
Cursed Fate: Gate to hell (Download the new version)

Welcome to “Cursed Fate: Gate to hell” A mysterious book, An extraordinary book from the future, is controlling two people's fate in the present world. Kindly download and read the Novel! Don't forget to leave a review. Follow me on Instagram: @doriswrites.s or @doris_writes

Doriswrites_s · Fantasie
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18 Chs

Chapter Eleven: Blood

Lucinda endured the humiliation given to her as she stifled the anger boiling within her until the breakfast ended. After breakfast, Raymond, Luciana, and King Herald departed, leaving King Blagden with Lucinda alone in the dinning room.

"What with that look? Above everything, you can't harm me." He said with finality as he stood up from his seat. With his tone and facial expression, he was confident that no one can bring harm to him.

"How sure can you be?" Lucinda stood up as well as she walked up to him. Seeing her sudden spirited act, he beamed as he tilted his head to a corner.

"Well, do you have someone in mind?" He said playfully, but Lucinda didn't deem that as a joke. Really? Did she have someone that can harm him?

King Blagden chuckled upon seeing her childish reaction. It was clear that she has no one that can stand against him.

"The person that can hurt me is that man in your dreams" He stooped to her level as he whispered those words in her ear. Upon hearing his words, Lucinda eyes widened in surprise and fear. The man in her dreams? How did he know?

"Don't bother yourself. I'm not a human and I don't think like you do. Just forget about what I just said and go back to your room." He said.

Lucinda sitting on her bed closed her eyes enjoying the ray of sun on her face. If she wanted to thank nature for one thing, she would thank him for the creating this beautiful sun. Even if nothing showed her love, she was comforted and loved by the sun. She could feel it with the way it reacted with her skin. She could do this all day.

Turning left, her eyes caught sight of the strange book. "My Cursed Existence" She read out. Staring at the book, she didn't know what to do. Reading it would make her emotional and that was one thing she wanted to avoid presently, but what could she do? Reading was the only thing she could find interesting in this boring palace.

Opening the book, she flipped some pages, looking for an intriguing topic that would motivate her. Nothing in this world was fascinating anymore. Pain and anxiety filled with nation as everyone is interested in what would make them happy.

She would have been grateful for her existence only if her mother was still alive, or she wasn't treated bad by her family. She wasn't known as 'Princess Lucinda'. She was nicknamed by people as 'Bad Omen'.

What she never understood was why she was called that name? She never gave anyone bad luck? Despite being abused emotionally and physically for several years now, she wasn't still used to it. It was getting more painful every day that passed by, but who could she blame? The person who created her is to be blamed for bringing her into existence.

With anger and annoyance, she kept on flipping the book. She couldn't recollect what she was searching for until she saw her hands covered with blood. Blood? Glancing over to the book, she saw blood dropping off. How come? There wasn't a cut on her palm. Where did the blood come from?

STRANGE WORDS: Your blood is mine!!!


I want to use this opportunity to thank @Daoist6mI0vu for giving my book a power stone.

Actually, that's my first power stone for this book...I'm really grateful 🥰

I'm expecting more soon❤️

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