For new disciples in a sect, it takes considerably lot of willpower to make an object levitate. You have to cultivate a lot of things before you can do it. No amount of energy can help you until you got those.
Fortunately for me, I was really hard-working, knowing everyone but me can use dangerous wands with lethal spells.
"Wingardium Leviosa!"
I added the silly cool accent other kids had and waved with my wand up, back and down, in this order.
And guess what?!
Guess what?!
It started… le-vi-ta-ting!
I almost started laughing out loud. So much noise and moves for something so discreet.
You cannot use levitation against an intelligent oponnent if he knows you're doing so.
Everyone can cancel it then.
Well, more like… every cultivator.
Professor Flitwick came to me and praised me highly.
"Good, good! Even when you got the moves a little bit wrongly, you have managed to cast it so powerfully! You got great talent for charms, mister Faemon!"
Yeah, that's me. Jonathan Faemon. A Gryffindor house. Blonde hair.
But more importantly, I got still this honest-looking-face. I better won't warp it with thoughts of hatred, then.
"Can you show me how, please?"
Bill was not that fast.
Maybe if he was not scribbling in our common room pictures of pyramids and castles, devising supposedly grave traps, he could have more time to train spells.
Yet it seemed like his talent was training for him. I don't know how he can get it so fast after finally putting in the effort for just a few minutes.