
Curse of the Snow Queen

Light or Darkness? Will Rose break her curse or will she be forever cold? Her Friends break the curse or end in war? light of love save her or kill her friends?

Lunder21 · Fantasie
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9 Chs

Chapter 3 Witches and Demons

Soon as I go closer to the fire to see five women and many weird creatures with wings and horns. Not knowing what was going on, but the warmth of the fire seemed to draw me in. With a loud crack of sticks and leaves made the woman to stop talking. They knew I was there.

"What was there?" an older woman asked.

"Must have been a deer or something," the younger one said as she held a black cat in her hands.

"Shut it, Aura." The old woman said with ease, "I don't think it's a deer or forest creature."

"What is it Gaia?" a woman with long red hair questioned

"It sounded like the footsteps of a human," Gaia replied

I didn't want to be killed by the creatures of the night, so I took the sets to be in the light of the campfire. They didn't seem shocked or surprise that I was there as they smiled evilly at me in the moonlight. The one called Gaia walked over and grabbed my arm to sit me down near the fire. The warmth made me feel safe as the little creatures walked up to me. One picked up my white dress and looked at the gold-colored thread at the bottom. I wore this dress most of my outings into town on foot or on Snow. They seem to be memorized by the color, but one ended up ripping it a little bit.

"Lorel!" Aura called out to the creature as it stopped in its tracks. It ran back to her and she decided to hold it on her lap, petting it like a car.

"So why would the Queen be wondering around in the woods?" Gaia asked

"I ran out here…." I tried to put the words together but my voice croaked as tears ran down once again.

"Guessing its because of a lover." Aura sang with a cheerful voice.

"Yes…" I replied and tried to stop crying once again.

"We could help get rid of your sorrow." One of the women said with a kind smile, "but it cost a price in your life."

"Really?" questioned and hoped for them to help me.

"Just a little spell and mirror dust to free your little soul.: Gaia said without a thought.

Without a thought of what the spell could do to me or what in the hell mirror dust was. I took the offer to feel free from this broken heart and the pain from before. They grabbed me and told me to hold out my hand for their spell. Pricking a needle into my hand and letting the blood drip into a bowl made from wood. Soon as they had a good amount of blood as they started to add moon water, mirror dust, rose petals white snow, and lastly blood of a demon. They mixed and chanted "Oh, sweet moon, oh, sweet moon. Release this child from the pain of love. They were becoming of ice and snow in their heart. No more pain they should feel. Oh, sweet moon, oh, sweet moon. Let her be free!" Then the bowl turned the blood-red liquid to a pure white that looked cold to the touch.

"It is now done," Gaia smiled as she handed the bowl to me, "Now drink this and you will be free."

"Is it safe?" I asked

"Of course!" one of the women called out, "Gaia doesn't poison anyone!"

"Okay…but how do I speak to you again?" I asked

"We'll let Lorel stay with you," Gaia answered and pushed the bowl into my hands, "He will tell us if you need us again."

The little creature walked up and bow toward me with a sweet smile. I finally looked at the bowl as it looked like the moon to me. Minutes past as it hit my lips and down my throat. It was bitter and cold, but the sweet smell of roses in a garden. It ended with me dropping the bowl and holding my chest as pain shot through my body. The feeling inside was turning cold instead of warm feeling, it was like I died and came back again. My skin was paler than before as the ground had a warmth feeling. Looking up to see the woman smiling at me and held out and open hand. Pleased with what they had done for me.

"How do you feel dear?" Gaia asked as she took my hand.

"Nothing…" I release a long sigh that was inside as she looked at my wrist. A rose image was imprinted on my skin, and slowly started to freeze over. It felt normal to be freezing cold with no feelings.

"So you're the one I'm keeping an eye on." The demon hissed at me.

"Your Lorel?" I stuttered at the sight of the creature.

"Yes, meat sack," Lorel insulted

For a demon of hell, he had a bad temper with others around him. Having black wings, and horns, and was at least a foot high as he watched me. Are all demons his size or are they all different personalities and sizes? How was I going to get him in the castle and keep him around? For me to have a pet demon would end in my own death. Panic would spread and soon I would be called a witch and burned at the stake. He looked at me and smiled. I knew that this was going to be something I was going to regret later.

The women started to get up and head out of the forest before the dust could reach the lands. I stayed up all night with some watches and demons, but what would my kingdom think? What was wrong with me? I didn't feel emotions like I did before, it wasn't there anymore. Before they left the woods, they gave me a message. "You will become colder than ice, but when you want to be done can never come." I didn't know what it means, but why would I want my heart to be the same again?

I got up and picked up Lorel to set him on my shoulder as we walked back home. As we walked, all he did was complained about how humans have lousy taste in clothing and their sins. The thought of killing something was getting close as he kept talking.

"You should shut up," I grumbled

"I don't think so," he laughed and then pulled on my hair.

"Ouch!" I screamed, "Why you little…"

"That's what I'm talking about." He smiled

"What?" I questioned

"I want to see if the hags were right about you being…" he started to speak, but I shut him up by holding him by the wings. Glaring at him as I looked at his tiny red eyes as we stopped in the middle of a dry green field. All he could do was curse at me and try to stab me with his spiked tail. He soon gave up as I finally put him back onto my shoulder as the sound of horses came towards us. The must have realized that I wasn't in my room and was outside the castle grounds. Wondering if Jack told them that I ran out of the tavern in tears or if that Milo guy told them about it. He seemed nice and even cute as I left the tavern, but the question is. Should I trust him?

The sound of horses came closer and closer as I felt no regret about being out here. Nevertheless, the thoughts of going back to the woods to stay away from them came to mind. The potion made me different what I was before. I wasn't weak with being sad or angry. I was a cold-hearted woman who wanted to put my power in line. I wanted more of the potion, more power than I was before. Would I freeze to death or just become numb to any sort of feeling in my body? The thoughts came to an end when five soldiers on horseback rode towards me. I knew that I was in trouble and was going to be stuck inside for a long time. It didn't take long for Lorel to hide in my hair.

"You should really have longer hair than this," he whispered in my ear.

"You should shut the hell up." I snapped in a cold tone.

When they got closer and came to a stop to pull me onto one of the horses. Riding back seemed longer than before as I was being held. A part of me felt warm to the touch of this man as I looked into his eyes. It was Milo in shining silver armor and a cold frown on me. I broke his promise to head back home before midnight and I knew that. But I didn't want to be seen with tears in my eyes in pain. When we finally got back It seemed like it was finally the end. Lorel complained that it felt like hundred years to reach my room. Tired from the long night and ride. All I wanted to do was sleep.

The bed was so soft and warm, but it seemed to end as the Pope and Milo came inside. I could tell that I was going to get an ear full of them both as I betrayed their God's will. Lorel hid under the blankets and tried to not make a snarky comment.

"Miss Rose, what were you thinking," The Pope's voice boomed as I lay there, not moving, "You could have gotten yourself killed by witches or bandits."

"Do I look like I care…" I said coldly to them both, "Leave."

"I don't think so." He grumbled back and tried to speak again.

"Pope Matthew. Let us let her rest. Your meeting with the church is in an hour." Milo replied with a smile and hoped for the best.

"I don't think so young man. I know you fancy the Queen, but she needs to learn a lesson and stay within the castle's borders." He snapped at Milo.

"Be quiet!" I screamed as I looked at them with fear in their eyes. "I do not care what the church says about me. I have a life of my own to take care of. If I must get rid of the church to have so peace. So be it but leave Milo out of this…you bastard of a holy man!"

My heart was beating as I looked at the Pope with a cold glare and pointed at the door. I was done with this old man anyways and the same with the church. He didn't seem pleased with my words as he left out of my room with a slam. I looked back at Milo and saw that his cheeks were a bright red. I did not understand what he was feeling, but at the same time, I was tired. Grabbing the blankets and kicking Lorel to the floor Milo seemed shocked by the little creature and why it was in my bed.

"You could have asked Meat Sack!" Lorel cursed as he went to an armchair on the other side of the room.

"What is that?" Milo asked as he pointed at him.

"Don't ask her you piece of meat!" Lorel screamed

"What are you or I'll kill you the spot!" Milo said as he pulled out his sword.

"I'm a demon you Sack of Meat!" Lorel snapped

"No demon should be near the Queen!" Milo said coldly

"I didn't agree to be her messenger," he replied

"Why would she choose a demon?" Milo asked

"Maybe you should have taken her home last night!" Lorel yelled at him.

They bicker for what seemed like hours as I tried to rest on the bed with silk blankets and pillows. Trying to think about what to do after a while or even worse in the matter. Would hurting one of them get me into trouble, probably, but I was going to do so. Getting up from the bed with a dark aura around me as I walked toward them. Not happy about those two fightings, while I was trying to get some sleep. So I grabbed Lorel by the wings and Milo by the armor.

"You should be quiet!" I said in a low murderous voice, "Or I'll do something a lot worst to you both."

"Sorry…." Milo replied as he glared at the demon, "May I ask why you have a demon?"

"That is none of your concerns," I replied with a smile.

"Take that Meat Sack!" Lorel laughed, but it soon ended with him being in a jar.

"Now," I said with a glare to both Milo and Lorel, "you both must learn to get along or I'll throw you both out of my room. Either way, I'll be getting my sleep."