


Jack rushed towards his fellow tribesmen, all the while being on guard for any potential ambushes from the shadowy beastkin.

Annoyed that she was being so rudely interrupted, Isolde yelled at Jack for bursting into her fight. Even after having scolded the crimson princess in a fit of anger, she glanced at the somewhat ragged state of her teammate.

"WHAT?! Can you not take care of one meer beastkin on your own?!"

It was just at that moment of incredibly high emotions that Noxtis took to strike. Rising out of the shadow of the female frost wolf, he wielded Nightfall and stabbed forth with deadly accuracy. With the angle that he choose to appear, Jack was unable to react in time. Since if he were to throw any kind of ice spear, any attack would hit Isolde rather than stop Noxtis.

Realizing the attack coming her way much too late, Isolde felt a blade stab right through her right leg even though the savage leather hide she wore.