
Curses in Blessings (The Road of A Garbage Collector)

Do (pronounced like 'dough') lived in South City working as a garbage collector with no memories from seven years ago. The people there hated and avoided him, calling him Grass. In the whole city, only one person was nice to him, young lady Ly Giai. When the war escalated between the two countries, Ly and Sa, South City was attacked. To survive the chaos of war, Do and Ly Giai has to travel through many life-threatening dangers. He will meet new people as he regains his memories. Along the journey, they will experience and unveil the struggles, complex relationships, and political battles of Ly and Sa. Where will Do ended up at the end of this journey?

Shyerin · Geschichte
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34 Chs


The civilians walked deep inside the mountain and decided to rest. Some scattered to find wood for fire, some set up the camps, and the rest went searching for food.

I decided it was still best to stay hidden. These people didn't like me anyway. Plus, there was no gain in revealing ourselves anyway.

After they regrouped. It was our turn to find fire and food. While searching, I noticed the young lady was always behind my back, holding my shirt. I was anxious and happy that I was so close to her. But when I remembered that she was still afraid and that her smile was lost, I wanted to lighten up her mood a bit if possible.

"My name is Do. What's your name?"

"I'm L… Ly Giai," she replied weakly.

"Ly Giai. What a beautiful name," I said honestly. "What does your name mean?"

"Giai is my name. Ly means…"

I waited but she didn't continue. I didn't say anything after so we continued gathering wood and food in silence.

"Ouch!" I heard a sound from behind. When I turned back, I saw the young lady, or Ly Giai, holding her hand in pain.

"What's wrong?" I asked worryingly.

"It's just… I was picking fruits and hit a thorn," she replied.

"I see," I said, and sat down beside her. Remembering that I still had the cloth from earlier, I took it out. Although it wasn't too clean considering the well water and the blood that it soaked, it was the best we could use right then. I tied the cloth around her finger to stop the bleeding.

"I think we should go back. We have enough wood and food already," I said while standing up.

Ly Giai didn't answer, she simply nodded. We went back and set up a fire. Then, Ly Giai put down the fruits she had gathered. There was a lot.

"Wow, there's this many?" I was surprised.

"I was lucky," she shyly replied with a slight smile.

"Let's eat then!" I smiled back as well.

We ate in silence. To conserve, we decided to only eat a third of the fruits. When put aside, not much was left for us to eat. I quickly finished my portion and watched Ly Giai slowly eat hers.

I guess the nobility and gentleness of a lady never go away. It was just her slowly picking up a fruit, putting it in her mouth, and gently chewing it. Nothing fancy or extravagant. But for some reason, those gestures were beautiful to watch. 

I suddenly remembered who I was, and who I was with. This was the young lady that I had always loved and could only see from afar. I never even dared to dream of being with her, but now, she was right there, right in front of me. I even talked to and comforted her. Suddenly, I felt nervous and turned my head away. 

"What's wrong?" she asked when saw my strange behavior.

"Not… nothing. I'm tired so I'm going to sleep first," I quickly replied and lay down.

"Good night," she said.

"Good night," I returned.

I then pretended to sleep while she kept eating. When she was done, she also lay down as well.

Time passed and my sleepiness helped me have a deep sleep. But before I went unconscious, I heard a quiet cry.

The next morning, I woke up to the noises. Looking around, I saw the civilians grouped up to choose a leader. Finally, an old male veteran was chosen to lead the group. He thinks that going to the capital makes the most sense. The most experienced and armed soldiers there would be able to keep us safe.

They quickly packed things up. I layed Ly Giai who was still sleeping the entire time so that we could move as well.

We tried our best to keep a good enough distance that the people from South City wouldn't see us. Numerous times, I said to Ly Giai that she would be much safer joining them instead of traveling with me alone. They would welcome her and treat her well since she was loved by the people. Ly Giai refused every time I mentioned it.

"You have saved my life. Even if it is a little more dangerous, I won't leave you by yourself," she said.

I was touched. In the end, the young lady I loved still had a good soul even after all the trauma she just went through. 

On the second night, she asked me, "Do you mind if I ask why the people of South City don't like you?"

I choked on the water I was drinking when I heard such a straightforward question.

"*Cough... Uhm... I am not entirely sure, but it is probably because I am a garbage collector and I am always dirty," I replied as I slowly moved away from her. It wasn't the whole reason, but what I said was still true. I realized like what I just described, that I was dirty being next to her. 

"You can't hate someone just because of what they do or how they look," Ly Giai said sadly.

I would have considered what she said to be pretentious if it was coming from the mouth of someone else. But since it was Ly Giai, I knew she truly believed in what she said. "Thank you. At least you don't hate me. That's all I need."

She then smiled and encouraged me, "I'm sure that they won't hold those prejudices anymore when they get to know you."

I smiled, I knew that wouldn't be possible, but I still appreciated her words, "They probably will."

That night there was no moon or wind. Ly Giai and I both stared at the flickering fire that was warming and protecting us from wild animals.

"Are you... alright?" I asked after puzzling myself whether it was appropriate or not.

"No," she replied honestly. "The sounds, the screams. They are still haunting me."

"It must be difficult," I commented. "That morning was all fine, but then at night..."

Ly Giai began tearing up. She tried to smile to keep her from being too depressed. "I love my family dearly, even though I am just their adopted daughter. I never experienced any unfair treatment from the servants or my brothers and sisters. They all treated me as a family member and loved me dearly."

The more she talked, the shakier her voice got. Until she could bear it anymore and collapsed her face in her hands. 

She continued after calming herself a little. Ly Giai just needed to talk to lighten the burden she was carrying. "Father is disciplined and can be a bit harsh at times, but he always apologized to me or my siblings after a rough scolding.

He didn't hesitate but ran to the mountain right away when the sky turned dark the moment a servant came back and told brother had gone missing.

He was the last to rest when our sister was ill.

Father doesn't smile or show much emotion, but we always feel his love and care when the time comes.

Mother was gentle and caring. She always patiently hears about us ranting while smiling. She always talked down the situation whenever one of us made mistakes. Somehow, Father could never get angry at her. 

She always stays in the middle of the conversation, trying to smooth things out. Because of that, she was loved by guests and servants. Ladies loved talking to her and children loved to be around her. 

But that doesn't mean the mother is easily pushed around. 

She had principles and beliefs that she wouldn't waver no matter how much you tried to intimidate her. Unless there are sound reasons, she doesn't alter her beliefs easily.

That night, Mother fully trusted when Father said to go ahead of him. "Listen to your father. We are going," she said to us calmly amidst the chaos and yelling.

Brother took the image of Father. He is stern, righteous, and always treats everyone fairly and equally. He is a responsible person who always does his tasks wholeheartedly. 

Brother takes his training seriously. Our family never understood why he was so disciplined when his peers were having a relaxed life. He would spend the whole evening training with the sword and his room is always lit at night from him studying.

My Brother was the person to always disciplined me when I caused trouble or was lazy. He is the best brother I could have had.

Sister, my dear sister. She is the sweetest person I have seen. Always see things optimistically. She sees the purest, most innocent form of the world. I learned how to be happy from her.

But contrary to her innocent view, Sister is the wisest person I've met at that age. 

She told me, 'The world is heaven or hell depending on whether you want it to be heaven or hell. If you look for curses, you will see curses. And if you look for blessings, you will see blessings.'



Ly Giai stopped. She couldn't say a word anymore, and she couldn't control her tears either.

My family... My family..." she uttered

I moved in closer and offered her a hug. She didn't hesitate to wrap her hands around me. I prayed so that I was able to share her pain, even if it was a non-significant amount. 

How much does it hurt to be the only one left in your family?

Thanks for reading.

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