
Cultivator in the Super Powereds world

I was your regular, everyday guy until i died *sigh* tragic, i know. But all is not lost because with every closed door comes a open window ... or something i'm not really sure how that saying goes. Anyways that's not the point, the point is after i died i met god. Yeah that god the one on the clouds with the long beard, and the white hair who can talk through burning bushes and has a list of rules to live by or you will go to hell, yeah that guy. Well it seems he messed up and i died because of it and long story short he is letting me choose which world i will reincarnate into and give me a few wishes to help my life along. So follow me as i go into the world of Super Powereds to make friends, find love, and kick ass ... hopefully. (Disclaimer I do not own the rights to super Powereds written by Drew Hayes. If you have not read or listened to this series i recommend you do you will not regret it.)

KingFap · Bücher und Literatur
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Chapter 14: Going Home...

-2 more months-

Another 2 months have passed since my heart to heart? Jaded conversation? A verbal spar? Well whatever the conversation was, it was a necessary one if I want to be the best hero I can be. Unfortunately, though it is time to return home. school starts in about a week and I need to get home to prepare and get all of the things in order.

Walking down the stairs with my suitcase packed I find Owen once again in the kitchen making breakfast. Without him needing to ask I immediately grab the plates forks and drinks and set the table. We have had the same routine every morning since the first morning I woke up here. The only thing that changes in the food Owen makes. Today it seems to be waffles with fresh fruit, syrup and any topping you could want. from shaved almond to chocolate chip. I personally go with almonds because they add a nice crunch to the waffle with some butter and syrup for flavor and sweetness.

After eating Owen drives me to the airport and we say our goodbyes. Over the last 4 months, Owen has become like an uncle to me and I will have to be sure to visit again in the future. The training from the strength control to the actual strength training have all been very useful to me. Although his way of training strength may be a little old school it still gets the job done. Now other than the superhero-related training I feel like my training in bartending will be a big help for me in the future. I have no plans to be a bartender in the future but I have a feeling it will give me an advantage in college for some reason.

Anyways at the airport, Owen waves me off as a get on the flight from colorado back to lone star city where I will get to see my parents again. It has been 4 months since the last time I saw them in person. Of course, I talked over the phone with one or both of them every night but it isn't the same thing and honestly, I'm a little homesick. This is the first time I have been away from home or my parents since I was born in this world.

-6 hours later-

Stepping off the plane the first thing I do is look around and instantly spot my parents standing together waving at me like idiots with tears and huge smiles on there faces. Running to them with an equally huge smile and tears running down my eyes I hug them for all I'm worth. Well maybe not that hard, my father could take the hug easily but I'm afraid I might hurt my mother, but never the less I still hug them very firmly.

Laughing and talking about our summers we leave the airport and head home to settle back in and have a nice family dinner. I will skip the details but just know that there was a lot of I love you's and I missed you tossed around as we relaxed and enjoyed each other's company.

Honestly, moments like these make me miss my family from my last life but I like to think that they are stronger people after having lost me so suddenly. I know that they must have been sad for a long time and that there are still times that the loss of a son or brother will give them pangs in their hearts. But I like to believe that they will be happier and more appreciative of the life they are given and the life of people around them because the human body is very frail and life can be lost in the snap of a finger. Completely changing the potential path that person or the people around them lives could have taken. This is also why no matter how hard life gets or how stacked the odds are against me I will never give up on the fight or my life because there are always people who will hurt if you die. Even if those people aren't apparent in the darkest times of life it doesn't mean they don't exist.

4 chapters?! in one day?! King fap you are a mad lad! I know, I know but I put out for the people! here is the 4th chapter of the day. it is both short and heavy at the end but I hope you like it anyways. and as always I hope you have a great day. :) <3

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