
Chapter 36

"Hey man." Eddie greets, awkwardly shoving his hands in his pockets, "You 2 hanging out tonight?"

"Yeah." I shrug.

"That's cool, that's cool. Listen... Leo I didn't mean to be a dick the other night. Sunny's great and I wasn't trying to disrespect her or anything."

"Okay." I reply, wanting this whole awkward show to end.

"We good?" He asks and I shrug in response.

"Fuck yeah! So can I join you guys?"

"Fuck no." I scoff.

"But w-"

"Eddie get lost." I shove him back and he laughs flipping me off before taking off.

I watch Sunniva walk towards me with two large popcorn boxes in her arms.

"I got extra butter on both. I hope you don't mind." She says.

I take one of the boxes from her and she smiles mischievously when she pulls something from her back pocket, "I also got 4 packs in case you changed your mind about candy." She says, waving the stretchy candy in front of me.

"You plan on finishing all of that yourself?" I ask, stunned.

"Of course." She frowns.


When we enter the dark theatre I feel his hand finally holding mine. He must not be one for displaying public affection, my Mom's the same way.

"Leo, these aren't our seats." I state, inspecting the ticket in my hand.

"Nobody's here, Sunny." He says and I look around and scan all the empty seats.

"Why would it be empty? This is a great film." I say and he scoffs at me in response, "It is." I protest.

"Okay Sunniva," He says, sitting down in his seat and pulling my wrist so I'll do the same, "I'll believe it when I see it."

"Was that Edwardo's brother I saw earlier? What did they come in to view?" I ask, munching on popcorn.

"What?" He frowns.

"What film are they watching?" I repeat.

"Nothing, Eddie left but he was alone. He doesn't have family."


"Marc and Eddie don't have families." He shrugs.

"Leo..." I draw out, hoping he remembers what I told him about giving context to shocking information.

"Oh." He laughs and then stops when he sees my mortified expression, "Yeah they grew up in foster care together with Alex, Marc's older brother but Eddie has no family he knows about." He finishes and I nod taking in this new information.

My heart aches for the both of them. I remember from Momma's research into foster care that it isn't the best experience for most kids.

"Do you know what happened to their families?" My curiosity takes over my manners.

"No." He shrugs, "They never really talk about it." He frowns in thought.

"Okay." I say, holding my tongue from asking anything else.

Leo absentmindedly interlaces our fingers over the arm rest when the movie starts playing.


"Do you think they're gonna get their business back? I hope so but this man is so awful. Oh gosh what just happened? Did she just slap that l-"

"Hey, how do think they do that?" I point to the screen hoping she'll revert her focus back on the movie instead of giving me the third degree about the plot of a film I too have never seen before.

"That? Oh it's this slider they put the camera on, like little train tracks that gets the whole shot." She says, surprising me.

"How do you know so much about everything?"

"I do not." She laughs quietly even though we're in an empty theatre, "My uncle took me on the set of his music video once and I saw the crew do it." She explains, chewing on the red licorice.

"Your Uncle?"

"He's not really my uncle because him and my Aunt Hen never got married but he is Eric's dad. Eric's his only kid so he made it a big deal his whole life to be super present even though it annoys my Gran that he takes over every big family event. For my Moms's vow renewal ceremony he flew our whole family to the Bahamas." She shakes her head, laughing at the memory.

"Your family's..." I try to pick my words not wanting to insult her.

"Eccentric?" She offers.

I nod even though I was heading in another direction.

"What about you?" She asks biting her lip nervously, "I mean are your aunts and uncles as strange as mine."

My chest is tight but I decide to ignore it. I hate how nervous she looks asking me this simple question and I hate that I can't bury the agitation in my gut when trying to answer it.

"They might be. I wouldn't know." I force my words out.

"Oh you've never met them before?"

"My mom was a foster kid too." I say and I turn away from her when her eyes grow sad.

"It's okay Leo you don't have to continue." She says, rubbing circles on my back and I shoot up from the seat repelled by her touch.

"Leo! Please don't!" It's the panic in her voice that halts my rushed feet and when I turn around I see the look on her face, pure terror.

Of course you fucking idiot! Were you just planning on leaving her alone in this place?

My feet bring me back to her twice as fast and I lift her into my arms.

"Sunny, I didn't-"

"It's okay." Her voice is shaky and broken, "Just don't... leave me here okay?" I feel like a piece of shit because I am.

"I won't. Do you wanna leave? We can go some place else?" I offer trying to erase my erratic behavior earlier.

"No... I want to finish this movie." She whispers.

We're silent for the rest of the film and I'd think she's pissed at me if she wasn't squeezing my hand as tightly as she is right now.

"How'd she know that?" I ask this time.

"She can speak to the ghosts." She explains.

This movie couldn't possibly get more ridiculous.

I scoff, making her swat my arm, "Don't laugh I can speak to ghosts too."


Just when I thought Sunniva Wallace couldn't get any stranger.

"My Great Aunt Janice," She states with conviction as if it offers any explanation, "She passed away at the lake house and it was a family secret until I revealed it one Christmas morning. It's not all ghosts all the time. I've only ever met 2 ghosts but I think that's all I need." She says, shivering slightly.

I can't help but laugh at this.

"Stop laughing." She groans, making me laugh louder.

"Can I tell you something else?"

"There's more?" I tease and she rolls her eyes.

"My sister, Neoma, hasn't spoken to me yet and I'm kind of bummed out by it." Her words are like ice cold water down my back.

"Why?" I ask nervously.

"I guess because we were just always so close. You know? I don't know why she'd want to stay away from me when she's finally free. Maybe I did something and she's upset with me-"

"Sunniva that's ridiculous." I interrupt, "You didn't do anything."

I wish I could say more. The truth feels like acid as swallow it back down.

"You're probably right." she shakes her head, "I didn't mean to get all weird." She pulls at the skin on her nails and I hold her hand to stop it.

"You can't help it." She rolls her eyes, thankfully ending this conversation.

"So..." She draws out as we exit the theatre.

"It was as worse than I thought." She tips her head back in laughter at words.

"Oh come on Leo. It was great!" She protests.

I see Captain's girlfriend and a few other ladies exiting a romcom and I quickly pull Sunniva under my arm and quicken our pace.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I thought I saw someone." I say, holding the door open for her and resisting the urge to shove her forward when she looks over her shoulder.

"Who? An old girlfriend?" She teases.


Why the fuck are so many people here?

She pulls on the last of my nerves when she turns around abruptly and stares at the building. "I can't believe I did it." She whispers to herself so quietly.

"Thank you." Her arms wrap around my waist and my anxiety immediately dispels.

I run my hand down her back and take a deep breath as a shove my nose into her cloud of orange hair. She laughs when pushing me away.


"I'm dumping that shit in the trash the minute we get upstairs." Leo warns when I open the third packet.

"Upstairs?" I feign confusion.


"Excuse me, Leo Woo but nobody comes upstairs on the first date." He frowns at my words.

"Are you serious?" He deadpans.

"As a heart attack." I nod, "But I will allow a kiss." I say, leaning over to press a soft kiss on his cheek.

When I pull away his hand reaches for the back of my neck and the other pulls me into his lap.

"I hate to remind you Sunniva but you've allowed for a lot more than a kiss." He whispers against my lips as his hand runs up my belly to massages my left breast.

In response my hips buck into his and I whimper. He watches me with a pleased expression and pulls my lips closer to his but when I lean in further he holds me back.

"But I guess it's up to you." He shrugs.

"Leo." I moan in frustration because my jeans aren't allowing me any ease as I grind against him.

"What, Sunny?" He pulls me back.

"Kiss me."

His lips finally brush against mine and his hand falls to my chest cupping my breast in his palm.

I shriek backwards when I hear a knocking on the window and Leo instantly holds my waist in a death grip.

"Hey! I got kids here!" I turn to see an old man and if I couldn't get more embarrassed his eyes light up in recognition.

"Is that you Sunny? Hey, how are ya?" Mr. Whitler greets outside the window.

"Oh I'm good..." Leo begins to laughs and I swat his arm to make him stop.

"Alrighty I'll see you around." He waves before tugging on the arms of his two grandkids.

"Oh my god." I facepalm.

"You wanna go upstairs now?" He teases.

"Yes, yes I do." I nod frantically and open the door to hop out of his lap.

The clouds block the moonlight and I wonder if Lucy's home. She left earlier to see her Mr. Grover so I'm not sure if she'll be back until much later.

When I reach into my pocket to check for my phone and realize it's not there.

"What?" Leo asks beside me.

"I left my phone in your car."

"I'll get it while you catch the elevator."

I watch him rush back then I turn to the bright lights of the lobby.

Lucy is not going to be happy about this construction if she decides to come home tonight.

"Hi." I wave at one of the men dressed in bright green. "Do you have any idea what time you guys'll finish up tonight?"

The man I ask who has red cheeks and dark blue eyes smiles wide as he approaches me and all the other guys grumble in laughter, "You asking cause you wanna let us up afterwards sugar? I can show you my power drill." He rubs his hands together and I step back when it looks like he's reaching for me.

"Don't be scared, hun. Ray ain't gonna hurt you."

"Please don't touch me!" I shriek when he reaches again.

I almost thought he was listening to my words and moved back but he was shoved onto his back by a quick large figure that bolts passed me. It happened so quick I didn't even notice it was him until he reared his fist back.

My heart drops when I hear the sound of bones cracking and I'm finally back in the present.

"Leo!" I yell but he can't hear me over the hollering of all the other men in green.

"Leo! Stop!" I yell louder when his balled fists punches the guy again. His chest is heaving and his eyes dart to me immediately.

"Sunny." I see his mouth moving but I can't hear his voice.

My body is trembling and I'm in shock. He's suddenly much larger than he was before but his eyes look so lost. I reach out for him when he stands up but he flinches and rushes out the door.

"Leo!" I call out but he doesn't respond and continues until I see him get into his car and take off.

There's a buzzing in my ears and I can't seem to get a full breath. He looked so afraid of me.

I turn to the loud noise and see the man slowly getting up. At the same time the elevator dings open.

"You little bitch! Tell your boyfriend to finish his fight like a real man!" The bloody man yells, charging for me but he's held back by a familiar face.

Austin looks back at me in confusion as him and a friend of his hold the irate man by his shoulder, "Are you out of your fucking mind man! I will call the police and have you arrested." He threatens the man.

I stand there awkwardly, as usual unable to do a thing.

"The police? I should call the police to have her fucking boyfriend arrested for assault!" The man yells, glaring at me fiercely.

A guy behind him takes off his hard hat and whispers something into the bloody man's ear, "Man, I don't give a fuck!" He pulls against Austin's hold. His friend whispers something again and his body calms and he looks downward in thought.

"Fine. Get off me I'm not gonna hurt anybody!" He grunts and Austin and his friend let him go.

My mind is still racing through all the commotion that just took place. I look around at everyone staring at each other and something bright catches my eye. It's my shiny phone cover and I bend down to pick up my phone.

When stand up I see the man pass me by with a hard glare.

"You need me to walk you back to your apartment Sunny?" Austin's voice sounds worlds away. I shake my head and thank him before rushing into the open elevator.

I call Leo a few times but it doesn't even go to voicemail, he just rejects it. I wish I knew where he lives but I don't and I decide against calling Luther or his friends because I don't know how he'll feel about that. I'm in shock at this whole situation that I don't even feel my tears until they drop onto my chest.

I hear laughter when I enter the apartment and rub my eyes immediately.

"How was your date!" Fatima's voice surprises me as I walk into the kitchen.

"It was..." I struggle to find the words not because it wasn't great but because I'm struggling to piece together everything that just happened in the last ten minutes.

"Oh no! Were you crying?" Lucy enters the kitchen, "What happened, Sunsun?" She coos and I immediately break down in her awaiting arms.