
Chapter 17: Drivers License & A New Car...

Well, I'm currently 16. When it comes to height and weight I'm currently 2 meters(6'5") tall and weigh around 105 kgs(230lbs). I don't see my self growing much more than this. When it comes to size I'm about the size of an NFL linebacker, probably a little bigger. I might gain weight but it will be more condensed muscle, so the number on the scale will increase but my outward appearance won't.

Being 16 is a special time in a man's life. no, I'm not talking about the constant need to shave, or the super libido that causes *ahem* reactions for no reason, and I'm not even talking about the need to get a prom date because honestly, the thought of taking a 16-year-old to anything even close to a date gives me the shivers. Like honestly the amount of isekia/ reincarnation novels I read in my past life where the MC goes and dates an under 18-year-old kind of gives me the creeps. Know with that said I know that there are some countries where it's legal, but still with my American values its a little weird.

Speaking of America I noticed a long time ago that this world is just earth but a different timeline? Dimension? whatever. this world has America and Australia, and all of those other countries it's just that heroes and supers and stuff exist. So it's kind of like what would happen on earth if superpowers existed! There is even a lot of the same media stuff like games and the like. I even realized that LoL exists here! But I stayed as far away from it as possible, that game consumed too much of my time and money in the last world. NEVER AGAIN! well, I did play a few games and smash some scrubs but that's neither here nor there.

Back to the topic at hand, I kind of got lost in my own thoughts there for a second. Anyways I'm 16 which means I can get my license! Yes, that mystical card from the government which allows me to drive anywhere I want and will never have to ask for a ride again! Well I mean I can fly everywhere but I think that's illegal so I only do it at night!

So anyways today my mom is taking me to the DMV, yes they exist here to, to take the test for my license and pick out a car. I tried to tell my mom to just get me some old cheap car and it would fine, I would be happy but that didn't work out. In fact, the conversation went something like.

"So what car do you want? You're going to be 16 so you need a nice vehicle to get around"

"Oh I don't know I'll just get some old cheap car ya know? Something that I can drive around and not worry about how much you guys are going to be paying for it"

*smile* "That just won't do! How can I have my precious baby riding around in some death trap that might break down on the side of the road stranding you! That's just too dangerous."

"It's fine mom if it breaks down I can fix it, and honestly with my strength and ability to fly it won't be that big of a deal."

*devil image makes its appearance**smile* "Now, now son that simply won't do. I'll tell you what. After you pass your driver's test in my car we can take you to a dealership so that you can pick out a nice new car. And don't even think about buying some cheap car! Only the best for my baby!"

"Ye-yes, mom. I'll make sure to pick out a nice car"

"Good, good now let's go take that test! I hate waiting in the line at the DMV. You would think that they would come up with a better system with all these super-geniuses around. But no, we still have to wait in line for a person who hates their job, and everyone around them to call you up. Really it's just ridiculous."

So that's how I found myself in the line to take my driver's license test, with my next destination being a dealership.

"Next"(DMV employee)

"Yeah I would like to take my drivers test"

"6 forms of ID please"

"6 forms of ID? are there even 6 forms of ID!"

"If you don't have them you will have to come back later"

"Don't worry son I have them here."

"oh, thanks, mom. Here are your forms"

*Glances at the first one* "Your good, take this slip and put it on your window, an instructor will be with you shortly"


"Don't tell me how to do my job and I won't tell you how to take a drivers test. NEXT"

Going outside I sit in the vehicle and wait for the instructor to show up. he does, 20 minutes later and I take the test. I pass obviously, the only part that gave me trouble is the parallel parking, but honestly who doesn't have trouble with it. I hate that shit and in my past life I barely ever did it. But whatever it's time to go to the dealership and pick a car!

After 2 hours of looking around and another 30 minutes for the best test drive of my life, I have found the vehicle for me. It is a Lexus LC 500. It is the flagship car of the Lexus brand. With a sporty looking exterior in black. It has the amazing infinite rear lights that make it seem like the tail lights go off deep into the car when they actually don't. On the inside, I opted for the red and black interior giving the car a sportier look than it usually has. All of the material is extremely nice as you would expect from the flagship car of a luxury brand like Lexus. I opted for the 21-inch wheels because who wouldn't? now under the hood is where it gets interesting. It has a 5L v8 naturally aspirated. So there is no turbo. But even still the car puts out an impressive 471 hp. But what truly sold this car for me is the sound. god, that sweet, sweet exhaust note. It is what dreams are made of. Honestly, Lexus went above and beyond when designing this vehicle. Now the car isn't some track carving machine, no, on the contrary, it is a gt. It is meant to be both comfortable and fun to drive for long distances and make you want to do it again. It is a perfect vehicle in my humble opinion.

After picking out the car and doing the paperwork I was finally able to drive it home. I feel bad about the price of the vehicle but my mother insisted, and since both of my parents make such good money off of merch their agent sells it isn't a big deal for them. So being thankful I decide that I will have to make them proud by not only graduating from Lander and its htc program but also finish 1st in my class with a perfect 4.0 GPA in my degree. Even if I don't need a degree to be a hero it is still necessary to have one for a cover story in case someone tries to dig into your identity. So if I'm going to do it, I might as well do it to the best of my abilities.

I got smashed my work today so I got off early! so I decided I will release the normal 2 chapters for today then do some studying for my exam tomorrow! Wish me luck! Welp as always, I hope you have a great day. :) <3

KingFapcreators' thoughts