
Cupids Downfall

Behold, the transformed manifestation of Cupid, now adorned in the form of a resplendent goddess. Having tragically lost her brother and beloved mother, Cupid has transcended her former self, embodying a majestic force that commands reverence and admiration. No longer shall she be recognized as the tender bringer of love, but as a force of divine retribution, fueled by an insatiable thirst for vengeance upon those who have wrought harm upon her kin. With unyielding determination, Cupid now sets her sights upon the mortals who have dared to cross her path, for they shall bear witness to the wrath of a deity wronged.

Talisman_Tea · Teenager
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1 Chs

Sorrow Found

Cupid's heart sank as she witnessed the confusion in her mother's eyes. How could she possibly put into words the magnitude of the tragedy that had befallen their family? She took a deep breath, struggling to find the strength to say the words that would shatter their world. "Mother, I'm sorry, but it's true. Our beloved brother... he's gone. He met his untimely demise by falling off the infamous cliff of Cupids." Mother's face twisted in a mix of shock and disbelief, her eyes searching Cupid's for any sign of a jest or a glimmer of hope. But as she studied her daughter's tear-streaked face, she realized that this was no cruel prank or twisted trickery. The undeniable truth stared back at her, piercing her heart with a pain she had never known before. Cupid's brother, her beloved son, had met his demise by falling off the infamous cliff of Cupids - a tragic end to a life filled with love and compassion. In the days that followed, Cupid and her mother clung to each other for support, their sorrow binding them together in a bittersweet embrace. Memories of their lost loved one flooded their thoughts, each recollection a bittersweet reminder of the joy he had brought into their lives. They found solace in the shared stories and laughter, seeking comfort in the cherished bonds that held their celestial family together. They stuck together until her death date. Her and her mother stood over the cliff, mourning the loss of her young son. Standing a little too close to the edge,her mother is spotted by the humans of Earth and is shot down. Two down. One more to go.