
Cursed To Be A Red Rose

Princess Ievna was the princess in the kingdom of Shovalon. Shovalon was a small kingdom, and it was conquered by the kingdom of the witches, Wemor. Her parents were killed in front of her eyes, and she was cursed to be a red rose by the strongest witch, Sharass. Fourteen years passed, and Princess Ievna was living as a red rose in the last fourteen years. The witches locked the red rose Ievna in the tower prison, and she would only be able to return to her human form in Spring when roses would bloom. And even in Spring, she could only exist in her human form during the day when the sun reigned over the sky. At night, she would turn into a red rose again. Princess Ievna was living in the dark prison for fourteen years until finally, the prince of Breviel, Reigen, managed to snatch Shovalon from the witches' grip. One night, the arrogant prince accidentally opened the tower prison and saw a beautiful red rose in the prison. Later he learned that the red rose was the princess of Shovalon. What would happen to the princess of Shovalon and the prince of Breviel? Would the prince of Breviel be able to save the princess from the curse? Maybe that wouldn't be easy because all the prince wanted to do to the princess was touch her. Unfortunately, the princess was no longer a human. He would need to pay with his blood if he wanted to touch the princess' body. --- "What a beautiful princess of Shovalon. I have saved you from Sharass, and to repay my kindness, let me touch you and make you mine." "Every rose has its thorn. If you touch this red rose, your fingers will bleed." --- WARNING! SLOWBURN ROMANCE! --- Original cover by jjia_en on Instagram ^.^

rotteroos · Fantasie
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182 Chs


Princess Ievna hugged her body while sitting on the cold marble floor, and even her body was shaking slightly. Maybe because her body was getting weaker, or maybe because of something else.

Only the princess herself knew the reason behind her terrifying expression, but she looked as if she was facing a monster.

On the other hand, Prince Reigen heard the same warning once again, and he smirked before saying, "I'm not a gentleman, but I'm still kind enough because I want to help you. You dare shout at me when I have good intentions for you?"

Princess Ievna brought her silver eyes to look at the prince again, and she could see how arrogant the prince was. She was sitting on the floor while the prince was standing in front of her, and it seemed the prince was looking down on her.

And maybe the prince indeed looked down on her because he felt he had a higher status than her.

"I don't need your help, so you can just leave me alone!" The red-haired princess replied again in a tone no less arrogant than the prince.

The princess was not mentally weak. Right now, she was indeed physically weak, but she would not let the arrogant prince step on her pride.

Perhaps she was no longer the princess of Shovalon respected by her people. Shovalon was gone, and a member of the royal family would not exist without the people providing support.

But to Princess Ievna, she was still the princess with all the memories in her heart. The kingdom of Shovalon had been destroyed, but the princess' heart remained the same.

Meanwhile, Prince Reigen was still looking down on the princess, but he suddenly bent his body slightly so he could get a better look at the princess. The princess inched closer to the door because she didn't want to stay close to the prince.

"You are not bad at all," the prince finally spoke again. "But, how can I comply with your wish to leave you alone? You may be a thief in this palace, and I need to keep an eye on you before you can prove your innocence."

Princess Ievna tried to suppress her anger. Even when she was in her best health, it was still impossible for her to fight the prince. Now that she was in her poor condition, she more than understood that she would not win against the prince. That was why she chose to keep her mouth shut to suppress her screams.

Prince Reigen still leaned forward for a moment, but then he straightened himself up again, causing the princess to heave a sigh of relief.

"We still have to wait until dusk before you can prove your innocence, right? While waiting, I will lock you in this chamber. You are the suspect, and I can't let the suspect escape before I can make up my mind."

The prince then turned around again after he finished speaking. Now Princess Ievna looked more relaxed after the prince walked towards the bed again. She was still pale, but she felt better without the prince standing near her.

But, the pair of silver eyes bulged when they saw how the raven-haired prince was starting to take off his pajamas. Her memory wandered when the prince did the same last night.

Princess Ievna was in her red rose form last night, and the prince probably didn't think that someone would witness his perverted act. Thus, he could take off his clothes without hesitation last night.

But the princess was in her human form today, and the prince shamelessly repeated his action even if he knew that he was not alone in the chamber.

The prince knew that there was a girl in the room, but he still took off all the garments on his body, leaving nothing but his bare body.

Princess Ievna had to turn her head to the side so her eyes wouldn't be stained with the shameful act before her. If she could, then she would run away from the perverted prince to save her purity. Unfortunately, her body was too weak to even inched away.

Meanwhile, the prince smirked at the sight of the princess who refused to look at his majestic body. Other women usually felt like they were in Heaven upon seeing a glimpse of his body, yet the red-haired girl dared to resist such a sight.

It hurt his pride, but he decided to keep quiet as he walked to the wardrobe. From the wardrobe, he took out a robe before putting it on his body.

After the robe covered his body, Prince Reigen walked towards Princess Ievna again. The princess could hear footsteps approaching her, and she was nervous once again. She was afraid the prince would touch her body, and she used her hands to encircle her body again.

The princess's attitude looked strange in Prince Reigen's eyes, and he raised an eyebrow at the sight. "What's the matter with you? I just wanted to open the door, so please move aside, Your Highness."

Now Princess Ievna realized that she was stupid. She sat right in front of the door, and of course, her position did not let the prince open the door.

Holding back her embarrassment, the princess finally moved aside to let the prince open the wooden door.

Prince Reigen smirked before opening the door. As soon as the wooden door opened, the prince immediately came out of the room.

The next thing Princess Ievna heard was the sound of the door being locked. The princess knew that Prince Reigen had locked her from the outside for real.

The princess could only rest the back of her head on the wall helplessly. She managed to get out of the witches' clutches after the witches died, but now she was in Prince Reigen's clutches.

She couldn't even decide which one was better than the other between the witches and the prince.

"Maybe today will be my last day in the world for real."

Please don't hate Prince Reigen~ (but I hate him too until this chapter, lol) xD

Thank you for your support~

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