
Chapter 1: beginning to every tragic consequence

Every story has a beginning , that hook that pulls you into the book , whether it's a sentence like "The day I died. " Sometimes these sentences make the reader curious , like what happened, how did he/she die ; Where they want to find out what happened , hooks like that are wonderful. It makes the reader think of all the possible solutions and or issues that led up to that moment .

The song kind of reminds me of jade's training song and Aiden strutting his shit walking to the gym (literally) .

So, Let me start from the beginning , you're in for a ride , but first I must say this , if you hate stories that are basically biases and obvious then this story isn't for you , however if you love passion , sex gods , drama , weird shit , and all that other profanity and lovely-dovey, melodramatic shit then you have come to the write place .

So sit back, relax and welcome me to my life. Who am I? You might be wondering if you see I was that girl that really blended into the background , the girl in the back of the class , the very quiet one . The one that wouldn't be seen , I am Jade Avery Scarlet. Average normal , nothing special , about me really , over passionate about music and life but completely and utterly shy .

*Flash Back*

You see I wasn't exactly innocent , then again who is in high school. You see at night , people are different, It's kind of like Halloween , you know how people dress as someone there not , yeah you always have those basic whores who dress like well what else , and they don't get judged. But if you were hot and attractive , you weren't judged anyways , you were praised . It's funny how the status quote and ranking of one another gives us a higher more efficient standard of one another.

In order to make money on the side, being able to hold my own , I had to make money and so I joined street fighting. I lived alone , and had no parents , no siblings , basically kept to myself , which is why no one really knew me , I wasn't exactly weak either. I was a good fighter , because I had to be , the guy that trained me when I was 15 , his name is Al , he basically taught me how to defend myself and took care of me , and ever since I was in , every Saturday is when I fight , usually theirs bets placed on us , and we train that whole time , for that fight , whatever we make we get to keep . Which is part of the reason I can afford my house and everything else.

It wasn't until one night the devil himself came into the gym, While I was training. I should've known the bastard would mess up my life . I didn't even see it coming . Aiden Evans. Cocky , pro-fighter, pain in my ass , knows he's attractive , did I mention cocky . I should've know everything changed the day he walked into the gym. What a fucking curve ball.

*Present day*

It's finally summer at the end of junior year , as usual I wake up at 5 am , and go for a run , like usual, but today was different . As I replayed the event that happened last night with Jake, and what Al had said.


" As usual I was training and had the music blasting and on Que the bastard walked into the gym with his usual smirk, ready to work out , tomorrow night I had a fight and Al called me over and told me the time of the match and who it was with. Al said I was fighting Amber Prescott, Blonde pro-fighter , 28, Best tactic was her killer , speed and punch , however she was so focused on repeatedly hitting her opponent she left herself open . You see I was taught how to keep my opponent down with techniques that are not necessarily safe but legal. I watched how my opponent fought and the way they moved . How they used their body yet , not to their fullest capacity.

As usual I didn't really listen to Al , consistent blabbering about how I should take on this opponent and focus on , finally he stopped talking and sighed and said 'Jade , you aren't listening to me , but I know I know you know what you are doing , why don't you spare with Evans , and I want you to keep an eye on him , he has had a bad reputation , and make sure you keep him out of trouble , okay .'

I blinked a few times and finally registered what he said , I laughed halfheartedly , and asked 'if he was serious.' He just smirked and said ' yes , jade , please keep an eye on him for me , I can't have him ruining the name of my gym reputation , with his reputation. '

I finally said, 'Why can't bobby do it , he is your son , that bastard is annoying as fuck , He is utterly disgusting and a pig! Come on Al .

Bobby walked over and said, 'hey there , sweet cheeks , as much as I love you , I will not take care of the pain in the ass Evans!'

Evan joins them shortly and laughs at Bobby's response and says, ' Don't worry Al , and Shut up Bobby you are more of a pain in the ass than I am . By the way Ms. Scarlet , I know you want me , don't try and deny it honey , it's just pathetic.' Sending Jade a infamous wink and smirk.

Jade storms towards the ring , turns on the radio , and gets ready for the bastard Evans. He smirks, and she said ' let's just do this over with your presents and kill my brain cells.' He laughs and says 'Well isn't , someone an eager beaver. Alright Princess , I'll go easy on you.' winking again.

Jade wondered , if his eyes were naturally trained or he had this weird twitch, that he just can't help but blink . She laughed to herself and the match had started. Evan threw a punch , and Jade blocked and punched him square in the Jaw , and Evan threw a punch and Jade dodged it , and swung her leg to knock him down , and Evans caught Jade's leg , and she fell , He pinned her , and she flipped them over and pinned him .

After the whistle is blown Evan's says ' See , I knew you wanted to be on top of me . 'Smirking in the process . Which had taught him a knee in the balls , as jade got up and walked over to where her bag was and saw her best friend Jake. Jake smiled , and was laughing at how his best friend brutally kicked Evans in the balls , He said ' Nice job , wait to play nice , Jadie !'

She smiled and slapped him , and told him not to call her that. He laughed , and said Bye to Al and Bobby .

He walked over to his Black Chevy Camaro , opening the door for Jade , as she stepped in , he drove her home , and turned on the radio , and Jade started singing along to the summer set to the song 'Girls Freak Me Out' Laughing along while singing, as Jake laughed with her singing along , when they reached her house , she got out and he turned off the car , She unlocked the door and asked him if he was hungry .When she got no response she turned around and saw that Jake was looking away , she walked over to him and asked him what's wrong. He didn't respond and she lifted his chin and made him look at her .

He said, 'I have to tell you something , that I've been keeping from you for a while. I don't know how you will act but , just promise me you will still stay my best friend , even after I tell you. You should sit down..'

Jade walked over to the counter and sat down, and Jake walked over to her and held her hands, and said , ' I have been keeping this hiding for a while now, because I was scared of how you would act and well...'

Jade said ' Jake just tell me , you goofball, I won't judge you ..whatever you say , I'll still be your best friend!'

Jake said ' I'm...' "

*End Of Flashback*

Jade was Interrupted by her flash back , by a car honking , when she realized she was standing in the middle of the road. She moved, shaking her head , plugging her headphones back in and continued her run , and then ran home and took a shower and got ready for the fight . After her shower , she checked her phone and had missed calls from AL, Bobby, and Jake.

She got her stuff and headed to the location of where the fight was and signed in and walked into the room and changed and to see Al . After the first round was over , Jade was finally up . Amber Prescott was a good fighter , If you were to look at her you'd suspect she's a model, not some bad ass pro-fighter. But looks can be deceiving.

After the fight , Amber came up to Jade and said that she can pack a mean punch and that she is really good and to keep it , up , and told her that she put up a worthy fight and that she'd see her next year , and told her to be ready to get her ass handed to her , she laughed along with , amber , and said not if yours is handed to you first, and hugs her and walked towards , Al and collected her money and , said goodnight to all and the guys, as bobby walked her out , she laughed at the pick up line he told her and unlocked her car and told bobby to keep working on them.

He laughed and said bye and he will . When she got home she took a shower and got ready for bed and then her phone started ringing so she sat up and answered it , it was an unknown number , she answered unsure of who it was and then she heard his voice.

Unknown #

Hey cupcake, uh your friend , I think you should come and get him...


What ? Jake? Evans you better not have done anything to him , or so help me god you will be eating , your own dick.

Devil cocky bastard:

I didn't do anything , look I'll explain everything when you get here , I found him like this okay , I didn't hurt your precious boy toy. We're at the Red nights Club on McKinney . Bye .

Evans hung up before jade could say anymore, Jade didn't even bother to change ,out of her pajamas as she reached the club , she flashed the guy her ID, and he let her pass without a problem , she went inside and found Aiden by the bar , and she asked where Jake was. He said his car before turning around looking at her in just shorts and a tank top , smirking a little as she huffed punched him as well as dragging him outside . He walked to his car and unlocked it as he saw Jake passed out in the back seat . Jade punched Evans again, swearing at him because he left Jake out here by himself. He yelped . And said It wasn't his responsibility.

So she punched him again and walked to her car, got in and parked next to Evan's car . She opened her car door and slightly shook jake and he didn't move, so she , told Evans to follow her home and before she could speak anymore he was already in his car, she turned and got into her car and drove off with him following behind her , she put the code into her gate and it opened as she pulled into her driveway , she parked and unlocked the door , as well as put her stuff on the counter , and walked back out and Evan's unlocked his car and helped her carry Jake to his room , and she laid him down in his bed cleaning off his cuts and bruises and tucked him and kissed his cheek. She walked down stairs and found Aiden , in the kitchen , she thanked him and handed him money for the gas , and he shook his head, and she said so are you gonna tell me what happened?''

He shook his head and said ' I'm not sure that's my place to say , but nice place you got her cupcake , nice outfit by the way . '

And like usual , he smirked , and ended the nice moment , by being his cocky self absorbed self. As jade escorted her worst enemy she shut the door , and he turned around and said 'Not even a kiss good night, for the road?' smirking like usual , jade smiled sweetly and said 'sure , close your eyes and lean in ..' He did as she said and she slammed the door in his face and yelled goodnight.

Hey my beautiful butterfly cupcake babes, sooooooo what did you think? Did you like the chapter? It's a tad bit long but , you are welcome!!!!!! So as I said in the prologue I don't really know where I'm going with this story , because it's the first time I am writing something like this , and it sort of kinda knows me , but hey why not try something different. As I also said before I am not a writer , so if this story is completely and utterly shitty with grammar then I apologize in advance , and other than that I do hope you enjoy this story if not well sorry ? But can we just talk about what the actual fuck is going on , and like ohmerrrgod .

Oh my dear lord , what the hell did Jake tell Jade !!!

I honestly started laughing when Jade slammed the door in Aiden's face , for about an hour , and his expression was priceless! What the actual fuck happened to Jake !!!!!

So many things I have planned for the next chapter will keep you on your toes, my brain is stoked with this story ! However , this story is for people that are somewhat mature , If you are under the age of 10 then I do not suggest you read my work , except for the 1D fanfic that I wrote , it isn't good so I don't recommend it , however , I have short stories written as well , so if you want check those out they will be on my profile! Enjoy reading and once again , Give me your input and comment whatever you like and if you loved it why not vote . Alrighty my darlings until next time , stay perverted obsessed freaks with marshmallow bunnies.


Butterfly_Childcreators' thoughts