
Teleportation Array

"If you have the time to complain, let's use it to continue our search," Tian Yang said to her.


After spending a few more days asking thousands of people around the Southern Stronghold, they were still unable to find Huang Xiao Li's parents.

"Hey, Tian Yang, you came here to train, right? Are you sure you want to spend so much time here? I think I can do this by myself." Huang Xiao Li suddenly said to him.

"I've had enough life-or-death situations for now, I want to take it easy for a bit," he calmly said.

"Moreover, I am still trying to solidify my previous breakthrough. Until I am fully used to my new strength, I'll help you."

"Thank you…" Huang Xiao Li mumbled.

"With that being said, we've spent an entire week in this place without learning anything about your family. I think it's safe to assume that they never made it here," he continued a moment later.