
Chapter 24: Mellbrook POV...

-Nicks POV Last night-

Walking into my room I take off these dumb glasses, blinking to get used to the light. Walking to my computer I open a word processing program as I have done for years. Immediately typing down the days' events with as much detail as possible. It is a very easy process for me. There had been times before I had control over my power that I would go weeks on end without being able to write anything down and still be able to glean information from those. Not taking heed to save I continue to type knowing that I had obtained a surge protector that doubles as a battery not needing to fear anything happening. Plus with the amount of security in this place, I doubt anything would happen. But I did not survive years of redundant luck making it this far to not be a little paranoid. It took only a few moments to finish, I am a pretty quick typer. Leaning back I admire my work. I had done quite well to adhere to the rules of survival when in a new place. speak much, say little and see all. The glasses had been a good addition. I needed to thank Mrs.Pips next time I'm in vegas. They kept anyone from reading what was on my face while making me look like a jack ass. this was perfect because people overlooked people that they thought of as stupid. which is precisely what I wanted. I am someone who can affect the outcome of dice throws in a school of people who can lift cars and eat fire. I am going to need every advantage I can get and surprise is a good one to have. I had befriended Vince easy enough and Hershal is socially inadequate. So getting on his side was easy enough. Mary was a lost cost, the last thing I need is a Telepath too close. Alice and David, on the other hand, are a whole different story. Alice had some skill in reading people but her subtlety and manipulation were on the level of a beginner. It was actually kind of cute watching her try to lead Vince into a topic and fail miserably. David though, David is dangerous. His eyes tell me that he can see right through the ruse that I am putting on but simply doesn't care. It seems he is at peace to let events take their course and will only step in if something goes very wrong. and that works for me, he stays out of my way and I try to stay as far as possible away from whatever he is doing.

-Alice POV last night-

What was Daddy thinking? He knows how much I value my privacy and now I have a telepath for a dormmate. That Mary girl could be listening in on my thoughts right now. I will never know a moment's peace, a good night's sleep again. I have always been excellent at reading others. A skill I learned from watching Daddy deal with others. Now I'm stuck with a roommate who has been living in a forest for the last 8 years and was a mind reader to boot. All of Marys' social habits have been scrubbed clean by the wilderness and the solitude. So I have no idea what's going on in her idea. To make things worse she can read my mind like a book. Never have I ever been put in such a horrible position. Never have I ever been so exposed, so vulnerable. Luckily the others will be easy to deal with. Hershal is just a big board game geek. Nick is a tongue waging idiot. Vince is uncomfortable with his own uniqueness. While David is just some handsome muscle brain, yes he might not care about who my father is. But that just makes him stupid. They have all shown weakness that I can take advantage of for my own gain. So I am comfortable with them. As for the agents, there is no reason to even spare a thought for them. They work for daddy, everyone works for daddy. I will be polite but if they cross me I will handle them. No, there is no problem with anyone else. I just need to figure out how to deal with Mary.

-Hershal POV-

"Mary is so pretty" I used to have friends back before Roy started popping up more frequently. I even managed to hang on to some personal connections through my LARP group. Those are gone now, back in Chicago. While I lay here in bed alone. I desperately wish I still had those connections so I could talk to them right now. Tell them about my day, about how I got Roy under control, and about the beautiful girl with the amber-colored eyes I met on my first day of college. I can do none of that though. So instead I am talking to an empty room. I wish i could have talked to her after the meeting. But she went back to the girls' dorm as soon as the meeting ended. Did she run away because she knew I would try to talk to her? I am pudgy, shy, and unremarkable. Why would such a beautiful girl want to talk to the likes of me? I have spent my whole life feeling waves of insecurity crash against me. The only times they weren't there was when I was dressed up in costume pretending to be someone else. Then I was brave, confident, and outgoing. Then I was someone worth being. Feeling a stirring in my mind I realized I was calling out to Roy without noticing. That seemed to happen at my lowest points. when I want to be anyone but Hershal Daniels. If it was before the treatment Roy would probably already be out right now. fortunately, that was no longer the case. I could call out to him all night if I wanted, but without using the trigger that we created Roy would stay nothing more than a tickle in the back of my head. Still, it was hard enough to get to sleep alone. I don't need to try to pass out with both of us stirring. So I guess I will think about something other than Mary and how inadequate she makes me feel.

"she really is so pretty"

Rolling over I try to visualize something other than Marys' amber eyes.

-Marys POV-

Blushing I look at my bear named "No"

"Yes, I think he is very sweet No. I just think he needs some more time to antiquate to college on his own. This is a big new environment and if I was to be with him. I would be nothing more than a security blanket."

"..." (Bear named 'No')

"Okay, you got me. I also want to see what his other side is like. Besides, there are other more interesting thoughts going on right now. Don't you agree?"

"..." (No)

"So many people thinking of little ole' me. I feel like this is going to be a very interesting year."

"..." (No)

"Yes, David is an interesting one. Some part of his power allows him to put a barrier around his mind. I believe with some more training when it comes to fine control I will easily be able to bypass it without him noticing but it will take some time. "

"..." (No)

*giggle* "Oh, you rascal. maybe after a few weeks right now we need to get to bed. It's going to be very loud tomorrow unless we are rested and in control."

"..." (No)

grabbing No I role over and put us both under the blankets. Like turning off a light switch I banish the voices from my head and am greeted with peace and quiet. The ability to have silence on demand was an ability I will never grow tired of.

-Vince POV-

Getting back to my room I undress and get ready for bed. But before that, I take a golden pocket watch from my pocket and gently wind it as I have done every night. Checking the time I make sure the watch is running right before setting it down in a place of honor on my bedside table. Then getting into bed I pause only long enough on my journey to slumber only long enough to rub a finger along the surface of the pocket watch and whisper, "Good night father".

I was originally going to get right into the first days welcome meeting but I decided to do a little POV chapter. I won't be doing these often but I will spread them out periodically throughout the story. These chapters will serve the purpose of allowing you to see a glimpse into the minds of other characters in Davids Life. I feel kind of bad doing chapters like these because they are very easy and just require me to take what the author of the original books says and slightly adjust it to fit what I'm writing. It feels like writing a school paper when you are getting information from a source and are trying not to plagiarize. if you would like a really good multi-POV book go and read the original series "Super Powereds: Year One" it is a steller book and my fiction can not do it service. Well, as always, Have a great day. <3 :)

KingFapcreators' thoughts