
cultivation journey with a system

a young was betrayed by his girlfriend and his mood obviously was down .he was walking on the empty road at night when suddenly truck hit him and he died . he woke up inside the body of a poor young man called adam and found a system that was fused with him . this new world was of that of cultivation which he had read stories of on earth . so with system as his companion the new started his journey of cultivation. his dream was to fuck various celestial beauties and reach the appex of cultivation. his system was a bit special as he could duplicate items with its help . he would his unique system ability and get stronger little by little . english is not my first language so sorry in advance for sloppy vocabulary and mistakes . please read this story in your free time .

gursimran_singh · Fantasie
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24 Chs

flight , meeting sasha again

adam was now standing right beside the entrance of the abandoned origin stone mine . he had closed his eyes was touching the air like an idiot but in fact he was sensing the energy inside the atmosphere right now .

now that he has element seeds inside his inner world , he can identify the energy related to the elements easily just by concentrating a little. the spiritual energy was the combination of various element energies so now adam was seeing various colors flowing in the atmosphere like red , yellow , blue , orange etc . adam could feel that all the colors he could see were the ones he had element seeds of like red was fire , purple was void etc.

adam was actually matching the wavelength of his origin energy with the purple energy inside the atmosphere which was the void energy because he was trying to fly this time . to fly he had to first stand in the air which was stepping on the void so he was concentrating on that now . Adam's understanding of void element was second best after fire so he was able to match the wavelength and started effortlessly floating in the air 5 m above the ground . now adam again realised the importance of Maxing out his control on his own energy to the level of instinct . if he had full control on his energy than there was no need to waste hours to match the wavelength before controlling his energy output to float. he could have just mentally imagine to fly and his energy would automatically connect with the spiritual energy in the atmosphere to make it happen and the energy used would be according to the level of understanding adam has for the required elements. with his mental power that was very strong it was not a difficult task to constantly maintain the right output of his origin energy while flying but adam preferred that he would be able to do it on instinct as the concentration of elements is different according to every location so it was an hassle to calculate and match the wavelength everytime to cast a spell .

now adam had to only spend seconds to match wavelengths with energy in the atmosphere because he had deliberately slowed the process to match wavelength to hours because he wanted to learn the process slowly and completely so that next time he can do so easily . adam increased the origin energy consumption by more than 4 times and his figure shot up straight in the air upwards at insane speed . after playing in the air by flying in various patterns like horizontally, vertically, 8 shape etc he had mastered the flying spell completely now.

adam landed on the ground but his grin which he was caused by the excitement he felt was instantly replaced by shock and embarrassment because he had gotten carried away and traveled much farther away from the origin stone mine location . fortunately he had system map with him or he would have cursed himself a lot due to the inability to find the right way back .

adam had somehow travelled more than 40 kilometers away from the dawn city and his surroundings were only a mountains range that continued for dont know how many kilometers . all of a sudden adam noticed dots on the map which were running towards his direction at fast speed and would reach him in a minute or two . Adam's face changed and he forgot the previous disappointment instantly because according to the dots a person was being chased by a beast now . adam could not be considered a saint but he did not mind helping someone if he deemed the person suitable for him to help them .

a minute passed an adam caught the sight of a familiar small figure running while crying towards his direction and a bloodthirsty six armed ape following it . the only reason sasha was capable of running away till now was that she could run fast and the ape was naturally limited when came to speed but the ape beast was a foundation level beast so Adam's face changed . he could not bear the cute little sasha showing despair on her face while the ape was clearly showing a grin as though he was enjoying chasing little girl . adam instantly flew up in the sky and pointed a fingure in the direction of the ape .

he chanted 'fire arrow ' inside his mind loudly and immediately a small dot of red colour appeared ahead of Adam's fingure . it transformed into a red beam of light which traveled straight at insane speed and hit between the brows of the ape . it immediately dissolved into thin air but the ape was burnt and not even his ashes remained. he only felt danger when the beam of light had reached him and didnt have time to change his grin before dying and then burning to ashes ....