
chapter 1 [Gentillesse]

In a peaceful village filled with magical powers. there lived a beautiful and kind woman, named lily.

He really likes to help others. He is an orphan currently living with his grandmother.

"Hi grandma... Good morning". Who's Lily?

"Lily..you are very diligent," said the grandmother

She helped clean the house, cook and other work. She is also a smart girl. she was very beautiful, so that all residents smiled when they saw her.

"Grandma knows.. the head of government sends good news".

Lily said to grandma.

"What good news makes my grandson so happy?"

Asked the grandmother while pinching Lily's cheek.

"That the central government is making preparations for magic training again". she said

Then the expression on Grandmother's face changed when Lily told her this.

"What did you say Lily? You still haven't given up yet?"

said grandmother worried.

While hugging his grandmother he said,

"Don't worry grandma I will succeed, I'm already 17 years old, surely my strength will appear."

Lily said to calm grandma

The grandmother was worried about her grandson, because Lily had attended the training 4 times for 8 years and she had never passed either. Because the kingdom only wants magic power

The kingdom of Vainglory is a kingdom that highly praises and prides itself on magic power. The presiding king is Orgueil Gros,

He was a king who was very proud of his work and previous kings who had enormous power.

He also held training for young wizards to work under the government. For some residents it is a pride.

Like lily who really wants to join the Fier group (a group of high-level magicians). But he must continue to fight if he wants to join.

8 years ago...

When Lily first entered training, she had no magic at all, she only had her kindness and passion that never went out.

"Your magic lily hasn't appeared yet?" asked a man while laughing at him

"Magic arises from us, and according to human nature" said a woman.

They laughed without seeing how Lily felt. But Lily never once felt jealous of others, she knew that she could get through anything.

6 years passed when he wanted to go home and see his grandparents with a very sad heart, he saw his grandfather was no longer alive.

Lily was very busy because of training and had forgotten about both her grandparents. Finally Lily gave up and wanted to take care of her grandmother who lived with her.

Lily also discouraged from participating in the training, even though she was sad she never felt jealous of the other training members.

"Hah they are really great and talented"

Lily sighed looking out the window.

She saw young witches doing their job, Lily knew them because some of them were Lily's classmates during training.

Not infrequently they passed by teasing Lily. Lily was silent and smiled at them. With a worried feeling, he also made up his mind to take the exam again this year.

"I guess I'll be successful this year."

lily said..

The grandmother who heard the enthusiasm smiled broadly and approached Lily. While stroking Lily's head she gave advice.

"Lily, if you want to succeed. Never forget our own abilities. Be yourself without following others".

Grandmother's words made Lily more confident. He went into the kitchen and started cooking to prepare dinner.

Lily's heart was very happy to receive support from her grandmother. He will try until he can master the power of magic.

"I can! I sure can!".