
Chapter 42

"You don't want anything?" Sunniva ask, licking her ice-cream.

Yes I want a lot but you limped all the way down to my car so fucking you into oblivion isn't on the menu.

"No." I shake my head as she reaches for the dial.

She seems better now, happier the way she always is. It's so foreign seeing her cry and I have now, more than once.

She hums lowly to the music as her tongue lapse up the dripping ice-cream. Fuck me.

I slow down as we near her apartment hoping to extend our time. She offered me a nightcap but Luther's ridiculous ass booked someone for the ass crack of fucking dawn tomorrow morning and I don't want to wake Sunniva up early because she already works harder than any student teacher needs to work.

I should find this Mr. Rossi and nail him to his fucking office wall but I can't, Sunny'll definitely have a stroke if she finds out I did that.

"Don't mess on my seats." I warn, turning off the engine and getting out of my car.