
Cursed Me

Beautiful and witty Elena Dan is an easygoing girl in her own little world of hers. Soon enough, the said world of hers began crumbling as people she gets more close with, gets more harmed. People tagged the unprecedented scenario as her CURSE and they began distancing themselves far away from her. Her little world with people in it became a lonely and silent world. Amidst her curse, a boy came along not minding her cursed self but instead gets more close to her in friendship, and in love. The love scenario begs for the question, will her curse exhibit in action on the boy or will a predictable solution be revealed on her curse? Catch more of the story in the book

Adams_SDA · Teenager
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17 Chs

At the middle

Bruce 💜

"So you kissed him?" I asked Elena trying to suck out an affirmations about what happened between her and Brian. Clearly they weren't screwing so what would it be...obsession?

"No Bruce, he kissed me"

She replied with her arms crossed to each other and playing as if she is innocent. She can't lie to me. She clearly is still in love with Brian but with the new student flocking around her wanting a chance, it'll be as hard as ever.

I can't call this a love triangle because the boys will definitely hate themselves with so much passion all to the reason of the fragile witty creature standing before me who is my sister. Seeing it all, Brian loves Lena, Lena doesn't want to go back to him, a new boy wanting a little bit of her, three impediment situation...a worst case scenario!

"What should I do?" She asked desperately. Though she's the eldest, I act like her older brother not as junior. She runs to me when she is in any relationship break, when she is pained of seeing past ex leaving her for another lady...I give her advices and tell her the go solution on every prob...and she has done that. Now this was another case

"Bruce" she called me out to my trains of thought. I smiled as she just sigh. She noticed quite well, I am so blank.

There are different solutions to this but it'll all have a set back. If she leaves both boys, she'll be hurt indirectly...if she chooses one, she'll be hated by the other...if she just decide only friendship, their feelings will even burn more. There's nothing I can say to that.

"You're blank aren't you?"

"Yeah. Sorry sis. Every solutions have set back"

"Urghh...how did I get here to this mess? Two boys, one girl"

"Don't get worked up too much...just follow your heart"

"Last time I trusted this heart, it failed me the more."

I haven't been in a relationship but from the aspects of Elena, it feels like I am even into one.I can't manage it, the clingy girl, her problems, her self, all of it...urghh

"I guess you are right. It failed you"

"Anyway...I'll live my life on, no Brian and no Jace"

"Then you'll have to make that clear to them"

She gave s rough type of exclamation.


Both boys have feelings, the whole school knows. This would be a fight of love. She only is the one who have the power to stop that and to spice up the fight. Stopping the fight, she'll have to make her self clear to both boys and the school that she's not into relationship...Spicing things up, she'll have to cling to both boys making them battle for her.

So now...Elena is at the middle....


What can I say, I won't wanna be the bad mouth here but, there's only one problem that cause all these...Lena is extraordinarily beautiful. Beauty attracts men, so beauty attracts a decision here, either Brian or Jace.

Her choice, not mine