
Curses in Blessings (The Road of A Garbage Collector)

Do (pronounced like 'dough') lived in South City working as a garbage collector with no memories from seven years ago. The people there hated and avoided him, calling him Grass. In the whole city, only one person was nice to him, young lady Ly Giai. When the war escalated between the two countries, Ly and Sa, South City was attacked. To survive the chaos of war, Do and Ly Giai has to travel through many life-threatening dangers. He will meet new people as he regains his memories. Along the journey, they will experience and unveil the struggles, complex relationships, and political battles of Ly and Sa. Where will Do ended up at the end of this journey?

Shyerin · Geschichte
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34 Chs

First Kiss

As the evening descended, the three of us gathered at the tent in the princess's yard. Seeing them back, I quickly reheated the food and we had dinner. 

Si's energy was still high even though the day was ending. He curiously asked as we were having the meal. "When are we out of here?"

"In about a week," I responded while chewing.

"Where will we stay then?" he continued asking, probing into something I wasn't sure myself.

"I don't know to be honest," I admitted, turning towards Ly Giai for any suggestions she might have. "Any ideas?"

"No," she replied at first but then added after some thought. "But I guess we could rent a place," she proposed. It was the most obvious path we could take.

I felt a sudden pain in my stomach from the guilt I had. "I thought about that too, but since I wasn't able to work this entire time. I don't know if we can afford a place," I confessed, can't help but be embarrassed.

Ly Giai gently smiled. "Don't worry, Do. My salary should be enough for about two months. You are injured, so stay rested until you recover," she reassured me.

"Really? That's great." I was happy to hear this, but at the same time felt uncomfortable being cared for and depending on Ly Giai without being able to help her.

Si's giggles cut through my awkwardness. He whispered "Useless" directed at me. Only he can say something so cruel.

"Hey! I could hear you," I shot back, but his cheekiness wouldn't stop.

"Ah! Ly Giai, he's bullying me!" Si ran behind her to hide.

Ly Giai, who was now all used to how we behave, continued with her meal like nothing happened. "Si, don't cause any trouble. Do, don't pick on him."

We both quickly settled down and ate since we didn't dare to not listen to her.

As we cleared the remains of our dinner, I asked, "So, how is the food?"

"It's good," Ly Giai smiled. She always eats so elegantly.

"But it tastes a little different from the other days," Si questioned pointed out. He's quite observant.

"It's because I cooked today's food," I proudly stated.

"Really?" Si dropped his mouth, a piece of meat almost fell out but he quickly caught it. "You cook this good?"

"Of course. I've been in the kitchen these few days and learned from the chefs there. I don't have anything else to do after all," I explained. Inside, I was smiling, full of myself.

I then noticed that Ly Giai didn't give much of a reaction at all. "You don't seem surprised, Ly Giai," I said.

"I noticed from the first taste that it tasted different from the usual, so I assumed that you may cook them," she replied.

"You're so smart," I praised her.

"Thank you," she smiled shyly. Her redding cheek made my heart skip a beat.

We then finished eating and went to sleep. We put the dishes away, took out the mat, and slept together.

I was sleeping well until a rattling sound woke me up. Tiredly sitting up, I looked around to see nothing was wrong. I was about to lie down again but then noticed Ly Giai was nowhere to be found.

I went out of the tent and stepped into the cool night air. The soft rustling of the leaves and the bright light of the moon led me to find her sitting on a rock nearby. She was lost in her thoughts, not noticing my presence. It was an unforgettable sight with the moonlight behind her casting on her figure with her hair dancing with the wind. 

Hearing someone approaching, she opened her eyes. 

"Hey," I greeted, breaking the timid silence.

"Do," she smiled, calling my name.

"What are you doing here at this hour?" I sat down on the ground next to her, letting the cool ground relax me.

"I couldn't sleep," she said softly. At that moment, Ly Giai looked so vulnerable and delicate.

"Still remember about that day?" I asked but did not specify what. We both knew what I was talking about.

She nodded.

A short quiet went by, it wasn't awkward or uncomfortable. In contrast, because we both have grown so familiar with each other, just being with the other person was enough to share the emotions and baggage we were carrying. It is like drinking wine, the more you drink, the more you love it.

At some point during, I offered, "Want a hug?"

Ly Giai raised her eyes. "Why do you say that?" she questioned.

"I just think it would comfort you somewhat," I honestly said.

Her smile was so warm and genuine. "Uhm." she acquiesced, opening her arms in silent invitation.

Standing, I embrace her with my whole body, letting our warmth soothe each others' minds, the contrast to the cool air surrounding us.

"I never thought a hug could feel so warm," she whispered. She sounded at peace.

"Just like you are always there when I am at my lowest, I'm here anytime you need," I assured her. 

I wish we could stay like this forever, but everything has to end after some time. When we left the hug we sat back down to casually chat. I let her retell stories of her family members. I knew it was her way to cope, so I just quietly listened and let her pour her heart out.

At some point, I remembered the princess's words. "I'm curious. How come your family is so wealthy?" I interrupted.

Ly Giai replied, "My family owns a few of the biggest clothing shops in the city. Why do you want to know?" She did not suspect me at all.

"I'm just curious since I don't know much about you when we've been together for quite long," I quickly found an excuse. "Is that all your family did? You had a huge mansion in South City."

Ly Giai put her hand on her chin as she pondered, "I'm pretty sure that was all. They might have other businesses that I don't know about since I was so carefree then."

Her words invoke memories of the days in South City, where Ly Giai would always smile and laugh while playing around with her maid. Her eyes were so vibrant, so full of life. Now, even though it was still lively, it had a drop of maturity and sadness that couldn't be hidden.

"I hope you can still be carefree," I couldn't hide the sadness in my voice when I remembered how bright and innocent her smiles were.

"Things change, Do," she replied deeply, but then changed the subject to something lighter. "That aside. I also don't know much about you."

"Me? There's nothing much about me," I said and thought for a moment.

Ly Giai squinted her eyes a bit. "Why do I feel like you left some details out? Do you not trust me?" her voice sounded a bit hurt.

I shook my head, "Honestly, besides the reason why I was called Grass, I just couldn't remember anything else before coming to South City." I tried to force my memories to come, but I got a sudden headache instead.

"I'm sorry for thinking ill of you," Ly Giai apologizes immediately seeing me struggling. When I settled down and breathed normally again, she added. "But please know that you can share with me anything you have in mind. I will never judge you."

"Thank you," I genuinely said. "I am so thankful that the heavens let me meet you."

Ly Giai held my hands and gently said, "I am also very thankful, Do. Without meeting you, my mind and body would still be under that well. It was you that brought me up." She then raised our hands until mine touched her face. She rested her small face on my palms playfully in silence, all the while I was stunned and speechless. 

When the wind picked up again and rushed us with an overwhelming breeze, Ly Giai uttered, "I love you, Do."

My mind was completely frozen, was it because of the wind? Or because of words I never even dared to dream of hearing, let alone Ly Giai was the one saying it.

"Ex… Excuse me?" I couldn't hold my composer and stutter.

Our eyes locked intensely with the moon witnessing us. In a swift movement, Ly Giai placed her lips on her mind, letting her action speak for itself.

Thanks for reading. Enjoy!

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