
Cursed noble: Reborn from a faraway land?!

Hino Kinnazaki, Son of the renowned CEO of the Kinnazaki agency, a detective agency, died because he accidentally drank a poisoned juice his dad brought from work to investigate on. He is fortunately reborn as a noble in a fantasy world of swords and magic. "Huh why am I still alive? wait wait wait, isn't this like those isekai mangas I always read!?". Will everything be fine because he's a noble or a will he get in trouble because he IS a noble?

Hir_Oki · Fantasie
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: This is not a dream right?

"Damn it! When will I get out of this stupid training?!"

"Just because my father is a professional detective, doesn't mean I have to be one too!"


A bright morning arrived, painting Hino's face yellow as he look for somewhere to sit in the old abandoned building he's currently in.

"Aagh! My body hurts! What time is it? I want to take a nap first..."


"Drats! I'm gonna be late for school!"

He rushed to his house, an unnecessarily huge mansion where only two people live, his father and him.

"Hey son, Where have you been?"

"Ha!? To hell with that, old man! Stop acting like you don't know anything. And stop bothering me I'm gonna be late!"

"Oh, hahaha the daily training, sorry I forgot! ...No, really, I forgot! You have to atleast know how to fight for your own survival you see? Being a detective is really dangerous you know? You might be assassinated any time."

"Ugh, what a pain.. It's not like I want to be a detective too!"

[Whatever, let's just eat a quick breakfast and something to drink... Oh? there's a new bottle in the fridge? Yep, let's take this one and..]

*glug, glug, glug* Hino drank the liquid so fast he almost choked, haha, but what he didn't know is the contents of the bottle.

"Hey, Hino! There's a bottle in the fridge that looks like a jar, It's dangerous don't touch it." And he continued to read the newspaper on the couch.

"Whew, This taste icky for some reason, its making me tingle ahahahaha!"

"Wait did dad say something? Didn't quite hear it.. Meh, Its probably just about my stupid traini-"


"Huh? Did I trip over? My head feels hazy... I need to get up, Im gonna be late for school.."

What he drank just now is a mysterious liquid from a criminal organization his dad brought home to investigate on. What is the liquid actually? Its seems to be a poisoned juice specialized in assassinating political officials.

Hino, unfortunately didn't know what was in it because he was in a hurry.

Hino then died immediately because of too much intake of the poisoned drink.


As Hino gains consciousness, he finds himself in a dark void, stretched out as far as the eye can see.

"Where.. Am I...?"

"I was just in the house, like, a while ago right?

Hino confirms his existence by punching himself in the stomach

"Oww! This.. This is not a dream?! Wait, isn't this like the stories I used to read?"

A strange man in a suit then came in his field of vision.

"Are you finally awake, outlander?" the man said while approaching Hino.

"Hey... WHY IS YOUR FACE A GALAXY?" Hino shouted

"Ehem, A bit rude but fret not for I am here to give you another chance!"

"Chance? What do you mean?"

"Oh, you died, like, 30 mins ago" with a somewhat happy look on the strange man's face.


"HAAAAA??? I died??? Why exactly am I dead?!"

"Hmmm, from the intel I got, it seems like you drank poison. LOL"

"Hey don't "LOL" me! This is serious!"

"I know, that's why I'm here to give you another chance to live."


"In another world that is" said by the man while grinning.

"What? Are you saying a fantasy world is real?!"

"Correct, my friend!"

[My friend? Hey you're strange, I don't know you.]

"Well, do I get an op skill?"

"Why, yes. But! It's randomized and you only get to know what it is when you're in the "real" world"

[So I'm basically taking a gamble, huh?]

"I'm fine with it, what are the options anyway?"

"Nope. I won't tell you"

"This useless man is getting on my nerves!" gritting his teeth.

"Haaa! Fine, whatever let's get into it! What I get doesn't really matter, I just need the basic skills to get advance skills."

"Haha, how optimistic! I like that, young man."

"Well then, first let me tell you what really is your purpose in that world."

[Oh yeah, I completely forgot to ask about why am I actually being reincarnated! Good timing, strange man!]

"Yeah, let's hear it."

[If my memory serves, this is the time where a god tells them they're the chosen one or they need to defeat the demon king. Which is it?]

"The reason is..... Entertainment!" the strange man exclaimed.

"....What?" Hino asks.

[Oi oi oi, this is not looking good! what does he mean by entertainment?]

"Ehem, pardon, I worded it suspiciously. Frankly I want someone to be my personal human, a servant if you will. I want YOU to venture a different world in my stead!"

"I will still treat you like a normal human nonetheless. Not a slave nor demon."

[Wait a minute! he's reasoning is somewhat weird... He wants me to go to different world in his place??]

"Umm, Hey, how do I say this... Can't you just like, go there yourself..?"

"Ofcourse I've thought of that already! Who do you think I am?"

[No, seriously, who are you? -_-] Hino mumbled quietly.

"While I am omnipotent, I unfortunately don't have a physical body!"

"This is where you come in! I will not possess you or anything, BUT I will be in your mind, lurking around."

"I can't exist outside of this place, that's why I'll be in your mind, looking through your eyes, that way I can also say I'm experiencing something new."

"Will I still keep my consciousness?" Hino asks.

"Yes, we are basically gonna share one body."

"But you're gonna be the one in control."

"Hmmm, I see.."

"Well then, final question... Why me? Why did I get chosen?

"Hm? Oh that? well.... ummm... Let's just say you were the only one who ended up in my domain. Hehe."

In reality this godly being, Fon, have been observing Hino for almost his entire life. He's been planning to make Hino his own human.

Because of his perseverance in his training, working part time jobs, maintaining his grades, Fon was amazed at how a single human can manage all of this, an amazing human, perfect for his plan.

He then waited for a moment where Hino will finally die. Fon planned to stay in his mind and make him go into a new world, a fantasy world in Layman's terms.

"So..? How about it? will you accept my proposal? I'll stay in your mind in exchange, I'll reborn you in a world where sword and magic is common. This interests you right?"

Hino gave it a lot of thought because this is not something you need to answer on a whim.


Hino answered immediately.

"Well then, My name is Fon and I'm your very beautiful and cute guide. teehee."

"Uhhhh.. Im- Wait you're a woman!? I thought you were a man considering your name and build"

"I use that body when I'm talking to someone."

"Since I'm gonna be in your mind, I may as well reveal myself, right?

"Yeah Yeah. Well then, I'm Hino Kinnazaki, I accept your offer. Let's go to another world!"

"Yes, Let's do it! Im also done with the preparation to inhabit your mind!"

[I'll live my life to the fullest, not in my original world but in a different one!]


