
Cultivation of immortality with two worlds

Fang Xi wore it, and it was a second wear! In the world of cultivating immortals, I am obedient, but in another world, I strike hard! Unexpectedly, thousands of years later, he would become a big boss in the world of immortality!

Mango_Man_Fantasy · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Chapter 1: People are driven into panic. 

   The north wind is like a knife, rolling up thousands of piles of snow.

  The harsh winter is like a prison, and every drop of water turns into ice.

  Amidst the white snow, a green bamboo forest grows lush and green. The green bamboo leaves are like emeralds, glowing with exquisite and clear luster. The water droplets on them are like bright pearls, each shining with light.

  Wisps of dreamlike snow-white mist linger, making the place feel like a fairyland.

  On the floor of the bamboo forest, a four-legged snake-like creature quickly crawled across the grass, and the scales on its back left a few wisps of eerie color in the air.


  A cold air suddenly appeared and fell on the four-legged snake.

  The surrounding temperature dropped sharply, and the four-legged snake was instantly frozen to the ground, turning into a lifelike ice sculpture.

  "Finally we caught this damn little thief."

  The bamboo forest moved, and a young man walked out of it.

  He was quick on his feet, with a figure as tall as a pine tree, regular facial features, and eyes like a clear, bottomless pool. He was wearing a thick cotton-padded jacket and had a look of relief on his face.

  Fang Xi came to the ice sculpture, raised her hand and weighed the frozen four-legged snake in her hands. Her face gradually fell, and she kept muttering: "It's a loss, it's a loss!" "The non-level monster

  insect— - Skink, worth one spiritual crystal. In order to catch it, I wasted three days and also consumed an 'ice talisman'. Although this talisman is only a first-level low-grade one, it costs half a spiritual stone. Here!"

  Fang Xi's face was full of depression.

  The so-called 'spiritual crystals' are fragments of spiritual stones. Generally speaking, it takes ten spiritual crystals to exchange for one low-grade spiritual stone.

  This transaction is, of course, a loss.

  However, it's impossible not to do it!

  Because Fang Xi is the spiritual farmer of this bamboo forest, the next year's harvest will all depend on the growth of this bamboo forest, so naturally she cannot let this monster destroy her.


  A gust of cold wind blew, making Fang Xi shiver coldly.

  He raised his head and looked at the sky where it started to snow again. He couldn't help but tighten his cotton-padded jacket and sighed in his heart: "Unknowingly, it turns out that I have already traveled through time for a year? If I hadn't traveled through time, I wouldn't dare to do anything." I believe it turns out that immortal cultivators are also afraid of the cold..."

  Yes, Fang Xi is a time traveler!

  His time travel is ordinary, nothing special at all. He worked hard in his previous life, but after being admitted to college, he became decadent, neglected his studies, and couldn't find a good job. After graduation, he was told by his parents to join the public examination army. Then the math questions on the test made life worse than death.

  Facts have proved that even if people are forced to be anxious, they still cannot solve math problems!

  Unfortunately, before the results of the public examination came out, Fang Xi was in the examination room and traveled through time!

  As soon as he opened his eyes, he came to this world where immortal cultivators existed, and he was also possessed by a young man named Fang Xi.

  This young man named Fang Xi has the third level of Qi refining, is alone, and is a spiritual farmer in Qingzhushanfang City, Yue Country, in the Southern Wilderness Cultivation World!

  Originally, Fang Xi still didn't believe in time travel, but after struggling for several hours, after tremblingly releasing the first small spell in his life according to his body memory, he was finally convinced that he had really mastered supernatural power. Become a high-ranking immortal!

  Of course, immortal cultivators are not yet considered immortals. They still have the elements of mortals and have to experience cold and heat, as well as birth, old age, illness and death.

  However, Fang Xi also knew from her memory that as a cultivator's skills and realm improve, one can indeed prolong life, be immune to all diseases, and even become truly immortal.

  The best example is the Situ family that controls Qingzhushanfang City. It is said that there is more than one "Foundation Building Overhaul" in the family!

  As foundation-building monks, they fully meet the imagination of ordinary people. At least, their life span has been doubled and they can easily live for more than two hundred years!

  Two hundred years! In previous lives, one could already see the rise and fall of most dynasties.

  Therefore, Fang Xi chose to inherit everything from the original owner, continue to be a spiritual farmer in Fangshi, and start her own path to immortality.

  at this time.

  Although she said she was very disgusted, after complaining, Fang Xi carefully put away the skink. After all, it was also a spiritual crystal!

  He inherited the original owner's savings, and now his entire net worth is only a few dozen spirit crystals!

  As for the 'Emerald Jade Bamboo Forest' in the six-point area he is in charge of, the bamboo matures every year. After paying half of the tax, there is only one hundred kilograms left, which is about one stone and worth thirty spiritual crystals...

  Xin After working hard for a year, he earned three low-grade spiritual stones...

  "Alas, it's hard to become an immortal, but even harder to survive!"

  Fang Xi sighed, flicked away the snowflakes on his body with his hand, and began to clear the weeds in the bamboo forest.

  These weeds are also nourished by spiritual energy and grow very hard. If you are not careful, they will compete with the jade bamboo for nutrients and affect the harvest.

  Therefore, if you want to be a spiritual farmer, you still need to be proficient in minor spells such as the Spring Breeze and Rain Technique and the Gengkin Kusanagi Sword.

  Although Fang Xi inherited the memory of the original owner, the farm work was still very difficult and her life was very painful.

  The third level of Qi refining is only the initial stage in the Qi refining period. In Qingzhushanfang City, it is not uncommon for monks to reach the fourth level or above in the middle stage of Qi refining. Occasionally, there are great masters above the seventh level of Qi refining. However, in the world of immortality, the weak and the strong prey on the weak and take advantage of others. Things abound.

  Even high-level magic cultivators, in order to refine powerful spells and even magic weapons, have made blood sacrifices within a hundred-mile radius. Although there are very few tragedies, they are clearly recorded in books.

  Sometimes, Fang Xi even thought about giving up the path of cultivating immortals, returning to the mortal world, becoming a rich man with a group of wives and concubines, and spending the rest of his life would be a good idea.

  But soon, this idea was abandoned by him.

  After all, in terms of enjoyment, even ancient emperors may not be as good as an ordinary modern person.

  The only thing that can compare with modern people is the temptation of transcendence and immortality!

  Therefore, although life was very hard, Fang Xi gritted his teeth and endured.   


  The sky is as gloomy as ink.

  Fang Xi raised her head, looked at the sky, and started to rush to her residence.

  Although Qingzhushanfang City has a mountain protection formation, in order to save spiritual stones, it usually only protects one main street in Fang City and the surrounding shops. Don't even think about covering the entire mountain or even Lingtian District.

  Therefore, this area is not very safe at night.

  Although the Situ family's law enforcement team patrolled, crimes committed by Jie Xiu still happened from time to time, and Fang Xi certainly would not risk her own life.

  The residential area of the spiritual farmers is close to Shanshanfang City, and it is also a place where patrols pass through frequently, so it is relatively safe.

  Fang Xi maliciously speculated that it was probably because spiritual farmers like herself were poor and useless, and Jie Xiu looked down upon them.

  After walking up the mountain for a while, a low shantytown appeared in sight. Each house was surrounded by fences, and chickens and dogs heard each other.

  When Fang Xi saw it, a smile couldn't help but appear on her face.

  After walking two steps, a cultivator who looked like an old farmer passed by and said hello with a smile: "Brother Fang, do you want to find a good place to play?"

  His face was full of wrinkles, and his smile showed two He has big yellow teeth, and his aura is actually lower than Fang Xi's, around the second level of Qi Refining.

  This is Fang Xi's neighbor, Lao Maitou.

  Fang Xi didn't know where the other person came from, but seeing him every day without looking up, she had developed some friendship.

  Seeing the other party's expression at this time, he immediately knew where the other party was going.

  There are also Kun cultivators in the shanty towns that seem to be built randomly with wooden boards. They don't do much farming, their lives are relatively comfortable, and they have their own way of making a living.

  Lao Maitou has been farming for a longer period of time than Fang Xi, but his life is very difficult. He even borrowed spiritual crystals. You can imagine where his savings went.

  Fang Xi shook his head and refused: "Old Maitou, I still have to practice at night..."

  In fact, as early as when he got familiar with this body, he went to the "Drunken Immortal Tower" in the market, spent half of his fortune, had a good night, and walked out... It must be said that those who specialize in the art of

  charming The little goblin is really annoying.

  Since then, Fang Xi here has focused all his energy on farming. She has no choice but to have money...

  'How can I have tea with a young lady if I don't save money? I don't drink Chen's..."

  Fang Xi returned to her house and opened the door.

  His room is very large, divided into small rooms such as a living room, a bedroom, and a training room... Some Kun cultivators will also plant some spiritual vegetables and raise some spiritual birds in the fence, which can be said to make full use of the land to the extreme.

  Fang Xi came to the kitchen, took out some spiritual rice mixed with whole grains, and made herself a pot of porridge.

  The spiritual rice is naturally 'Jasper Bamboo Rice', each grain is like jade, with a fragrance. Even if it is mixed with ordinary people's refined rice and coarse grains, it is still delicious and the taste is very sweet and delicious.

  Especially after eating, in addition to warmth, there is also a faint aura rising in my stomach.

  Taking advantage of this opportunity, Fang Xi immediately came to the practice room and practiced hard in seclusion.

  Half an hour later, Fang Xi opened her eyes and smiled bitterly: "This 'Changchun Technique' is really difficult. I have practiced hard for a year, but I can only control the cultivation level of the original owner. I have not even seen the peak of the third level of Qi refining, let alone Talking about the bottleneck of sprinting to the middle stage of Qi refining... It's so difficult..."

  He sighed, while pricking up his ears to listen to the surroundings, he took out another talisman and posted it on the wooden wall of the training room.

  This is a first-level low-grade 'talisman' that has a certain degree of defense. Most importantly, it can isolate sounds and spiritual energy fluctuations!

  As for the divine consciousness in the foundation building stage, although it cannot protect it, if it is scanned by the divine consciousness, it will explode immediately to remind the monks.

  After doing all this, Fang Xi's expression returned to calm and he snapped his fingers.


  In the blink of an eye, he had arrived at another place.

  Indoors, there is feasting and feasting, and it is as warm as spring. A purple and gold incense burner burns fine soothing spices.

  The soft chair made of rosewood is comfortable and pleasant, and you can just lie down on it at night.

  With the movement of his finger, a self-made air conditioner by a cultivator turned on, keeping the room at a suitable temperature and humidity.

  After lying down enough, Fang Xi threw away his tattered cotton-padded jacket and put on a suit of brocade clothes, which made the young man look more handsome and unrestrained.

  He opened the door, and a dazzling ray of sunlight fell down, revealing a huge and wealthy mansion.

  In the blink of an eye, it seemed like the world had changed.

  In fact, this is exactly the case!

  A smile appeared on Fang Xi's lips.

  When people are pushed into a hurry, they can do anything, including time travel! ! !

   Please collect and recommend new books!

    Well, according to the votes cast by book friends at the end of the previous book, the new book is Cultivation of Immortality with Unlimited Streaming...

  (End of this chapter)