoffed as he heard Order's rage.

"The damage to us would be immense. Think less of a total personality change; we could die! Yet the amount of strength we would gain would be so high that the amount of strength we have now would only seem like a drop of water in the universe!" Order's eyes became bloodshot as an insane smile graced his face.

"So are we doing this, or are we not, Vergil?" Order's smile threatened to split his face with how wide it got.

"Don't call me that! As long as I get more power than I currently have, I'll do anything for it." Chaos stood a foot away from order. Reaching his hand halfway, Chaos stood there.

"You always sound like him whenever you talk about power, so why not?" Order spoke as he brought his hand to Chaos's hand in a high-five-like hold.

"For Power."

"For Family"

They both spoke as they walked in circles around each other while still holding hands.

"For Strength Unbound."

"For Cherished Friendships."

Chaos began thinking of himself, being at the top of the omniverse with power unmatched. Order began thinking of all the friends and family he had made on his short journey.

"To the only thing that matters."

"To the people I want to protect."

Chaos and Order stopped walking as they stared each other in the eyes.

""For the power to destroy my enemies and protect the family made on this journey!"" Both chaos and order spoke simultaneously.

The dimension seemed to tremble as they kept speaking. The swirling of colors never seemed to mix but still tried nonetheless.

""We shall become the one known as the Crimson Prince! Our impossible unity shall take form and be known throughout all space and time! Gods shall cower, humans shall kneel, and eldritch creatures shall follow as we make our presence known.""

Both Chaos and Order's bodies began pushing into each other as the now-blob of flesh intertwined and mixed. The colors were impossible to describe as they followed their creators.

Upon fully merging, the dimension broke apart under the weight of the new being that was being born.

"HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!!" A laugh came from the void that was previously the dimension that held order and chaos.


Arceus had finished the creature that had broken its way into his kingdom. He was about to leave the area, knowing that his job was done, when he felt it. The space in the area began to ripple as multiple hands ripped open the space in front of him.

Like plastic being ripped, space broke and opened. The being that appeared had three pairs of arms, with its arms being six in total. It had eyes all over its body, with mouths around the eyes that had formed. No eyes graced its head, but a mouth was in the place where a mouth would be on a human.

It had a crimson crown on its head, with the tips of the crown being black. There were tendrils on its back and legs, with eyes on those as well.

The skin was scarlet, with black lines that looked like futuristic runes drawn across its body. It was twelve feet tall and had three different eye colors. Sky blue, crimson, and orange.

Arceus seemed confused about this new form his opponent had taken, but quickly shook it off. The new being had looked at Arcues, and multiple mouths on his body opened.

"Hey, look who's back!"

"This is my lime green! "

"I'm hungry."

"I crave bloodshed!"

"Let me sleep for once."

"It's drip or drown!"

The mouths all had different things to say, but they all quieted down as the main mouth opened. Only to shut again as the body from the head to the pelvis was cut in half.

Yet Arcues had nothing to do with this. The now-top halves grew new sides and were now two different tops.

"Oh god, get me out of this!"

"Order, look at what you've done to us!"

The two tops tried to break away from each other, only to forcefully pull back together, much to their horror. Now fully formed, the main mouth spoke up.

"Sorry, you had to see all of that... Usually, I am much more held together, so this is embarrassing." The being before Arcues spoke in a shy tone, as he had never held a conversation before.

This all changed as his smile became sadistic. "Just kidding! I love torture and madness! Do you think after this is done, we could go kill some women and children? No? Well, I tried!" The being before Arceus, known as the Crimson Prince, was... Insane, well, unstable was more of a term the prince would like to use.

The universe they were in quivered and shook under the weight of the soul that the prince possessed. The only saving grace was that Arcues could reinforce it.

Arceus looked at the shape of his kingdom before looking back at the prince and noticing he was gone.

"You know I really like milkshakes." The prince said this as he leaned against the back of Arceus's head.

"Too bad you seem to hate them." The prince said this as the top of Arceus's head disappeared.

The avatar of Arceus promptly disappeared, only to be replaced by another one. Only to see the prince right in front of his eyes, almost close enough to touch.

Arceus promptly used his instantaneous movement, only to realize the prince was still in front of his face. No matter how many times he moved, the prince was right there.

Arceus again moved, only to have his face grabbed. As they traveled, the prince let Arceus go by holding his head with two hands and spinning him as fast as he could. Arceus sailed close to the speed of light as he was launched.

The prince seemed astonished at his throwing speed as he took a stupid-looking pose, made binoculars with his hands, and held them to his face. Which had no eyes.

Seemingly happy with his achievement, the prince turned around and used space manipulation to teleport Arcues directly in front of him while he was still hurling through space.

The punch delivered held so much force that space rippled again. Not done with what he was doing, the prince held Arceus's face with both hands, and using darkness manipulation, he drowned the surroundings in darkness.

When the veil was finally revealed, Arceus was unmistakably gone. The only thing that remained were four legs. Another avatar of Arceus appeared.

He tried to fire off another judgment, only to get slapped. "You know it's rude to judge people, right?" The prince said it with a smile on his face.

"I just got an amazing idea!"

The prince brought his hands up to the space in front of him and grabbed it like it was a wall. He proceeded to rip open the space in front of him and put his hand in before taking it out.

Slowly, another version of the prince appeared and pulled its way out of the tear in space. Another one appeared, and then another and another, until there were now five versions of the prince.

"All my fellas!" The original spoke to them before they all turned to look at each other and then turned back to him.

""""All my fellas!""""

All four of them spoke at the same time with a smile on their faces. They got in a semi-circle and proceeded to shake hands.

The four that were summoned immediately turned to Arcues and pounced on him. They were physically tearing into him, with him not being able to defend himself.

The original prince seemed to be dancing. As he watched the four tear into Arceus, suddenly, reality shook again as a golden aura appeared and formed into an energy version of Arceus.

This was the true body of Arceus. And he did not look happy.

The four copies turned to look at the original prince. """"All my fellas?"""" They said it with a questioning tone before Arcues blasted them with his judgment. It completely wiped them away.

The prince grabbed the side of his head with exaggeration. "All my fellas!" He screamed out with horror as he watched his copies be destroyed.

He suddenly looked at Arceus, who was now thirty feet tall. He smacked his palmed hand with his fist. "I've got an idea!" He said it with a smile on his face.

"Oh, he's going to like this!"

"Don't worry, this will be fun!"

"I'm depressed, guys."

"Suicide seems to be the best way to deal with depression!"

"Which one of y'all said that?"

"I'm loving this group! Keep up the insanity, guys; it's really helping!"

The mouths on the prince began speaking again before quieting down as the prince's face got serious.

"With this divine treasure, I summon... Atanti-ql-Paneu!" Space began to ripple once more but couldn't seem to handle the stress, as even with Arceus reinforcing the universe, it still shattered like glass being hit by a sledgehammer.

An eye appeared before a massive, lizard-like creature formed. This was the true body of SCP-682 that, at the time of summoning, had to be at least 500 meters long. As Arceus turned to the new threat, he looked back at the prince to see him dancing.

[While unstable, the prince cannot use his abilities to full effect. This causes his strength and abilities to become many, many times weaker. If this summons were activated by the stable version of the prince, then the true body would be able to fully materialize.]

The prince's body suddenly split apart, with the two halves screaming for the madness to stop, only to reform back into one and continue dancing.

Yet this time they reformed differently, which the prince noticed and smiled at. The heads had halfway merged to form three different heads, all attached to one body.

"I blame you for this order!"

"Well, I guess there is always a price for power, Chaos!"

The two heads began talking before quickly quieting down while they noticed what the middle head was trying to do.

"I bet I could do it now!"

One of the little mouths said before a thin smile appeared on that mouth.

The prince held his hands in different signs, with Atanti-ql-Paneu right behind him.

"Domain Expansion: Omniversal Law of Order"

"Domain Expansion: Omniversal Law of Chaos"

"Domain Expansion: Unstable Unity of the Demented."

Order, Chaos, and the Prince all said their domains out loud, only to merge fully into one again. Once fully formed, the prince's face looked serious as all the domains merged inside of him.

"Domain Expansion: Chaotic Order of Crimson Instability."

The now fully merged prince said that as a domain, the size of a universe began to form.

Arceus wouldn't allow this, as he formed his domain to stop what the prince was doing. This clash only lasted for a second as Atanti-ql-Paneu shrunk down to 45 meters tall, but Arceus, at the same time shattered his domain.

The domain of the prince, with no force pushing it back, was fully formed. The domain had a color of sky-blue, crimson, and black all at once. One half was blue and the other red, but when they met, they became black as a sign of order and chaos and their inability to merge together.

The domain effects keep changing, but with the effect chosen, the prince smiled. Arceus tried to kill the prince with an instantaneous judgment, but the attack faded like it was never there. Multiple manipulations and manifestations were used, but none of them landed.

After all, this wasn't a fight anymore but was now a dance battle. The effect had been chosen, and the sure hit effect of the domain was that Arceus would get hit automatically if his dance was worse than the prince's.

It would deal a percentage of damage to make it fair to anyone fighting against it. It was chaotic yet orderly. Oppressive yet helpful. Suddenly, a voice sounded out loud from nowhere.

[Now Playing: CURSEDEVIL, DJ, FKU, Skorde - TUNCA DONCA!]

With this, the fight had officially begun! The prince began dancing with intent, as he was recreating a certain dance that made him look ridiculous.

Arceus, who was currently being hounded by Atanti-ql-Paneu, couldn't even think to start dancing. Suddenly, Arceus was hit with an attack on par with some of the heaviest hitters in the omniverse.

As a consequence of not dancing, Arceus was currently losing the battle. The prince didn't seem to be paying him any mind, as he was shaking his hips while his arms were above his head.

Arceus immediately grasped the concept of the domain with only being hit once and made multiple avatars and one humanoid avatar that would dance. The dance was elegant and refined, but he was quickly hit again, as this domain wasn't judging on how good the dances were but on how much you embarrassed yourself.

Arceus, as a god, has pride that wouldn't allow him to do such things as "embarrass himself," and because of this, he would be hit.

"Oh? Playing the numbers game, huh?" The prince spoke out with a smile on his face, guessing that Arceus would summon avatars to stop him from dancing.

"Well, two can play that game!"

After saying that billions of "Spawn of Crimson" blasted out of his inventory, they were released alongside the clones of the prince that had been made due to another tear in the domain space.

They had only one purpose, and they all charged forward with murderous intent. Arceus's avatars charged forward while his main body held back Atanti-ql-Paneu.

The fight between these god-class entities would be a dance battle that was partially a capture of the flag!


Beware the Prince of Phonk! The Unstable One!

Truly the most busted domain ability. Capable of taking down gods and destroying anyone in his path!

To put it in perspective, think of the "unstable prince" equivalent to "fat gogeta," where they are merged but they're not merged correctly.

If they were to merge correctly and become the "true gogeta," then they would be so many times stronger that the battle they're having right now wouldn't be a battle.

(You can tell how much weaker he is by the fact that when he summoned SCP-682, it didn't attack him like the ability is supposed to. Let me cook.)