
Curse of the Snow Queen

Light or Darkness? Will Rose break her curse or will she be forever cold? Her Friends break the curse or end in war? light of love save her or kill her friends?

Lunder21 · Fantasie
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9 Chs

Chapter 4 Cold Dream

I lay there in my bed as my eyes grew heavier and heavier as I went into a peaceful place in my mind. No sounds and no more bickering between Milo and Lorel as I slept, but I started to feel that same coldness again. The one place in my mind would be at peace with a field of flowers with Snow running around. No castle and no people to bother me for a very short time, but the dream changed. There would have been a little house and patches of flowers on the ground. Now it was a wasteland of ice and snow of deep winter. Standing there in the snow in a blue dress the rose on my wrist was now wholly blue. The feeling of cold felt nice on my pale white skin as it seemed to be an old friend.

I did not see Snow wandering around in this land of snow and ice. The trees had no leaves, and the rivers were completely frozen in place. When looking around to see statues of creatures in ice, frozen in time. The feeling of loneliness seeped into my heart and soul as I walked around. After a while, a strange creature walked towards me in tall glory. His skin was made of thick layers of snow and ice as you looked into its black eyes. It never attacked me but bow to me as a queen of this land. It felt cursed and had no feeling toward the land we were in, but to me, it was like family.

"My Queen," the creature bowed

"Hello," I replied with a soft smile.

"The borders are safe for now. But I fear that they'll fire on our cold lands." It said with worry.

"Then we shall prepare for war till that day comes." Saying with a cold smile.

"Yes, my Queen." It answered, "With your power, we shall rain here for years."

"We'll let fate decide." I smiled as I investigated the cold wasteland.

The creature stood back and headed into the forest so dead. I was starting to walk in the same direction to see the old castle covered in ice and snow. The houses were covered in snow and there were statues of people who couldn't leave in time. I could tell it was not all of the people, but it seemed to empty as ice creatures walked around. I did not know if the people were sleeping or completely dead with their eyes closed. When I got closer to the castle and saw how much the land has changed. The roses in the garden were completely frozen and the same with the other plants.

As I walked the creatures would bow down to me with every step in my path. Two statues of a man and woman made me smile. It was Rowan and his so-called lover holding each other with fear in their eyes. To me, they deserved death and froze to the end of time, but a part of me screamed for it to stop. There was sorrow in my people as I wanted to show the world what I could be. But in the distance, a little boy stood there waiting for me to return. His hair was brown and the same as his eyes, but the boy's skin was pale white from the cold weather. I could tell that he was freezing but seemed to live here for a very long time.

"Rose!" he called out with a smile.

"Did you finish your puzzle?" I asked him as his mood changed from happy to upset.

"No…" he mumbled, "I thought you would join me with a puzzle or two."

"Well, I can spare some time." Replied with a kind smile

"Really!" he jumped with joy.

His eyes glowed with joy as he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the dining hall. There were books, puzzles, and even toys for the boy. I could tell that he was missing something in his heart, and I wasn't going to let him find it. When we sat down at the table and saw it was a game of chess made with ice. Each side of the piece had a different look to them but had beauty to them. From the knight to the small pawn as played the game a couple of times. He seems to be having fun, but it appeared that the game had to end.

"You should wake up," he said with a smile.

"What?" I questioned

"Wake up from this dream," he replied again

"What dream?" I asked

"This one," he answered

He placed a queen in my hand and disappeared from my sight. The same as the rest of the world turns into a dark empty room in my head. As I heard both Milo and Lorel calling to me with worried voices.