
Cultivation of immortality with two worlds

Fang Xi wore it, and it was a second wear! In the world of cultivating immortals, I am obedient, but in another world, I strike hard! Unexpectedly, thousands of years later, he would become a big boss in the world of immortality!

Mango_Man_Fantasy · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Chapter 3 Qi and Blood Martial Arts

Fang Mansion.


  Fang Xi stared at Ah Fu with an ugly expression

  Ah Fu lowered his head, full of anxiety: "The old slave spent a lot of money to find a middleman, and promised to add more money, but..."

  Fang Xi took a deep breath.

  As an immortal cultivator, when had he ever experienced such humiliation? ...Well, I got used to this kind of humiliation so often in Qingzhu Shanfang City.

  Just get used to it, get used to it.

  "That's all, I guess it's because my qualifications are average and others look down upon me."

  He shrugged.

  As an immortal cultivator, even at the lowest level, you still have the ability to have a sharp ear and a photographic memory.

  He had felt a prying gaze when he was entrusting someone with someone before.

  But it was obvious that the Qi and Blood Warrior had another way of identifying qualifications, and did not give him a chance to show off his extraordinary abilities in memory and understanding.

  'In other words, might the martial arts masters in this world care more about physical qualifications rather than intellectual and spiritual qualifications? No wonder it's inferior physical training...'

  Fang Xi gave herself Ah Q's spiritual comfort, and the effect was outstanding.

  Then, he laughed and said: "Well...since Yuanhe Mountain won't accept them, then go to the martial arts school...the martial arts school will not accept disciples based on their qualifications." At this point,

  Ah Fu also laughed: "Young Master is right, martial arts schools... they claim to teach without distinction, so they accept those who have money." A

  satisfied smile appeared on Fang Xi's lips: "It just so happens that I am rich!"



  The sun was rising, and in the backyard of Fang Mansion, there was a temporarily cleared martial arts field.

  Fang Xi was lying on the old man's chair, with a cup of homemade fruit smoothie next to her. The principle was similar to the air conditioner installed by herself, using the methods of immortal cultivators to make her life more comfortable.

  On a hot summer day, drinking a glass of fruit ice is really refreshing.

  In the martial arts arena, there were several martial arts masters, mostly middle-aged and a few elderly people, looking at him somewhat flatteringly.

  Fang Xi turned her head, took a mouthful of the smoothie given by Yue Gui, and clapped her hands.

  Ah Fu came out of the queue and coughed: "My master wants to learn martial arts. You are all experts in the martial arts school. If you have any special skills, you can practice them. If the master likes you, I will be grateful... Even if you are not selected, you can give it a try." I will give you a thank you gift afterwards."

  Since he is a rich man, he will naturally not go to a martial arts gym to learn martial arts from the public, but hire a private instructor!

  Hearing this, the eyes of those muscular warriors lit up.

  Since they have opened martial arts schools, it is natural to make money and not to struggle with money.

  And this official, Mr. Fang, is famous for being...a fat sheep!

  A group of people looked at each other, and an old man in black couldn't wait to come out and clasped his fists: "She Lei from the Red Snake Martial Arts School is good at 'Red Snake Legs'!" When he came to a wooden stake, his right leg

  suddenly Lifting it high, the muscles on it exploded one by one, stretching the black pants almost to the point of tearing.


  The next moment, he kicked with a flying kick. His originally strong right leg seemed to be weak and boneless, changing erratically. The leg whip hit the wooden stake with strong wind.


  The thick wooden pile fell apart instantly.

  Sawdust was flying, and She Lei introduced proudly: "The Red Snake Kick Technique in this martial arts school mainly exercises the legs. After learning it, it is not only very powerful, but also increases the speed of the movement. With good movement, you can at least remain undefeated in a duel." ..."

  "Not bad, not bad." Fang Xi's eyes lit up.

  Although the lethality of the red snake legs is not as good as the small spells such as the Gengkin Kusanagi Sword he has mastered, he is still in the early stage of Qi refining and has limited mana in his body, so he cannot support several spells.

  And judging from the opponent's long physical strength, he can still kick at least twenty or thirty kicks, which is a good value.

  'Sure enough, as I thought, these so-called qi and blood martial arts can be regarded as body-refining exercises in the qi-refining stage, and they are still very valuable...and maybe if you study them carefully, you can have something comparable to the body-building exercises in the foundation-building stage. What are the exercises to practice! '

  Fang Xi's heart is burning!

  Build the foundation!

  This is the common dream of all low-level monks.

  However... this level is too difficult.

  Just the bottom line requirement of cultivating to the Great Perfection of Qi Refining before the age of sixty is enough to stump most casual cultivators.

  Moreover, attacking the Foundation Establishment on your own will not lead to death, and the Foundation Establishment spiritual objects that ensure the success of the Foundation Establishment, especially the Foundation Establishment Pill, are firmly controlled by those big forces. Even if the Situ family wants to obtain a Foundation Establishment Pill, it will take a lot of effort. It's a lot of nerve-wracking.

  For ordinary low-level casual cultivators, even smelling it is a luxury.

  But at this time, Fang Xi saw a curved road to overtake!

  'If I improve my physical training to a level comparable to that of a monk in the late stage of Qi refining, and then collect pill techniques to help break through the middle and late stages of Qi refining, it will be much easier. '   

  'And if I can first become a foundation-building physical practitioner and then collect foundation-building pills, my hope will be much greater and I will be much safer. '

  'There is hope on the road, there is hope on the road! '

  Although she controls the resources of both worlds, Fang Xi has not forgotten her status as the bottom of the food chain in the Southern Wilderness Cultivation World. She still dares not bring the special resources of Great Liang to the Southern Wilderness Cultivation World for sale.

  Unless... master more powerful power.

  Now, he saw hope.

  "Master She is good at his craftsmanship, reward him!"

  Fang Xi said in a happy mood.

  Originally, She Lei was a little dissatisfied. After all, although he was really out to sell, he was still a bit more sophisticated than the entertainers.

  But when I saw Ah Fu coming out with a smile and a plate of silver, I immediately lost all dissatisfaction, and the wrinkles on my old face almost bloomed with smiles.

  This fat sheep is so worthy!

  Seeing this scene, the representatives of the martial arts hall were jealous. A tall woman stood up and said, "I'm from Baiyun Martial Arts School, Mu Piaomiao. I'm from Baiyun Martial Arts School. I'm good at 'White Cloud Palm'. I can defeat the strong with the weak. It's extremely easy to get started." ..."

  Obviously, this female martial artist carefully inquired about the customer's needs and knew that Fang Xi's martial arts qualifications were not very good, otherwise she would not have been rejected by Yuan Heshan, and she hit the point with her words.

  Moreover, when she was practicing her palm skills, she showed off her beautiful figure, with her tall and straight breasts, giving her a little bit of charm.

  When the other martial arts masters saw it, they all secretly cursed the fox, but were reluctant to look away.

  After Mu Piaomiao went down, another martial artist came forward.

  "I'm Yuan Tiangang, good at the 'Wuji Stick'..."

  "I'm Yi Qiujue, good at the 'Iron Fist'..." "

  I'm a 'Tsing Yi Sword'..."


  After the last martial artist finished practicing, Fang Xi thought for a while and asked, "The martial arts of all the masters are quite good. I wonder if I can learn them all?" Anyway, he had more money, so it didn't matter if he learned them all



  Several martial arts masters looked at each other, but Mu Miaomiao stepped forward with long legs and explained: "Master Fang, martial arts consumes a lot of energy and blood. One martial arts may make people physically exhausted. It must be Combined with the powerful tonic decoction, the so-called biting off more than you can chew, and the movement of Qi and blood in several martial arts conflict with each other..." "


  After hearing Mu Piaomiao's explanation, Fang Xicai was thoughtful.

  There are indeed some taboos in this Qi and Blood Martial Arts.

  And listening to what the other party said, it seems that there are still some things that are not yet fully understood. It must be knowledge that can only be obtained by getting started.

  He thought for a while and finally said: "In that case, I will first learn a leg method and a palm method... Master She and Master Mu, please stay." When the other martial arts

  masters heard this, they felt anxious in their hearts. Somewhat angry.

  Forget it, She Lei dared to be the first to stand up. Naturally, he was one of the strongest in martial arts, and he was also very confident.

  And Mu Piaomiao, doesn't she have long legs and a broad mind?

  Are the hobbies of rich people so simple and unpretentious?


  After the martial arts masters left in disbelief, Fang Xi looked at She Lei and Mu Miaomiao carefully: "Master She, Master Mu...the tuition starts from today, and the tuition will be taught every three days, how about it?" At this time

  , He then looked at the two people carefully.

  When She Lei is not practicing martial arts, he is just an unspectacular little old man.

  Mu Miaomiao has a plump figure, with a heroic and muscular look, and her facial features are quite good, but her skin is a bit rough.


  Mu Piaomiao thought for a while: "The energy and blood of Red Snake Leg mainly circulates in the legs, which does not conflict with our White Cloud Palm. However, you must be careful not to learn too much, otherwise the energy and blood will be mixed in the later period, which will be unfavorable for breakthrough..."

  Speaking of this, Fang Xi was also a little depressed: "Qi and blood mainly trains the legs and palms... Isn't there a martial arts that can truly train the whole body's qi and blood?"

  This kind of body training method has serious flaws. One point, the key is that it is not conducive to protective spells!

  Mu Miaomiao and She Lei looked at each other, and the little old man coughed: "Ahem... In fact, as long as it is Qi and blood martial arts, when exercising the main parts, it will always have the side effect of tempering the whole body's blood. But to truly exercise the whole body, Then it is not the third-rate martial arts taught in our martial arts school, but the first-class secret martial arts. Perhaps...the secret martial arts at the bottom of the box in Yuanhe Mountain can reach such a level." "Okay..." Fang


  sighed , I secretly made a decision in my heart.

  Isn't it the real secret?

  In the future, he may not be able to get it.

  After all... the warriors in this world may not be able to withstand the methods of immortal cultivators.

  Of course, this still needs to be tested slowly and cannot be rushed.

  Anyway, he is still young, this body is only seventeen years old, and immortal cultivators have a long lifespan. Even if a cultivator in the Qi Refining Stage can live to be eighty or ninety years old, it will not be a big problem.

  (End of chapter)