
The Beginning of the End

"Once again, congratulations on your marriage." Emperor Xiu said to Tian Xian after the wedding in a private meeting.

"Thank you for allowing me to marry Xiu Mei, father. You will not regret this." Tian Xian said with a smile on his face.

"Hahaha! Why are you being so humble out of nowhere? It's weird!" Emperor Xiu laughed out loud.

After chatting for a while, Emperor Xiu spoke with a serious expression on his face, "Let's talk about why I called you here, Tian Xian. Now that you are officially part of our family, do you have any desire to rule your own territory?"

"My own territory?" Tian Xian raised his eyebrows in a puzzled manner.

"Indeed. You are no longer just a soldier with a duty. Now that you are one of us, you have two options. One, remain here and compete with the others for my position as its Emperor. Or two, leave and build your own empire. Of course, I will support you regardless of your decision."