
Cursed and Blessed In a DC Universe.

He couldn't win in life.Every time he found happiness it was simply torn away. Nothing went right .Betrayal sorrow and debt were all the had. He was destined to die miserable.And when he opened his eyes 3 demons stood before him . What will they offer ? What will he give? And why are they so clingy???? Authors Note. I own none of this it is all a fan fiction and as such don't expect cannon stuff or proper timeline & placement because kids multi verse theory. There will be comedy harem ,violence ,sex,****,and gore. Also the mc will be Strong but not OP.Anyone who dislike harsh reality situations or seeing there favorite hero's corrupted don't read.This is my first time writing so I will accept help from helpfull criticism but if you don't like it vote it down and leave cause I don't care about your negativity.Also cover is temporary I do not own it.

Vindrathix · Anime und Comics
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10 Chs


Authors Warnings if you haven't read them till now enjoy the eye rot.

For everyone supporting this work thanks for your support you guys make it worth my time.


{Unknown POV}

"I am so bored." I said to myself as I flew through the sky with no particular destination.

Maybe I will go help superman or something. No that's not really interesting right now.

Mess with some mortals?

Mmmm fun but I really don't want to be locked up again.

Take a new mortal lover?

Maybe but men are almost all the same.

Maybe a woman?

Not really my thing.


"Wait what do we have here?" I asked looking down seeing a dozen or so men fighting a girl to a stalemate.

This might be interesting I said as I flew down to get a closer look, feeling that this will somehow alleviate my boredom.


{Unknown POV 2}

Damn they just keep coming!

I thought I had lost them but he seemed to have sent out more than I thought.

That bastard kept me locked up for so long I don't even know the year.

There is not enough shadows around me with the sun up so I can only use the weapons on hand.

"Give up and return with us. The master may forgive your crime of escaping." Said one of the masked assassins

I laughed

" Forgive me ???HE LOCKED ME UP FOR YEARS TELLING ME I WAS JUST ANOTHER REPLACEABLE TOOL!!!!!" I shouted feeling the anger from years of loneliness and isolation.

"Your punishment for failure is not unjust." Came the simple reply from the brainwashed zealot.

I can't last much longer I am tired and hungry. I have been locked up for years being fed just enough to survive and the worst part is that they attacked in the middle of the day when I am weakest.

I looked around trying to find an escape route. As I did so one of them moved to my rear. I barely dodge his sword just as the next one moves and manages a glancing blow to my side. I start bleeding and the pain shoots through me. But just like them I have been trained to ignore such trivial things.

I prepare to simply do what I can but I know I will die here. As I come to terms with this thought another one steps forward and slashes at me. As I try to dodge again the others make a move only this time two come at me from different sides. This is it I thought to myself .

As the swords came towards me I tried to think of how to take at least one more with me, but as I began to throw my blade at the nearest one he was suddenly replaced by a sheep????


What the hell?

" Baaaaa" x12

Suddenly they are all sheep. Did I hit my head or maybe I was wrong about those mushrooms being edible?

"It looked like you could use a bit of help." A voice above me said.

I looked up to see a woman in a purple cape floating. She had long red hair held by a purple circlet. She wore what seemed to be a strapless gold chest piece that only covered her breast and attached to her cape along with a purple panties covered in the front by a long purple cloth hanging from a belt of gold and red gems. She also wore thigh high purple and gold leg armor and similar armor on her hands to her elbows.

How was she not freezing? Or embarrassed?

I decided not to question it I needed to get away from here.

"Can you get me to Gotham?" I asked hoping she could help.

"Now why would you go there?" she asked interested

I sighed in exasperation.

"I need to talk to Batman." I said simply.

"Well well well this will be interesting." She said with a big smile.


{Crystal POV}


I finally get away and now some guy in a rubber suit blocks me.

(You need to find somewhere to rest soon your body is tired from using so much power) Sonya told me.

[I know, I was so close to Ratz place and now this] I replied thinking about the counterfeit broker that Jack had introduced me to last year. He could make anyone a new identity and if you paid enough it would be 100% legit looking even in the national databases. I was going to have him set me and Wrath up new lives before I killed him.

As I got ready to fight a sudden blast knocked the guy in front of me partway across the roof. To his credit he landed on his feet. But I turned towards the source wondering what the hell now.

" Great and who the hell are you?" I asked holding my brother closer.

"Call me ..."

"DAMN IT CIRCE WE ARE HERE TO TALK WITH HIM NOT FIGHT!!" An angry voice said from behind me I turned quickly to see a woman standing there.

She had caramel skin and long black hair and beautiful green eyes. She wore a gold and black armor that covered most of her body except her naval.

"Calm down Penumbra a little blast like that won't hurt him it was just a greeting." Said the woman floating in the sky. She suddenly looked towards me with a face full of interest.

"And who might you be?" She asked curiously.

(She is powerful we can't fight her) Sonya told me.

[I guessed that already but thanks for the tip] I replied

"Just a loving sister trying to leave the city with my little brother." I said hoping they would all just leave me be.

This seemed to surprise her for a second before she started to laugh loudly.

"Hahahahahahahahaha, well that's unexpected. So I assume that bundle you are carrying is your brother?" She asked landing in front of me.

"Circe, I don't have time for this I need to speak with him." Penumbra said walking towards the man who was now watching the interaction between us.

"Hmmm fine. You stay here I want to talk to you more. Try to run and I will turn you into a hamster." Circe said to me as she walked over towards the man in the black rubber suit as well .

They then proceeded to have a somewhat heated conversation about some plan that a man named Razz all ghoul(?????) had to wipe out a good majority of people using something called a lazeris pit(???) to poison water supplies.

At first the man didn't believe the one named Penumbra but with the woman Circe talking to him as well he seemed to give it some thought.

He then asked if they were going to cause trouble if he let them go to which Penumbra said she wanted to get away from that life. Circe simply told him that it depends on her mood which seemed to annoy him.

During this time I had debated on running but the fact was if she could make good on her promise how would I take care of my brother?

Finally he left and Circe came back over to me.

"Hmmmm girl what are you gonna do now?" She asked me.

"Leave this city and start a new life with my brother." I replied honestly .

I was tired from using my witchblade Sonya so much. She had warned me repeatedly to simply grab my brother and leave that place but I wanted to be sure nobody came after us for revenge. After all Jack had taught me that witnesses and survivors will give the most trouble.

"How old are you?" Asked Penumbra coming to stand near Circe.

I hesitated for a second before answering.

"Fifteen this year." I finally said.

Penumbra seemed slightly shocked at my answer and then looked at me up and down again before asking, "And after you leave here how will you support your brother? You can't get a job that will support you both and take care of him you know. He looks to be just a child himself. How old six or seven years?"

" He is eight today." I replied starting to bristle a bit. I knew she was partly right, in my original plan I was waiting until I was eighteen, but the best laid plans don't survive contact with the enemy.

"Hahahahahahahahaha yes it is interesting. Yes I now know why I had such a good feeling from all of this." Circe laughed causing me to jump and a few bladed to bristle off my shoulders from the suddenness of it.

"I am going to adopt you both." She said happily while staring at me.



After about an hour of trying to deny her I had finally given up. She was stubborn beyond anything I could imagine. Penumbra also seemed to be interested in it all and followed saying she had nothing else in life so might as well come with us. I finally relented and as I couldn't keep it up anymore set my brother down on the roof uncovering him.

He slept soundly still and before I could do what was necessary Circe shouted beside me "WOW HE IS IS CUTE!!!"

Of course he is he is my only little brother. The only thing in the world that can be cuter than him is our future children. Penumbra didn't say anything but stared intently at him. He is mine you know I won't let you two have him.

I raise his shirt a bit and feel a wave of lust sweep over me that I quickly control. Apparently Sonya's side effect amplifies sexual desires or something, I didn't really listen to those devils much when they gave her to me.

I pull the gem I had stored the girls in earlier out and place my hand on his chest.

(What is it? Is it time to wake him up?) two voices asked me .

"No but take these and train them to serve him well." I said out loud causing Circe and Penumbra too look at me oddly.

Suddenly dark tendrils came out of my brother and reached for the gem in my hand wrapping around it and slowly pulling it into his body. As soon as this was done I sat down and retreated Sonya into myself leaving me naked on the ground with a red and silver bracelet on my right wrist.

"Well that was interesting." Circe said looking at me. I said nothing grabbing one of the bags I had brought and pulling out a short skirt and a spaghetti strap top.

"No underwear?" asked Penumbra

"Not while I am holding my brother they would just get dirty." I replied to her causing her to look at me weirdly.

"So now what?" asked Circe seemingly bored now.

"First we talk and then we need to go see a rat." I replied tiredly.

It was time to leave this city.


{Wraths POV}

I had a dream.

It was a strange dream too odd and too unreal, and yet so familiar.

In the dream I approached a village. An army of many various races followed me. We were trying to save this villagers from the so called "purification". We were too late. Two women stood by me A green skinned woman and an elf. They had been with me for such a long time.

We approached the village or more precisely what was left of it. Most the inhabitants had been butchered, their upper body's cut off from their lower ones and piked onto tall poles. They were all women but not human ones. Their upper bodies looked human down to their hips but they had six eyes and fangs, their lower bodies were large spiders.

These girls were not fighters but farmers and herder's. They took husbands from among the other races and were very peaceful by nature eating the food they grew and raised.

But here they had been butchered. The men were found near wives and daughters . They had tried to protect their loved ones.

We found more men in the village center chopped up and laid out to spell a single word.


I couldn't find anyone alive it seemed. I walked towards a temple near the back of the village. Inside was just more carnage as most the children and elderly had been gathered here. I was about to turn and leave when I noticed a feint light from behind a large statue in the center.

Walking around it I found a temple priestess dead but in front of her was a temporal spell cast on the upper body of a girl. The girl was frozen in time still alive but as soon as the spell wore off she would die. I started to look for her lowers half but the body's had been butchered badly and not one had been left intact.

Finally I found the lower half of a girl but the bones were badly smashed. I decides to do something regardless as I pulled the body towards the temporal field.

I began casting several magics finishing the spells by plunging my hand into my other arm and removing the bones. I used them as the base as the shield broke and the magics took effect. The two body half's began to fuse and my bone disintegrated and flowed into the girl.

As the shield fell she had screamed in pain. I had grabbed her hand with my remaining arm and coaxed her through the pain.

Eventually the spell finished and the girl was whole. She then looked at me with tears in her six crimson eyes.

I asked her her name.

But before I could hear it I woke up from the dream.


I was in room that was shaking slightly as I awoke. I looked around confused .

[Where am I?]

(On a train with your sister) Nero replied

When I heard her I started to panic remembering what had been happening before I passed out.

(Calm down you are laying in her lap) Xavira said to me causing me to stop and look at what I was laying on.

My sister slept and I had been stretched across a bench seat in a small cabin using her lap as a cushion.

[How did we get here? And what happened after I passed out?] I asked them

(Internal strife and your sister managed to escape during chaos) Nero replied

I tried to get more details but they refused to say more which was strange. Before I could get angry with them a voice startled me.

"Finally awake boy? You've been sleeping awhile." A red haired woman said across from me.

She was in a full length purple dress with her hair flowing down. She looked ready for the red carpet.

"Don't scare him he just woke up Circe." Said a beautiful woman next to the red haired one. She was in a pair of black jeans and a overly tight black t-shirt that made it obvious she wasn't wearing a bra as I could clearly see the outline of her nipples though the shirt.

"Ummm hello, who are you?" I asked the two women as I sat up. My sister immediately began to wake up as soon as I left her lap.

"I am Mio Moreau , and she is Circe Moreau ." The darker lady said to me.

"They will be our new guardians from now on." My sister said to me as she wrapped her arms around me and drug me back into her embrace.

"Ummm what?" I asked confused.

"Like I said they will be our new guardians from now on. Also you have a new name and so do I." My sister said causing me to stare up at her even more confused.

"New names?" I asked

"Yes, from now on you are Daemon Moreau , and I am Cereia Moreau ." She said to me.

"Also we are going to live in a new city." She said happily.

I was just so confused at everything happening at once.

"What city?" I asked hesitantly.

The answer came from a gleefully Circe. She seemed rather familiar but I couldn't place her.

"Metropolis!" She said with a mischievous smile.

And so a new life began.

Well i hope you guys enjoyed another chapter next two will be next week . As usual thank Chichums for editing my jumbled mess into litterate wording.

As far as the personalities i warned about changeing some things and so if you dont like it oh well.

As for Raven i have other plans.

BTW did anyone get the mortal combat refrence?

Anyways peace guys 11yo and 13yo awakening starts next week.

Vindrathixcreators' thoughts