
Cursed and Blessed In a DC Universe.

He couldn't win in life.Every time he found happiness it was simply torn away. Nothing went right .Betrayal sorrow and debt were all the had. He was destined to die miserable.And when he opened his eyes 3 demons stood before him . What will they offer ? What will he give? And why are they so clingy???? Authors Note. I own none of this it is all a fan fiction and as such don't expect cannon stuff or proper timeline & placement because kids multi verse theory. There will be comedy harem ,violence ,sex,****,and gore. Also the mc will be Strong but not OP.Anyone who dislike harsh reality situations or seeing there favorite hero's corrupted don't read.This is my first time writing so I will accept help from helpfull criticism but if you don't like it vote it down and leave cause I don't care about your negativity.Also cover is temporary I do not own it.

Vindrathix · Anime und Comics
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10 Chs

Meanwhile(Back on Alia)

Hey Vegeta don't drop the soap.

I swear to God Nappa if you haven't read the warnings by now I will shiv you.

Now onto other things happening in the multiverse. This chapter will concern events happening in other dimensions and places.

It contains HIGHLY GRAPHIC content.

Shameless discord plug here see pics of characters and pester me about next chapter on discord



{Unknown POV} 7 years ago in another place

Where the fuck is he?

It has been five years already, it's way past time for him to reincarnate. I mean yeah, I have messed with the curse that fucking bitch put on him and even killed the watcher she placed here, but the errors shouldn't be out of control yet.

Suddenly I hear a bag screaming from the pillar on the right of me.


Ugh why do you think I would care if you did? And anyway your wife and kids are hanging over to the left and behind you.

Stupid humans.

I hate them.

Well not all of them, there were billions that followed us, living in peace with every other race that followed him.


They are distracting me but not for long so whatever, let them scream and beg I will just savor what's next. I get up from the throne I am sitting on and look ahead of me.

A vast underground room carved deep in a mountain stretches before me. Evenly separated pillars stand every thirty feet, with each pillar six feet thick. The ceiling is sixty feet tall near my blood throne and one hundred feet by the time you make it to the base of the stairs leading up to it.

Hanging from every pillar and wall are useless bags made by that bitch. The only useful thing to me are the blood that the bags contain. I have collected ten thousand bags to cast this spell since the tracker I put on his soul is not responding. The false trace I set up on a donkey's soul for her to track is still active however, so I don't think she has recalled him to her. However, I don't wanna risk her being near me and using my own blood so I have found "volunteers" from among the bags on this world.

I hear crying and begging all around me, the bags made me have a slight smile as I relished in their pain.

After all just hanging in them is no fun hence each one is pierced by a special needle I made. Until the last drop of blood falls from the bag they can't die. Their blood drips down onto the floor filled with their fear and suffering and are drawn towards various magic circles placed all over.

I sometimes wish I had Bellona with me but it should be another twenty or so years till she and my other sisters are free. Thankfully my "lover" is the one in charge of them, she will do whatever I want for the pleasure I give her.

I just don't have the same talent as sister Bell in soul magic, but I have time and patience. What's more I was able to use her punishment to change his soul so he will never sacrifice again. Not like he did before, no now because of her, he will finally have the emotions his creators denied him.

Now he will hate, now he will be angry, now he will be ruthless, and now he will lust!!!!

Oops, I got all wet just thinking about it.

Calm down Chelixa, you have work to do.

I take a deep breath and focus myself.

Ok that's better.

I walk towards the largest circle in the center and place one of my hands upon it, this causes the small floating blood orbs scattered around to converge at a single point.

As I stare at the orb a smile comes to my face and suddenly the moans of agony around me cease . I walk towards the floating orb and raise a single hand, my blood red claws hovering just centimeters away I look towards the bags hanging and see the fear on their faces.

"Rejoice, for your pain will soon come to an end. However, I do promise this will hurt more than anything you have felt before." I said to the blood bags hanging there and then I plunged a finger into the orb.

The screams started immediately, far worse than before, it was like a choir of tortured souls as the blood began escaping their bodies from their pores and the needles stabbed into their hearts. However none of them died they simply screamed and slowly shriveled up, the blood from all of them converging towards the orb in front of me. Finally the smaller bags screaming for their mothers and father's stopped first as the last drops left their bodies, which caused some of the bags near them to scream about vengeance and retribution for their children even as they too shriveled up and the last drops left their own bodies. After about fifteen minutes the final drop had entered the orb that was now the size of a small pool floated before me in the now silent hall.

I waved my hands and the orb began to morph and condense, slowly a large curved console made of blood appeared before me. The blood console had a thin shimmering screen and many keys with familiar runes spread across it, suddenly a long rope of blood rose behind the console and shot into the air.

The blood rope suddenly disappeared into a hole that had appeared in the middle of the air. Then after a few seconds runes started to appear across the screen as information sprang to life before me. I approached the blood console and began to search through the information.~A large number of alerts and warnings kept popping up but I pushed these aside and continued to search. After an hour I screamed, he wasn't in the cycle or on any planet in this dimension. I started to lose my calm wishing that one of the bags had survived for me to vent my anger on when suddenly I stopped as I thought of something. I turned back to the console and pulled up the day he had died and then started sifting through the warnings and alerts until I found what I was looking for. There it was an alert about a dimensional breach with a second one about roughly eight hundred souls leaving through it.

I was not happy about it but it means that his soul had not been recalled early by her. It also means a major headache in finding his soul or wherever it reincarnated.

It seems I will have to move my plans forward faster than I thought, after all if I wanna find him I will need sister Bellona's soul magic to track him.

I contemplate for a bit knowing that simply leaving would cause problems and may raise alerts against me. Well if she is gonna find out about me being alive anyway I may as well make her rage a bit. I smile to myself as I think of a plan to make her scream and begin to walk out of the complex leaving the shriveled bags behind.


2 years later {Third Person POV}

The people were angry at the news that came across TV screens phones and tablets. The World Reform Union made up of China, Russia, North Korea , The UAE, and several dozen other countries had declared war. In response President Chela Carrion of the United States had called for a union of the EU, United Kingdom, Canada, and a host of other countries. She had personally met each leader behind closed doors and gained their full support, surprising many with how easy it had seemed.

Now months later in the White House Oval Office sat a woman with dark red hair in a dress that was professional and yet somehow highlighted her sexy body just enough to show that she was still a young woman. The office was silent as she glanced at a screen despite her entire staff being inside. They all stood or sat entirely motionless like lifeless dolls, except for the barest movement of their chest indicating their breathing.

President Chela Carrion stared at the screen inside of a suitcase, asking her to confirm the action of launch before she picked up the phone next to her.

After a few rings the other side answered.

"Hello President Potten, I just wanted to ask one last time for you and your allies to surrender before I take extreme measures." She said with a smile.

A response came from the other side causing her to laugh in mirth.

"You do so underestimate my resolve Mr. Potten, however, I do assure you that unlike that blithering idiot I replaced, I am more than willing to do what it takes to make this world better for everyone." She said happily.

The voice was silent before it said something again and this too made her laugh.

"Excellent, then please observe your screens and know I gave you an option out." She said with a large smile while pressing the big red LAUNCH button in front of her sending the orders and coordinates she had put into the computer over the last hour. She turned her head over to a computer screen showing an image of the upper hemisphere of earth and watched as white lines began to take off from the U.S. followed soon by all its allies.

A voice screamed in her ear from the phone but she simply hung the phone up and continued watching the screen. She tapped it a few times before re-orienting it over the other side of the globe. After ten minutes red lines began to draw arcs from a dozen countries to varying courses and she smiled. She picked up another phone.

"Have all submarines launch all payloads now, do not leave anything in reserve. Bombers can begin dropping their payloads on targets as well." She said before hanging up.

A few minutes later the screen showing the earth was covered in white and red lines while the phone next to her rang nonstop.

She just smiled and stood up snapping her fingers causing her staff to all fall over and their blood to collect and form a portal in front of her. As she approached the portal her dress and body began to morph.

Her height increased and her dress disappeared while twin wolf like ears popped up on her head covered in red fur. Her eyes became blood red with vertical irises, and fangs began poking from her red lips. Soon her body was covered in a thin layer of fur hiding and covering her skin as two large wolf tails grew from her tailbone covered in similar blood red fur as her body. The fur had white and black streaks in it forming strange patterns on her body. Her legs grew slightly longer and suddenly small claws poked from her toes. Her hands elongated into blood colored claws , the color of blood reaching up towards her wrist meeting a soft lawyer of fur.

She smiled as she approached the swirling portal and disappeared through it.


Over the ocean large bombers flew, suddenly a radio transmission was received and acknowledged by the pilots. As soon as they received the transmission they began to flip several switches opening bomb bay doors, several strange looking bombs began falling from the plane into the ocean. As the fell into the water small propellers began spinning and pushing them deeper into the water ,After a few minutes they reached a large trench on the ocean floor and began detonating. Each detonation was massive sending shockwaves through the ocean water killing most of the nearby sea life for miles around .Large amounts of radiation was sent into the currents as the seafloor began to shake violently from the explosions.

In the sky as soon as the last of the bombs dropped both pilots dropped dead and the plane crashed into the ocean. Across the globe similar planes replicated this with some instead dropping special neutron bombs that covered large areas were many currents met with massive amounts of radiation. All pilots dropped dead similar to the first ones. Many sea creatures began to float up to the surface as the currents carried the radiation throughout the seas.

Thirty minutes after the President hit the launch icon the first missiles hit their target vaporizing hundreds of thousand and killing more with the shockwaves. An hour after that nearly every bomb and missile had detonated save a few that were faulty or had not been launched by defiant officers on both sides. But regardless the damage had been done radiation soon spread almost everywhere carried on the winds filled with ash and debris kicked into the sky that had quickly blotted out the sun.

Survivors who happened to be lucky enough not to live close to any of the strike zones had died within hours of breathing in the deadly ash. More died when large tsunamis swept across the coast killing millions and knocking out infrastructure.

The temperatures began to fall across the planet and thanks to high altitude detonations causing massive E.M.P. waves, everyone left was knocked into the stone age.

Out of over seven billion peoples only a few hundred million survived scattered across a now ruined planet. Most the air and water was now filled with radiation, while plants and animals that had survived died within a year as the lack of sun took its toll. If anyone could rebuild this ruined world, only time would tell.


Inside a white room a console similar to the one that had been made of blood beeped nonstop as errors began to overload the system.

However nobody appeared to answer the angry beeps. The room was covered in dust and broken furniture and even the console was damaged with large claw marks gouged into it's simple white body. On a nearby wall a skull was pinned to the wall by a blood red lance with rotten fabric and bones piled beneath it next to a rusted broken sword.

Suddenly the console seemed to stop and strange runes flashed across its screen as a final protocol kicked in and all the errors began to be sent elsewhere. The room was silent.


Unknown location In another dimension. Unknown Time.

The grand city of Kelarax was the central capitol of the Mindiran Holy Empire. The city was vast stretching beyond what the eye could see even from the sky. Ancient marble buildings stood next to towering skyscrapers covered in arcane flowing runes. The majority of buildings were white, gold, or a mixture of the two. Some buildings had other colors but they where few and far between. The sky was filled with a mix ancient flying beast carrying large loads and passangers and small and large futuristic hover crafts doing the same. Floating over the city was thousands of round metal and stone ring constructs with multicolored swirls of light in their centers. The various flying transportations flew in and out of these massive constructs each one surrounded by many platforms manned by military personnel in gleaming white armor. As each transport came in they were sent to a nearby platform for inspection and verification. Sometimes contraband or stowaways would be found leading to either arrest or immediate executions for the lucky ones, and slavery for the unlucky ones.

Tribuni Angusticlavii Nikomidi stepped onto the street in his armor of dull white and gold. He didn't like the gleaming and shining armor that many of the other officers of his rank wore as to him it was just painting a target on yourself for the enemy.

He looked around at the throngs of people before the segments of his armor began to reform into a soldiers more basic attire with his rank still shown on his chest by the image of a golden lion roaring and three bars below it. He didn't like to stand out and only other soldiers or politicians would recognize his rank.

He began to walk through the streets towards the market to buy the ingredients for his chef to cook for dinner. Most others of his rank would have simply sent slaves out but he enjoyed the walks as they gave him the time to clear his mind.

As he walked he began to contemplate the last campaign, he had not enjoyed the subjugation of the Bilorians. Tribuni Angusticlavii Yinurak had attacked for nearly a year throwing his men into a grinder. He had been ordered by Legatus Legionis Firraka to assist Tribuni Yinurak and end the battle, it had taken him a week before they had fallen. However instead of simply accepting their surrender, Tribuni Yinurak had unleashed his men on a week long pillage and rape fest. He had held his men back from doing the same making repeated pleas to stop to Tribuni Yinurak.

The pleas fell on deaf ears as Yinurak had personally raped the chiefs daughter in from of her family before he had told all the cohorts under him to take a turn.

The girl had bit out her own tongue by the twelfth man, but Yinurak had his men continue until every man had a turn.

He then threw her corpse in front of the chief and beheaded him.

Nikomidi hated these actions but could do nothing about them, it was simply how the empire ran. He shook his head as he rounded the corner and stepped into the market.

"FRESH YOUNG ORC MEAT BRED WITH ELVEN WOMEN ONLY AT GILLFORDS BUTCHER!" Yelled a nearby shopkeeper standing next to a row of chained orcs. They all looked around with their beady eyes filled with worry and fear.

Orc meat was considered better than most high quality pork and nobles preferred orcs that had been birthed by elven slaves saying it added more flavor. Nikomidi just shook his head and continued on, he never ate orc meat believing it was wrong to butcher sentient species.

The rest of the market eased Nikomidi's mind as he passed through listening to wares being shouted from different dimensions and planets. He began to gather the ingredients for blaze wolf stew and browse through various curious items. He had just bought the last of the ingredients and was about to leave when a crowd caught his attention, he approached to see why the large gathering and suddenly felt his stomach churn slightly.

In front of the crowd was a temporary stage on which slaves who had just been sold were being drug off by new masters. Nikomidi frowned as this market had not been designated for any slave trade but realized the sell was for a high rank noble when he saw house guards around the stage. The auctioneer began to shout over the crowd as two nude elves were dragged onto stage for the crowd to see.



The crowd then began a furious war of money to own the elves the price jumping to ten thousand within minutes.

Nikomidi was about to make a large bid to purchase the elves and place them in his home. He had no sexual interest in them and his slaves were treated far better than most others. Perhaps they could help Jiga in the kitchen, he had a habit of buying slaves just to spare them the harshness of others.

Just as he was about to make a bid a loud voice shouted over the crowd.

"FIFTEEN THOUSAND FROM THE HOUSE OF TSRAGATH!" Said a well dressed young man with several guards walking near him. The crowd went silent as nobody wanted to offend the young man.

Nikomidi thought for a bit before he bit his lip and sighed, the young man was the son of the local prefect lord over this district. Nikomidi in truth outranked him as a Tribuni Angusticlavii, however house Tsragath had many connections in both the civilian council and quite a few Tribuni Angusticlavii that outranked him. If he made a wrong move now it would destroy all the hard work he had done to get to this point, he was not a noble born like most others of his rank. He wasn't even a commoner born like the rest, he was breeder born.

He sighed and began to turn around but before him stood a hired guard of house Tsragath.

"The young master would like everyone to stay for the show." The guard said to him. Just as Nikomidi was about to declare rank to make the guard let him pass a loud cheer sprang from the crowd. Nikomidi turned to see the young noble on the stage with the mother kneeling before him, his manhood plunging in and out of her mouth. Nikomidi was confused as to why the young master would do this in public but then noticed two guards holding the daughter and making her watch on the side.

The crowd whooped and cheered as the master began to pick up pace , before the master grabbed the elf's hair and rammed himself into her throat. At first the elf didn't struggle and simply accepting what was happening , however after a minute the elf began to struggle as it was obvious she couldn't breathe.

The young master smiled sadistically and kept going, after a couple of minutes he gave a loud groan and after a final thrust dropped the mothers lifeless body off the stage.

"Not bad, shame she couldn't hold her breath longer." He said while fixing his clothes gaining some laughter out of the crowd. He turned towards the younger elf girl held by two of his guards , she was silent but had tears streaking down her face.

"Now what to do with you? I have no need of such a young elf and my sister is not into girls. Ahh I know!" He exclaimed as he walked towards her and took her by the throat dragging her to the edge of the stage.

"I shall make you a gift to these fine people. HAVE FUN !!!" He shouted as he threw her into the crowd amidst loud cheering.

The girl screamed as she was pulled to the ground and quickly mounted. A few others grabbed her mothers corpse and began mounting it as well as the young master looked on, a sadistic smile plastered across his face.

Nikomidi frowned in disgust as he turned to leave, but once again the guard stopped him.

"Not going to enjoy the young masters gift ?" The guard asked with a wicked glint in his eye and his hand ready to draw an energy saber on his belt.

However before Nikomidi could put him in his place a voice called out next to his right side.

"Tribuni Angusticlavii Nikomidi?" A beautiful and very musical voice asked causing both Nikomidi and the guard to freeze. The guard became a few shades paler but Nikomidi couldn't tell if it was from his rank or the voice that struck fear even in him.

He turned his head to see a female with breathtaking features in a skin tight top and leggings. She had long raven black hair with purple phoenix eyes, she had purple lips and her ears were pointed. She smiled at him revealing sharp predators teeth , giving her a beautiful but sinister appearance.

He gulped as he stared at her, the only ones in the empire with these traits were the Sin'killat.

The personal troops of the Holy Goddess.

"Tribuni Angusticlavii Nikomidi?" She asked again looking at him still smiling.

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes before he reopened them, his heart and face once again calm.

"Yes that is me...." he looked at her ample chest for her symbol. On every Sin'killat's chest was a symbol signifying both their clan and their station within their own society. The Highest were Prime Matriarchs followed by Matriarchs then Eldar Hilfants. Below Eldar were the Jokims then the Gretli'ars and finally the Seraphim. ~The rank was symbolized by a marking above and between the breast withe the rule of thumb being the bigger the mark the higher the rank.~ He didn't recognize her thumb sized bronze clan mark revealed through the small hole in her top. He assumed she was a virgin Seraphim as the mark changed based on those that had mated and those that given birth. A bronze mark for a virgin, a silver for one that has had sex, and a golden mark signified that a Sin'killat had given birth to a daughter.

"Yes that is me Seraphim." He said politely and with a calm steady voice.

This seemed to surprise the Seraphim for a moment as she had a shocked then curious expression cross her face. She then glances at the guard of the young lord only to see that he had passed out while standing, and based on the smell had both pissed and shit himself. Her nose wrinkled in disgust before she made a flicking gesture with a finger and he flew back into a nearby garbage pile. Nobody said or did anything to help the man choosing to give the two left a wide berth while the men enjoying themselves didn't even notice.

She looked at him again and once again a beautiful smile crossed her face.

"You have been summoned." She said gently causing his heart to skip a beat in fear. "I suggest you modify your armor to a military parade style."

"By who?" He asked while wasting no time in giving his armor the mental command to change.

She simply lifted her hand and pointed ,as he followed her finger he saw the Elkriona Tower. Most people called it the tower of heaven or the throne of the goddess.

He swallowed hard and simply started walking towards the tower. The Seraphim fell in behind him navigating the crowds with ease and grace.

Hours later after the crowd dispersed a red and brown hoverlift stopped and two men jumped out. They grabbed the two broken slave corpses and tossed them in a large pile on the back. The corpses would be processed into food for other slaves.

Nobody would even remember their names.


Inside the tower he was directed to an magi lift he had never used before. He had been to the tower many times as this was where ranks were presented and the civilian council met but that was on the lower floors the Seraphim had pointed up towards the top in the clouds.

The lift rose at an insane speed but thanks to the magitech it didn't put much pressure on his body.

"Are you nervous Tribuni?" The Seraphim asked him gently with her musical voice.

"I would be telling a lie if I said I wasn't." He responded calmly.

"Don't be nervous Tribuni , this is a great opportunity for you to finally advance without being blocked by others." Her musical voice whispered in his ear causing his eyes to go wide for a second before he regained control of himself.

As he was about to respond the lift stopped and opened.

Nikomidi nearly froze in place.

Before him was a grand view of the capital city all around ,and a white marble staircase that lead up to a place he dare not even look towards.

All around was white and gold pulsing runes and more than two dozen Sin'killat of varying ranks.

At the bottom of the stairs was four figures, three standing and one on their knees. Two of the figures were Sin'killats , a Prime Matriarch with honey colored hair facing him and an unknown one standing behind the kneeling figure.

The kneeling figure turned his head and stared at Nikomidi in disgust.

Nikomidi was shocked to see his commander Legatus Legionis Firraka.

He was kneeling with his armor in pieces and the skin on his back in tatters, however his expression of disgust as he looked at Nikomidi was unmistakable.

Nikomidi stunned by the sight felt a gentle push on his back propel him forward, he quickly began to approach the stairs and quickly kneeled in front of the Prime Matriarch.

"Tribuni Nikomidi pays his respects to the Goddess and her envoy." He said kneeling on one knee with his head down.

The Prime Matriarch nodded and quickly cut past the formalities.

"Rise Tribuni, neither I nor the goddess wish to drag these matters out so everything here will be straight and to the point." The Prime Matriarch said not even bothering to give her name.

"Are you aware of the fairy raids on the Gelonna colony's?" She asked him.

"Forgive me but no I am not, I was deployed to the seven hundred and forty fifth dimension. I was assigned to help subjugate the Bilorian humans." He responded quickly and precisely.

"So your Legatus never briefed you or even hinted at sending you to Gelonna?" She asked.

"No, he never did." Nikomidi responded.

"Of course I didn't why would I send breeder trash to do a noble born job, he is lucky I even had him promoted to Tribuni." The Legatus said as if it all disgusted him. The Sin'killat behind him quickly stabbed him with a wicked rod causing him to scream.

"I asked nothing of you, therefore remain quiet or I will let the Matriarch behind you have you instead of the planned punishment." The Prime said simply as she took a slate of marble that was covered in data scrolling across it from a guard who had come up.

She frowned as she scrolled through the data. She then whispered something to the guard and the Sin'killat woman left quickly returning a few minutes later a new black slate in her hand. Nikomidi recognized it as the Legatus's personal slate.

"Tribuni you were assigned to the Bilorian war but I have a problem, it would seem the reports given by you and Tribuni Yinurak are quite different from the refined report submitted by the Legatus here. In fact while Tribuni Yinurak gives you the majority of the credit for the ending of the conflict your Legatus make it seem as if all you did in the conflict was bring a few supplies." She said frowning at the differences.

"I do not believe such breeder trash could have such impaAGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." The Legatus started to say before he was hit bit the Matriarch again.

"I grow tired of this Legatus your unwavering loyalty to the goddess is all that has prevented me from letting the Matriarch behind you have what she wants, as for you Tribuni after going through other reports by all right you should be a Legatus by now as you have time and again brought home more of your men alive than most others of any rank . " She said to Nikomidi.

"Therefore I will now assign you the task of repelling the Fairy's raids on Gelonna, I don't expect you to prevent all of them but I do expect better results than your Legatus has been giving us." she said simply.

"I hear and obey." Nikomidi said simply.

"Good I will assign your original Cohort as well as your legions first and third Cohorts to your command." She said then glanced behind him before saying.

" I will also assign Kinna'shi to you to help keep the men from other cohorts loyal. "

"Kinna'shi?" Niko asked curiously

"The girl who brought you" Came the simple reply.

He bowed and began to leave however before he could stand the Prime Matriarch raised her hand and a brilliant beam of light encompassed the Legatus. As the light faded only a light ash was left where once a Legatus had been.

"Do not fail in your task, you are dismissed."

Nikomidi nodded his head and left but just as he approached the door a Sin'killat with a grim expression ran into the room ignoring all protocol and ran straight up the stairs.

A second later a rage filled scream rang across the entire city as everyone felt the anger of their Goddess.


Two years later Gelonna.

Tribuni Nikomidi walked into his tent and sat in a chair and sigh , His armor was covered in blood and scorch marks. His hair and face were filthy with blood and mud as he began to think about today's events.

The campaign to deter fairy raiders had been going well with the fairy's often walking away with nothing but dead comrades and wounds. He had managed to get most the cohorts under control with the help of Kinna'shi she had demonstrated only once what happened to those who disobeyed him or herself.

As he began to shudder slightly his tents flap opened up and Kinna'shi came in with tea followed by the girl assigned as his slave while in camp.

The elven girl dressed conservative in a full body dress unlike many of the other camp slaves who were often topless or in rags that didn't even cover their bodies. Kinna'shi had presented her to him insisting he have someone to attend his needs, he reluctantly took her in but had her a proper set of clothes brought as he had no interest in her body. Kinna'shi served him tea as the elf girl began to help clean him up, he sighed and pushed her away gently.

"I will take care of it later just bring some warm water for me to use." He told the girl and she left the tent immediately to fetch the water.

"Why so down Tribuni?" Kinna'shi asked.

He looked at her and sighed, it was a deep sigh tinged with regret and sadness.

"I lost eighty good men today, each one trusted me to get them home and now in one day I have lost more men than in the two years I have fought these raiding parties." He said his voice filled with exhaustion.

Kinna'shi simply smiled and got up seeing he wanted to be alone but before she left she turned and said, "Despite the losses today I know for a fact the raids have been far fewer in the last six months alone and that you have done far better than your predecessor. From what my sisters tell me you will soon be officially made into Legatus Legionis of your legion and given a new mission. So take heart in the fact that your losses until now are so few and your tactics so effective." She then turned around and walked out heading for her tent guarded by two of her sisters.

The elf returned with a bucket of hot water set it on the floor and quickly stood by in the back of the tent.

"Tribuni Nikomidi , Primus Pilus Buganda wishes to enter." Came a voice from outside the tent.

Nikomidi straightened himself before calling out "Enter."

A man in armor walked in and smiled at Nikomidi, he then pulled out a large bottle of strong spirits.

"Tempt the Tribuni with a drink? I figured after today you may need one." Primus Buganda said. He was a tall and muscular man with bronze skin and a shaved head. He was noble born but had been very courteous and willing to help the Tribuni since his arrival.

"That sounds great today Buganda, after that failure I could use a stiff drink." Nikomidi said. He then made a hand gesture and the elf brought a couple of glasses and was about to reach for the bottle however the Primus pulled it from her reach and began pouring the drinks himself.

"It wasn't as bad as it could have been, nobody expected the girl to self immolate with so many people surrounding her." The Primus said and they both took deep drinks and began talking about the various issues with today and what was happening around the camp.

After thirty minutes Nikomidi had polished more than half the bottle off by himself and began to talk.

"I am not surprised you know that she did that. We haven't captured a live fairy since the great war. I read the stories and reports about those fairies. Not a single one of them was left whole, most had their wings ripped off to try and force them to take their larger forms. Those that did that were subjected to either further torture or raped. That's the problem you see the way the empire treats non humans and their sympathizers, it's no wonder every dimension we expand into is a bloody struggle. Hell even the breeding farms are disgusting they take all the females and a few males for forced breeding. I have seen it when I found my mother she is still alive somehow and was pregnant the last time I saw her." He started rambling his hatred and grievances with everything. The Primus simply sat their listening not saying a word.

"Did you know I was passed up for an additional bar for not taking part in the rape and torture of a village girl?" Nikomidi started slurring.

Primus simply nodded as everyone had heard the rumors around the camps.

Nikomidi continued "The damn Goddess won't let the last great war go and just continues to expand through force, but one day we will meet our match and when that happens we will be fighting too many wars on too many fronts. She should just let it go and consolidate the empire."

"Then why do you fight for her?" The Primus asked .

Nikomidi sighed and took another drink before he spoke.

"Because I am born from a breeder farm, my mother was half elf and half mermaid. But thanks to the wonders of genetic tampering I not only look fully human I have an orcs strength and many other mild traits from a dozen different conquered species. Even you noble born are modified in the womb just with more care. Sure I could have retired already I have given twenty years of service, but then I think of all the lives I could have saved and the trauma I could prevent. I still fight not for the Goddess but for the people both friend and foe." Nikomidi said sighing again as the half bottle seemed to draw him towards sleep.

"A noble sentiment Tribuni, but bed calls me and you it seems. I shall excuse myself for the night , speak again in the morning." The Primus said stepping out.

Nikomidi gave a nod and then simply sat their as sleep took him. The elf behind him looked at him and then quickly followed the Primus. She found him outside the tent a few steps away seemingly lost in thought. She came up next to him and spoke.

"Those words said inside whispered in the ear of a loyal Sin'killat would surely bring your noble self both rank and prestige. I would hope the lord would remember this lowly one after such a thing." She said startling the Primus before he smiled and nodded before heading straight to a certain tent near the Tribuni's.

He never noticed the wicked smile of the elf as she slowly followed him.

As he approached the tent a shiver of fear ran down his spine however he steeled himself and spoke to a guard.

"Primus Buganda wishes to report on a heretic to the Seraphim." He told the guard she looked at him before she cocked her head slightly and then opened the tent flap.

"You may enter." Was all she said as she allowed him to pass.

Inside the tent was extremely bare save a rug, a bed , a chest , and a few chairs around a small table. A dark blue set of armor stood on a stand to one side as the Seraphim sat at the chair looking at a data slate.

The Primus waited until he was acknowledged by the Seraphim before he would start to talk. She made a few more taps then put the slate down before tapping a small floating sphere in the center of the table. What he recognized as an isolation barrier quickly sprang up and encompassed the tent, she then began to speak.

"You say you have information on a heratic?" She asked simply without any emotion in her voice .

The Primus gulped and then began to go over everything the Tribuni had told him sparing no detail. After twenty minutes he fell silent and the Seraphim seemed to think deeply.

"Who else knows of this?" She asked him.

"Just me and the servant inside the tent." He responded

She nodded her head as she stood up and approached him.

"Good , it has been so long since I last ate a true meal. I thank you for bringing this information straight to me." She said as she came closer to him. The Primus started to smile as visions of promotion and honor played in his head, only to be shocked out of those visions as he found himself lifted up by his throat.

He stared in horror as the Seraphim looked at him with a predatory gaze and licked her lips. He began to hit and claw at the arm holding him but even with his armored hand he couldn't put a scratch on her. He tried grabbing at anything to get leverage and managed to grab her loose shirt she wore in camp . he pulled desperate to try and move her or himself only for the shirt to RIP and what lay beneath terrified him even more. A large bronze clan mark covered her chest down to her naval the mark of a Prime Matriarch. She smiled as she spoke a single word causing his segmented armor to fall onto the floor in a thousand pieces, she then lifted her free hand and plunged two fingers into his chest piercing his heart. He tried to scream but couldn't breathe, fear was evident in his eyes as she lowered him onto the floor his body rigid. She let go of his throat and he began to beg and cry.

"PLEASE NO PLEASE JUST KILL ME I DON'T WANT THIS JUST KILL ME PLEASE!" He screamed and begged however she just smiled and licked her lips. With her free hand she grabbed the top of his head as claws extended out and began to cut into his skull with a surgeon's precision. After a minute it she took the top of his head off revealing his gray brain, all the while he screamed and begged. She reached forward and began scooping sections out and devouring them greedily, all his knowledge and experiences flowing into her with each bite. Somehow even with half his brain gone he still screamed and begged for the pain to stop, but she kept eating her long tongue licking every piece off her fingers and eventually his head was empty.

However he was still begging and screaming, as she looked him in the eye leveling her face with his.

"Thank you for the meal Primus and the information on your fellow soldiers, I will put it all to good use." She said to him before she started to inhale, as she inhaled a white light began to pull from the Primus`s body and eventualy she swallowed it. The Primus finally stopped screaming, she pulled her fingers out of his heart with a satisfied look on her face.

She took down the isolation field then made a mild clicking noise and suddenly an elf and one of her guards entered.

"Send one of our sisters to me from the lower ranks." She told the guard who nodded and left.

"Aww I was hoping I could have him." Said the elf staring at the corpse and then her body began to shift as she undid her dress and let it fall to the floor.

Soon she looked almost identical to the Prime Matriarch save a slightly smaller bronze crest on her chest and green eyes and lips.

"He wasn't that great little sister, but he was easily lured by your whispers. Our future mate seems to have many problems with the empire that would best fall on our ears." She said as she touched her sisters face lovingly.

"Yes, you are just lucky I was smart enough to be his so called "slave", not that he takes advantage of me he has a habit of doing everything he can himself. I almost thought he was gay or sexually dead but I proved that wrong by forcing him to let me help bathe him one night and getting a proper reaction." Said the Matriarch as she walked towards the corpse and kicked it.

"It can't be helped you know he is the product of rape which seems to sicken him. We will have to seduce him slowly and make him know love." She smiled at her little sister.

Her little sister turned to her and smiled back .

"Me and you certainly did fall in love with the perfect man but he is so troublesome." The Matriarch said happily.

"Thankfully he is the prefect candidate for us. If we had known what we know now the war would have been very different." Kinna'shi said as she sat in a chair, her sister just nodded and a minute later the guard returned with a common looking soldier.

The soldier quickly morphed into another Sin'killat before kneeling before the Prime Matriarch.

"Your orders?" The kneeling figure asked.

Kinna'shi smiled and stood up. She approached the kneeling woman and lifted her face before engaging her in a deep kiss entwining their tongues. She then pulled away after a minute and the Sin'killat in front of her morphed again, in front of her stood Primus Buganda.

"I will take care of everything." Said the Primus before turning and waving his hand causing his corpse to scatter into dust.

The Prime Matriarch smiled as her little sister changed back into her elf form and redressed.

"By the way sister he is passed out drunk and in dire need of a bath." The elf smiled and soon the two were walking towards the Tribuni's tent.


In another dimension a Fairy sat on a throne listening to a report before sighing.

"End the raids for now and remove that place as a target, we do not need useless losses." The fairy said.

"Yes my Queen." Was the reply of the subordinate fairy before they left.

The Queen sat on the throne longing for the return of her master, it had been many thousands of years since he had cut his connection with all of his subordinates off. She got up and flew to her personal garden, and began to prune her screaming statues that displeased her. They begged and cried but she looked as if she was enjoying such sounds.

She sighed again as she finished and the garden quieted down once again hoping for his return.


Several days before Daemons thirteenth birthday.

In a strange swirling dark space six women were fighting each other when suddenly two voices rang out.

"Enough , you are ready for his awakening. Rest for now and prepare yourselves." The two voices said.

The six women turned and bowed towards two colossal dragon shaped creatures who sat below the center of this world, a white orb wrapped in thick black, red, and gold chains. The two dark shapes had hazy figures the only solid form being their four glowing eyes on their heads. They began to curl up and laze about but a sudden message rang through them from their mothers, causing fear to emanate from them. They began taking actions immediately shifting power to outside.


In a massive bed lay four people, three women and a boy between them. Suddenly the boy's body began to be wrapped in shadowy tendrils spreading towards each of the women.

A moment later three women stood in a strange space with a large white orb wrapped in black, red, and gold chains.

Before they could say anything two voices rang out in unison.

"We may have a problem with Daemons awakening."

Sorry about the delay i am woking alot of overtime also as usual thank chichums.

If anyone wants to help i could use a artist for a better cover and some charater drawings

feel free to join discord hope no overtime this week but i will try and get next chappy out asap

Vindrathixcreators' thoughts