
Cursed As A Dragon God

Traversed are humans that were crossed over from the real world to a different world, that of magical properties. Traversed possess unnatural magical capabilities, even to those that are native to the world they ended up in. Some are either gifted with great magical and physical prowess while others are said to be cursed with strong abilities with immense drawbacks. Those native to Inferis believe that the Traversed were purposely pulled in from their worlds to this one, for one specific purpose; to act as fuel for a dangerous ritual that would bring about the end of the world. Once every few decades, a Traversed happens to be cursed with a Calamity; a magical attribute that imbues them with immense power capable of deciding the fate of Inferis. Lucian happened to be one of the unfortunate souls that were pulled in as a Traverse and was the unluckiest one to be granted the Calamity of the Dragon. The Dragon Calamity forced him to become one of the most powerful beings in Inferis, but he doesn't know how to control it or channel its true power, and many factions in that world are aware of it. Cursed with such power, Lucian must fight his way to get back to the Soul Gateway, the one-way ticket back to his world. [Cover is AI Art of One of The Characters that will appear after Chapter 20(Spoilerish) ]

Lunacia_Yujin · Fantasy
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133 Chs

Incident Aftermath

The Swarm Hole closed completely, leaving the sky to be as normal as it was before. 

Lunaris slowly descended down, "Tch..." She muttered under her breath, "The Demon got away...." 

As she did so, several riders appeared stampeding through the field; Lunaris's men. They had just managed to arrive at the scene, just right after Astorias. 

Lunaris set her gaze upon Lucian, who was on his knees, clutching his bleeding arm, "So he's alive...." she said softly as she swiftly flew towards them once she got low enough

Astorias watched this, "What is she doing?" she whispered

Lunaris landed next to Lucian who winced in pain, "You fool." She said seriously, "What were you thinking? Running away." 

Lucian scowled, "W-W-What do you think?!" He exclaimed, "You held me captive, I didn't want to be used by you people!" 

"You don't understand." Lunaris said, "This is bigger than both you and me...bigger than the Darklight Sect or the Order.....This is for the survival of our world; Infernis." 

She extended her hand and suddenly, Lucian was engulfed in a golden light. 


Lucian widened his eyes as he felt his entire body be healed like nothing; his wounds closing up and his strength was coming back. 

"I...." He said as his arm was regressed to normal, "Why did you...?" 

Lunaris lowered her hand as Lucian was fully healed, "You're my responsibility." She said seriously, "I cannot have you dying, I am in charge of your well-being." 

Lucian looked at her, "I'm not your puppet." He said slowly standing up, "I won't be controlled."

"You're not a puppet." Lunaris replied, "I never said you were. But you need more convincing to join our cause; we need your power, Lucian. To win. To fight back against the forces that threaten everyone in this world. If those capable of doing so won't do it, then it is Us who must!" 

"Hey!" Astorias said as she landed right next to Lunaris, she had leaped over from where she stood, "What are you doing, Luna?!" 

Lucian flinched and took a step back, "B-Back away from me!" He exclaimed

Brodin stood behind Lucian, not reacting much, but was quite wary of Astorias. He knew that while Lunaris was powerful, she wasn't as much of a danger to them as Astorias was, her reputation being that of a wild natural disaster. 

Lunaris looked at her, "That's my question, Astorias." She said seriously, "What are you doing?" 

Astorias leaned towards the winged Paladin Knight, "I came to deal with the Demonic activity, where were you???" She said with a mocking tone, "I repelled that demon back myself....and this Cursed One here is mine! Not yours!" 

Lunaris frowned, "Huh?" she said, "If I recall correctly, he was under my supervision, Astorias." 

Astorias jabbed a finger at her chest, "You lost him, stupid." She said with an annoyed tone, "I found him, I disabled him, and you come here and heal him! Now he can run away, once again. And I'm going to need to disable him again." 

Lucian scowled, "Get this one away from me, she almost killed me!" He exclaimed, "She's crazy!" 

"Crazy???" Astorias said as she planted her sword on the ground and walked towards Lucian who backed away, "Oh, I'm crazy you say?" 

She grabbed Lucian's collar and pulled him down towards her face, giving him a scowl. She then stopped and saw something in Lucian's eyes who was looking away. Despite not looking right at her, she could see them and could tell there was something off about the light in them. It was something she wasn't used to. 

"Let go of me, lady." Lucian said under his breath, a bit nervous

"You're not scared of me?" Astorias asked as she tilted her head, curious

Lucian looked at her, "Do I need to be?" He asked, "I just don't want to get my arm shredded again." 

Lucian looked directly at Astorias's red eyes, taken aback by their color. He then immediately looked away, slightly flustered. 

"Hmph." Astorias shoved him back

"Ah!" Lucian fell on his butt, "Dammit!" 

Brodin merely watched this, "Hm...." He said

Lunaris sighed, "Leave him be, Astorias." She said crossing her arms and looking at Brodin, "Who is this?" 

Astorias walked back to her sword, "I don't know." She said, "He's a Graced One, though. Like you." 

Lunaris raised her eyebrow, "Traversed?" 

Brodin nodded, "Yes." 

"Interesting." She said, "What are you doing with this Cursed One?" 

"Ran into him." Brodin said, "We fought an Oni before coming to Rivertown and here we are." 

"I see....." Lunaris said, "You seem quite capable." 

Brodin shrugged, "I guess I am." he said

"Lady Lunaris!" someone called 

Lunaris turned around to see one of her men walk up to her, holding a staff, "Yes?" She said

"We healed the Bull Knight." He said, "Some of his men were slaughtered by the Imps." 

"Oh yes, that Demon could spawn them with his blood." Astorias said 

"I see." Lunaris said, "Well done in eradicating them, Astorias." 

"Hmph! I didn't do it to be praised by you, Sister." Astorias said, "That Knight was kind of weak, getting done in easily by the demon." 

Lucian looked at Brodin, "They're sisters?" He asked

Brodin shrugged again, "How should I know?" He said, "I don't know them." 

"You legitimately dropped some exposition about Lunaris." Lucian frowned

"Everyone knows of the Darklight Paladin Knights, kid." Brodin said, "Doesn't mean we know them personally." 

As they said this, some of the Bronze Bull soldiers approached, holding their captain as he limped alongside them. Lunaris's men were slowly walking over to them, holding staves with a crescent moon at the top of them. 

"Heh." Astorias said as she placed her hands on her hips, "Look at this one, all messed up." 

"Do not make fun of the injured, Astorias." Lunaris said with a serious frown

As the soldiers reached them, Ser Cretan slowly straightened up and clutched his waist, "I would like to offer thanks, Lady Lunaris." He said, "For aiding us....and for having your men heal me and mine...." 

Lunaris nodded, "Of course." She said, "Anytime. But this was quite an incident, Ser. The Town received quite the wrecking. All in a short amount of time.....To think that a Swarm Hole appeared in these parts, spawning a powerful demon at that. But we are fortunate that it was repelled quite quickly. Who knows how much damage he could've caused....it would've been cataclysmic." 

"He was weak..." Astorias muttered

"Anyways." Lunaris ignored her, "All due to this Cursed One and his Calamity. If Onis are spread throughout the Bull Kingdom, then it is my responsibility to keep him safeguarded. The Onis will not bother any other innocent towns or cities if he's with us. If they dare attack us, however, we'll be glad to eradicate them." 

"That is true, thank you for that." Ser Cretan said, "I imagine that His Majesty and your Arch-Magus will come to an agreement regarding the Calamity....." 

Astorias nodded, "Tell your King that he's mine." She said seriously, "I won't anyone else take him. I'll make sure to keep him on a tight leash." 

Lucian scowled and stood up, "I don't think so." 

"Shut it!" Astorias pointed at him, "Or would you like me to break you!" 

"You ain't breaking shit!" He shouted, "I'd rather die than let some psycho keep me around, tied up, fueling her weird kinks!" 

"Just in luck, I can grant that wish, you shit!" Astorias scowled as she walked up to Lucian menacingly

"Enough!" Lunaris said, "Astorias, back off."

"Bah!" Astorias flicked her hair, nearly hitting him on the face

Lucian looked away and crossed his arms, saying nothing. 

Cretan cleared his throat, "There is something, however." he said, "Brodin, the Artificer. He must come with us." 

Brodin narrowed his eyes, "No." 

"You are wanted by the Bull Kingdom for your crimes, Artificer." Cretan said seriously

Lucian looked at him, "You committed crimes, Sarge?" 

"Those were misunderstandings..." Brodin said, "I was pardoned by the King himself. The only reason I am in this Kingdom..." 

"Those pardons were lifted, unfortunately for you." Cretan said, "Now, you will have to come quietly with us, or else His Majesty will make you a top priority. The last thing you want is the entire Kingdom looking for you, running you off from this country." 

Lunaris looked at Brodin, "What crimes are we talking about here?" She asked

"Probably assassination." Astorias said, "The way he wields guns and all that." 

"I didn't commit any crimes." Brodin said, "The King merely didn't want to let go of my abilities, a long time ago. He branded me a traitor and forced me out...he then sent me a letter, pardoning me for those supposed crimes and allowing me back in." 

"Now that's a story right there, I'm curious now." Lucian said

"I'm not interested in talking about it." Brodin said

"Well, too bad." Cretan said, "You're still coming with us, orders from the King. You will not defy him." 

Lunaris sighed, "If he's your problem, I'll leave it to you. I'll come and have a squad do some cleanup here." She said, "Tell your superiors that the Darklight Sect will fund the repairs and rebuilding of Rivertown, Ser." 

"We thank you." Cretan bowed slightly, "As always, your kindness is unmatched, Lady Lunaris." 

"Hey, I'm the one that saved you lot." Astorias pointed at her face

"Quiet." Lunaris said

"Whoa whoa whoa." Lucian said as he stepped forth, "You ain't taking Brodin away." 

They all looked at him, even Brodin. 

"Why's that?" Cretan asked

"Cause he's with me." Lucian pointed at himself, "And if you wanna take him prisoner, either you take me prisoner or you gotta get through me to do so." 

"Kid, what are you-" He started

"This isn't your concern, Cursed One." Cretan said, "You're under Darklight custody now, you're their problem. But Brodin is under ours, he comes with us." 

"Well then, I guess we have a huge problem in our hands then." Lucian said seriously, "This man here saved my life, so I ain't letting some chumps try and take him away, you know?" 

Lunaris looked at him, "Lucian." She said

"His name is Lucian?" Astorias said, "Interesting..." 

Lucian frowned at that comment but didn't respond to it, "Listen, you want Traversed to join you on the fight?" He said, "If you let Brodin come along, I promise I'll come along quietly, no running away." 

"How am I sure you aren't lying?" Lunaris said

"My Calamity is burnt out right now." Lucian said shrugging, "I can try to fight back with sorcery but this crazy one will more than likely put me down hard." 

"He's right, I'll break him." Astorias nodded

Lucian shuddered, "Damn..." He muttered, "You really are something...." 

Astorias tilted her head, "Yep~" 

"I cannot allow this." Cretan said, "Brodin, The Artificer must come with us." 

Lunaris sighed, "Lucian, are you sure about this?" She asked

"I'm serious." Lucian said, "He goes with the King, I go with him. It's your choice, Lunaris." 

Lunaris looked at Cretan, "Brodin, The Artificer is now under Darklight Sect custody." She said

"What?!" He exclaimed, "That is ridiculous! You can't just-" 

"Tsk tsk." Astorias pointed her sword at her, "You heard Sister, the old man is with us." 

"Lower your sword, Astorias." Lunaris said as her wings fluttered, "Mine apologies, Ser. But you must understand, in order to prevent any incidents like this, we have to keep the Cursed One close to us. And if we need the Artificer with us...." 

"Then so be it."