
Puddings and Persuasions - I

I found myself staring at a couple of rectangular shiny black matte cards in front of me when Sarah said in her most used authoritative tone, "9:00 PM. This Friday". The cards had the image of a woman's lips heavily painted in a dark red and what appeared to be blood dribbling along the corners of her slightly parted lips. The dark contrast of the red lips against the black background of the card was captivating, to say the least. The words that were printed below the image were brought to life with that justifying image.

"SIN" I read aloud and raised my eyes to look at the person who had practically shoved the cards in my face. Standing before me, dressed in a beige pencil skirt that hugged her curves and a white ruffled top that accentuated her figure in every way, was my so-called best friend Sarah. One of the few people here in Boston that I could trust and lean on. She had her hands folded across her chest and her right foot tapping the floor. Her right eyebrow was quirked up giving me her 'try to talk back to me if you dare' look. I let out a sigh and continued, "You know my answer. Then why do you bother doing this every week?"

"Oh, come on Dhee. You never have fun. I swear if you have an electrical cord plugged into your ass, then you would look like another one of these computers that you always stick your head into. You must live your life to its fullest sweetie" she said with puppy dog eyes, giving me a whiplash with her sudden change of emotions. Seriously, I love this girl to death but sometimes she makes me wonder if she is bipolar. "Also, look at what I brought you. I know you love it" she drawled with an impish smile and was shaking a takeout box in front of my face. I knew what she had in there. I could smell her trap as she had been pestering me to accompany her to the nightclub that she had been wanting to go to for a month now. But I wasn't going to give in that easily.

"I managed to find your favorite coconut pudding in this neighborhood, but it wasn't easy. I had to search through multiple coffee shops and stores before I finally found it," she said with a hint of pride. She seemed quite pleased with herself, but the situation was a bit chaotic. I mean she was trying to bribe a twenty-eight-year-old woman with a serving of coconut pudding for a trip to a nightclub that would mostly be eccentric to the max given it was Sarah who had picked the club. Don't let that cute pixie cut and her short stature and those big thick-rimmed cat's eyeglasses deceive you. That's just her business look. Once she gets into a social atmosphere, she becomes a completely different person. The woman is insane I tell you and a total party animal.

The few times I have been out with her were near-death experiences. Trust me when I say some of her moves have scarred me for life. No, I am not exaggerating. As much as I hate to admit it, her persuasive skills were working on me. I was practically edging on my seat to grab the bag from her hands. Yeah, I am nearly thirty and still have a thing for sweets like coconut pudding. So what? Sue me. Old habits die hard. Haven't you heard of it?

Fighting to keep myself rooted to my chair, I gave her a bored look. “Do you think that's going to make me follow you to a night of hell?", I asked. She pouted and even pulled off a perfect pleading look which made me almost say yes. Even though she had her quirks, she was my best friend who helped me settle in Boston after I moved here. Thanks to her, I was able to make some amazing friends and finally have a social life that I had been missing out on. She was always there to support me and motivate me to keep pushing forward, even when it was tough. With her help, I was able to let go of my past and focus on creating a brighter future for myself.

"Hello!!! Earth to Aadhira!!" I heard Sarah’s voice startle me. She was waving her hands in front of my face. It made me realize that I might have zoned out a little. "What?" I grumbled ignoring her and turning back to my computer to continue my work. "I am really busy Sarah. I don't have time for this" I managed. I had a deadline that I must meet. I had no time to spare for discussing hang-out plans with her. That reminded me I had a meeting with a supplier in about thirty minutes. I had to do a last-minute check on the presentation and print out the reports before I go. Judging from the way Sarah was blocking my exit she was in no hurry to leave my desk. I had to give her a reply that she would accept if I wanted to get to my meeting.

"Do you want me to call Jason, then? I am calling him" she said taking out her phone and starting to dial without waiting for my response. "No, Sarah. Oh, come on. I have a meeting in half an hour" I whined. I tried to snatch her phone, but she spun around giving me her back. I threw my hands up in the air when I realized the call had gone through and she was already chatting with her boyfriend Jason. "He wants to talk to you," she said with a sweet smile putting the phone on speaker. I shot her a glare before grumpily greeting her boyfriend, "Hi Jason."

"Baby girl! How are you?" he practically shouted. Thank God the phone was on speaker. Else I would have ear damage by now. "I am good" I answered cringing at his loud voice. For a lawyer with a good reputation, Jason was anything but calm or silent. He was a lively spirit and was always boisterous when he talked. But he was great to hang out with. Whenever he is around the whole place would erupt with laughter. He is the clown of the gang. I instantly liked him when Sarah introduced me to everyone by practically picking me up by the collar and throwing me amidst her friends in her apartment on a weekend. I was a nervous wreck at the start. But the guys were great, and I found myself warming up to them with time. Before I left her apartment, I had already made friends with them. I couldn't help but smile when I remembered those moments. They've always been so special to me.

"What is this I hear about you not coming to the party. Come on Dhee. It has been so long since we met. Don't you want to see your awesome friend? Don't worry I would spare you some attention and keep myself less engaged with the ladies" he said sounding like the terrible flirt he is. But he loved Sarah dearly. It would be blatantly obvious in his eyes how much he adored her whenever she was around. That’s the only reason he gets away with all these flirty comments. I rolled my eyes at his earlier comment as I gave him a reply through gritted teeth.

"Don't call me Dhee! You know I hate that" I responded, slightly irritated with that stupid nickname that Jason had coined in a drunken stupor. Eventually, people started to use it freely despite my violent objections. Why do people have to shorten my name? It's not that hard. It even has a meaning to it. It's freaking equivalent to the moon for God's sake. Why do you have to spoil that?

"I will call you whatever I want. Also, Dhee, it’s high time you got some action. Going celibate for this long is not healthy you know" he said with a serious tone which made me cover my face in frustration. Seriously? Are we talking about health now? Since when night clubs and healthy life started to go hand in hand?

Before I could retort to him with some colorful words, I heard a loud smack followed by Jason's cursing, "Ow! What was that for? Are you for real Kyle? Is this how you treat your best friend?" I heard Kyle's voice on the other end. "You were doing a shit job of convincing her and that's why I had to pitch in. Now get the hell out of my way before I seal your mouth shut with duct tape" he said. Judging from Jason's reaction Kyle must have smacked him in the head.

Kyle was Jason's best friend from childhood. They went to school and college together. Even now they work in the same law firm and share an apartment. While Jason was the funny clown of the gang Kyle was the calm and wise one. You could get into some deep meaningful conversations with him at times and he gives some good advice. "Ignore this moron A" he began. I could hear a distant 'Hey freaking rude man' from Jason on the other side. "Come out with us A. You will have at least me as sane company even if these love birds go wild. Don't leave me alone with these troublemakers my friend" he tried to reason which I can assure was so true.

After some hesitation, he also added "Besides Justin is in town for the weekend. He was asking about you. He said he wanted to meet you” making my breath hitch and my brain flood with flashes of the past.