
Custom Made Eldritch Creature

A traveler wearing a black cloak limps around a ruined world. Being the last of his kind on the planet, he once called Earth, now called the endless footsteps. Eventually, he finds what he’s looking for: a crimson tome. This book had a weird look to it, and opening it, he saw a lot of names. “Sin of Pride, Wrath, Envy, Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth.” They all had names under their sin title, but that wasn’t what he was there for. He turned to the last but most significant page… “The Crimson Prince.” Was what that entire page was dedicated to, with ways of summoning him and everything. “CRIMSON PRINCE GET OUT HERE!” The man screamed and suddenly fell due to a change in positioning. He was on gray sand with a massive neon crimson tree in front of him, and right in front of that tree was him… The Crimson Prince! ————————————————- Extra Tags: World Destruction, Death, Jumping, R18(?), SCP, Mindless Slaughter, Omniverse, Overpowered to Disgustingly Overpowered, Crimson, YANDERE!

HopOffMe · Anime und Comics
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Chapter 10 - The Summon?




As my avatar was sitting next to the altar while my main body was moving to the place of choosing my bloodline, the altar suddenly lit up in white light.

The altar didn't smell irresistible or anything like that. It didn't seem like anything. Maybe it was a call for help or a desperate summon attempt.

My chibi avatar stood up, transforming back into what I usually looked like, and walked up to the altar.

I put my finger into the portal and was suddenly sucked in. The portal began changing colors as my body was pulled apart and repaired while going through the now-red portal.

'Is this like a red gate from solo leveling?' I thought to myself as I was being pushed into a universe. Yet my thoughts didn't end there.

'I only know one being that uses crimson as their main color for anything besides me,' I immediately thought to the only thing that could change an altar summon location. Perhaps the altar was always crimson in color, yet it was disguised as white.

Upon opening my eyes, I realized I was summoned in what looked like a cultist's wet dream as multiple humans were kneeling and praying to me, all in dark cloaks.

""Praise The Scarlet King! His majesty has arrived!""

They spoke in a matter-of-fact tone… Well, my form was, in fact, inspired by The Scarlet King, so them confusing me with him wasn't all too unfounded.

One of them stood up, gazing at me as he spoke to me, his tone now sounding a bit crazed.

"Oh great, Crimson Monarch, we, your children, have summoned you to destroy this world!"

It seemed he was a part of "The Children Of The Scarlet King." This was a group I knew only existed in the SCP universe.

'I'm so screwed.'

I thought to myself as the disfigured cultist looked at me with a crazed smile. It's best not to keep them waiting.

I was about to open my mouth when suddenly, the door to the summoning room we were in was kicked down, and a mass amount of humanoids flooded in.

"Get on the ground now!" The soldier screamed as I'm guessing this was by far the most commonly used line spewed out by him.

The humanoid beings holding many different types of guns stopped moving all at once as they saw me. They had the SCP Foundation logo printed on their uniforms, meaning this must be MTF.

One of the MTF with a night vision helmet reached to his ear and whispered quietly, yet I could still hear it.

"This is foxtrot-11. It appears "the children" have succeeded in summoning an entity of unknown proportion." He spoke in a hushed tone that sounded incredibly scared, yet he kept his fright to himself and delivered the message.

After receiving some orders, he lifted his gun and tried to speak. "Everyone op-"


I spoke intently, allowing everyone in the room to hear me as I started floating in the air. The room to the MTF may have gotten a few degrees colder as they knew exactly what they were dealing with.

I turned off the gravity on all "the children," allowing me to pull them all behind me as I started speaking.

"You've come here, members of the SCP Foundation, to put a stop to a ritual, but you've already failed."

"I shall reward you with one thing," I spoke clearly and concisely, as I did not want to waste any time.

"Chaos (Ruination). Order (Preservation)." As I was speaking, they started to open fire on me, only to see their bullets stopped mid-flight before reaching me. I didn't let them stop me in my presentation.

"Hollow… Crimson."

Immediately, a sizeable crimson sphere appeared and destroyed everything before me. The soldiers didn't even have time to scream as the sphere disintegrated them before their brains could realize it.

It kept traveling, even exposing the bright night sky. Yet I paid that no mind as I turned toward "the children," and as they were a part of my "faction," they would be useful later.

"All of you leave this place and find somewhere else to stay. I'll be having fun with the Foundation for a while."

The cultists didn't even question me as they looked at me with reverence and loyalty. They all left as I would distract the Foundation Soldiers coming my way.

I floated out into the moonlight, bathing myself in my first taste of natural, refreshing light since birth. However, my experience was cut short as more MTF began appearing.

There were tanks, helicopters, and hell, and they even brought SCP-076. It seemed as though the Foundation was bringing out half the stops.

Someone came up with a megaphone and started speaking, and it seemed he was referring to me. As the Foundation was always cautious, they didn't dare bring out the heavy hitters without checking the power of the opposition.

"Scarlet King! We have come to make a deal regarding this world!" They spoke clearly even though it seemed their world would come to an end.

"An offer? Well, since this is the last of you, I'll humor you." My tone was as cocky as I could be. Not only that, but I even sounded amused by them making me an offer.

"In exchange for not ending this world, the Foundation will give you anything you desire!" This statement was a bold one, for if I could have anything I desire, would I not just ask for the destruction of their world?

And so I spoke with an even more amused tone, "Anything I desire? What if I desire the destruction of your world?"

That sentence got a couple of them sweating as I could see some shaking, thinking that relations were about to fail and they would die in combat. Despite all this going against him, the man with the megaphone kept speaking.

"The Foundation will give you almost anything besides the destruction of our world!" He pushed forward in this conversation almost fearlessly as he dealt with failing, equaling the destruction of his world.

"While having almost anything granted would be a dream of any creature, I must decline. After all, you're making deals with The Scarlet King, and I am not him."

The entire battlefield seemed to be quiet in shock as I finished my sentence; even the one with the megaphone was shocked to silence as no one could find anything to say. I just kept speaking.

"The Scarlet King's soul is way too big to even fit in this universe. If he were to descend in a summon, then everything would be crushed by the weight of his soul." My words further sent chills down the back of the entire army as they now knew I wasn't The Scarlet King, yet "the children" summoned me.

Not knowing my capabilities yet being able to destroy with the flick of my finger, the Foundation was still in the process of how to deal with me.

"The Foundation would like to make a deal with you! In exchange for containment, what is it that you desire?" I must say the man with the megaphone never once backed down or gave up. He kept pushing for peace even if it seemed impossible.

"For containment? The Foundation is known for being stingy, so I'll lower the price for this. I want one million human souls!" Speaking of one million souls was a million lives the Foundation would have to give me. I even saw the megaphone guy grit his teeth as he talked into his earpiece.

"This can be done!" He screamed into the megaphone as all the soldiers looked shocked at the accepted price.

But I was ecstatic. Not only did I come here and barely fight, but I was also getting a million souls for doing nothing?!

My smile extended as I closed the distance between me and the guy with the megaphone in fractions of a second and spoke in a hushed tone.


The man with the megaphone was so shocked that I was in front of him that he could barely register the words I had said. None of the soldiers had seen me move besides maybe Able, but the deal was done.

I would be shipped off to a Foundation facility and handed my million souls just like that! It was not only free due to me using an avatar but also free in the sense that I wasn't really trapped in the facility.

'The facility they send me to is definitely going to be one where they hold their Keter class SCPs, meaning I'll be in close proximity to SCP-682.

I'm not sure how it will go with this debuff the title of "Crimson Prince" is giving me, but hopefully, he doesn't try and kill me.'

As I was thinking this, I was walking into a truck designed to hold SCPs as it would be moving me to a Foundation site.

The truck started moving forward, and I even had guards in here with me, but I had the sneaking suspicion they didn't want to be in here with me due to their uncomfortable looks and sweating bodies.

Yet I didn't let this deter me as there was only one thing I could think about.

'I just scammed the Foundation into giving me one million souls for free!'


(As promised here is your 100 powerstone chapter!)

I mean, when they summon a being looking like the scarlet king, the most obvious reaction is, "Oh sh*t, we're so fu*ked."

So even though they didn't pull out all the gods and SCP objects they could, they did want to make sure it WAS the scarlet king as there was no army with his summon.

Well, because he looked like the scarlet king and they didn't know his power besides the flick of hollow crimson, they didn't dare underestimate him.


(Don't forget the R!)

Currently almost finished chapter 23 so if you want to see that early check it out!