
Cultivation Daddy

Li Jain was a spiritual plant in his previous life that was nurture into his human form by the Hanxu sect. legend has it that only the Heavenly Spiritual Plant can open the gate of Heaven for cultivators to become immortals. Li Jain was raise carefully, he didn't lack anything and became an experts in lots of arts. After he advance to the Transformation realm, he began his quest of opening the heavenly gate. But when the gate open, he was killed ruthlessly by the same people that once treat him like a treasure. He spent years as a wandering ghost and eventually, found his fated soul in another world. The person body he took over has seven children and was despise by his family. Li Jain could take care of seven buns and make them very power in the future. With the help of his Spiritual Tavern, he became very wealthy.

NobleFox · LGBT+
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61 Chs

Chapter 18, Li Jing Sheng, The Business Taco

Li Jain ignored the shop owner's glare  directed towards him. "I'll give you a better one." Li Jain summons a sword with ice attributes from his space and hands it over to Jing Sheng. He watches the young son take the sword carefully. His expression changed slightly, from the usual blank, calm expression to pure awareness when he held the icy cold weapon.  

As soon as Jing Sheng touched the sword, the cold aura penetrated his body and he couldn't help shivering.  The sword started emitting white  fog of light.

Li Jain knew this reaction all too well and he reached out quickly. He grabbed the sword's arm  and stopped the white fog from spreading further into Jing Sheng's body. 

The shop owner  was dumbfounded to see such a high quality ice attribute sword. The aura of the sword is astounding and demanding the use of the user's strength to control it.  

Li Jain was a little embarrassed. How could he give such a magical weapon to a child who hasn't entered the first stage of Physical Body yet? "I'll buy this sword for now. When you reach the right requirements, I'll give you this sword." 

What a huge aura the sword has! Jing Sheng felt as if his soul had frozen for a moment.

Jing Sheng looks at the ice attributes sword with greed and expectations. He couldn't wait to handle this sword, but since his level is so low right now, he can only reluctantly let it go.  He gave a firm nod and accepted the sword with his left hand."Thank you."

"How much does this sword cost?" Li Jain asked the shop owner. 

"Three gold coins," the shop owner answered instantly without hesitation, which made Li Jain sigh internally. He knew what kind of price the shop owner was willing to charge him for this type of cheap piece of equipment.  Li Jain paid the bills and left with Jing Sheng. 


"Where are we going next?" Jing Sheng asked

Li Jain: "We are going to Joyous Restaurant to sell the Jam and wine."

"Okay. Why did you buy those attributes orbs? I heard it only has little effect."

"I need to brew an awakening potion for you and your brothers, but I was short on one ingredient, the attribute orb. Your future cultivation path depends on this potion. Once you awaken, I'll give you a cultivation method to start cultivating. In the meantime, you have to train your physical body. That's what the first stage of cultivation all about. The more active your body is, the easier blood and fluid would be able to flow through."

"Ok, I understand." Jing Sheng immediately made up his mind to do an intensive training on the obstacle course when he got back.

After a few minutes walk, they arrive at Joyous Restaurant. This time the attending boy welcomed Li Jain warmly and took them to the guest room.

"Wait here for a while. Someone went to call the master." Said the door attendant

"You can order something to eat while we wait." Li Jain said to Jing Sheng. It has been over an hour since they came, so him must be hungry by now.

Seeing that his father has money, Jing Sheng wasn't too polite with him. "Okay, can I have one order of your bubble potato side dish?"

"Sure." The attendant took the order and left. 

"If you had told me you wanted to eat it, I would have made it for you."

"It's okay, I want to try what the restaurant has." 

Li Jain nodded. Since Jing Sheng insisted, he could only let it go.

The attendant was very quick, and soon he came back with the dish. 

"Xiao Jain is here today. Did you bring me business?" Boss Lan entered the guest room and greeted Li Jain. After their first business, his impression of Li Jain has changed a lot.

"That's the only reason I'll be here." Li Jain said with a smile. Boss Lan is an honest man and he likes to deal with people like that.

Boss Lan sat on the table and noticed Jing Sheng who had his head bow, eating elegantly on the side. "This is?...." He asked

"My son, Li JingSheng. Can't you see the resemblance?" Li Jain said proudly. All his children have resemblance to him, except the other two he hadn't met yet and don't know what they look like.

"This old man is not that old." Boss Lan rubs his beard. Young people these days like to show off.

Li Jain cleared his throat and got to business: "Actually, It's my son who is in charge of the business deal. We brought wine and a new delicacy. What goods would you want to take a look at first?"

Boss Lan thought for a while and said: "The new delicacy." He was looking forward to it. How much does this kid, not more than seven years old, know about business and marketing? It just sends free products to his door.

Boss Lan thought this way but at the end, he will regret looking down on this kid.

Jing Sheng, who has eaten half of the food, cleans his hands and asks Li Jain to take out the product. "Mr Lan, this is grape flavored Jam. It can be eaten with lots of snacks and side dishes including any type of bread. It can also be eaten alone. Not only that, it was also made in a special way that has a little bit of spiritual energy in it. Before we start with price naming, the recipe is not for sealed. If you're interested, I'll give you a bit to taste. If not, I will sell it to Zhuhan restaurant."

"How much is the entire jar?" Boss Lan looked at Jing Sheng with interest as if he was a cute little doll. 

"Oh, you're interested. I'd rather you taste it first then make your offer. We will negotiate there." Jing Sheng got up and opened the jar. He used the clean spoon to scoop up a spoonful of jam and hand it to Boss Lan.

The old man Lan took the jam and put it in his mouth. The sweet taste of the jam was in his mouth and he closed his eyes to enjoy the taste. When the jam finished from his mouth, A string of spiritual energy ran through his body. Although it was not much because he only tasted a bit, it was still noticeable. Boss Lan's eyes lit up like he had found a treasure. "Ten gold coins." He named his price. 

Jing Sheng laughed, "Mr Lan, you must be joking. Unfortunately, I know the market price and won't be taken advantage of."

Mr Lin's mouth twisted, "How much do you think it is worth?"

"Fifty gold coins." Jing Sheng said as a matter of fact.

"No way!" Mr Lin shouted excitedly and immediately became serious. "Twenty gold coins."

Jing Sheng shook his head and tapped on the table with his finger in a repeat rhythm. "Make it twenty five gold coins. That's the lowest it can go. Either take it or leave it."

Boss Lan frowned: "Don't be unreasonable. This is food, you won't know how quickly it can go bad."

"Mr Lan doesn't need to worry about that. This jam can spend three months in safekeeping before losing its taste. And if you can't sell such a small amount of jam in three months then your restaurant doesn't deserve it reputation." Said Jing Sheng seriously.

"Fine, twenty five gold coins." Boss Lan can only bite the bullet. He didn't expect this child to be more difficult to deal with than most of his customers.

"Good, I have five more jars, would you like them as well?" Jing Sheng was in a good mood and asked Li Jain to take five more jars out.

Boss Lan felt like he had been played by a child, but what can he do?

"I will take the six jars. What about the wine?"

The wine jar had been on the table, Jing Sheng lifted the side of the cover and the rich wine scent filled the room. Boss Lan immediately sat up and looked at the wine jar with burning glare. 

"This is a spiritual wine. Not only does it have a sweet flavor, it also has a strong taste." Jing Sheng scoop a small cup of wine and hand it over to boss Lan.

The wine was very strong and the spiritual energy in it was ten times that of the jam. Boss Lan couldn't believe he came across such good wine. "One hundred gold coins."

"Two hundred gold coins. There are two more jars."

"Fine, I will take it."

The shopkeeper came in and brought a golden bank note with six hundred gold coins on it. Boss Lan passed the banknote to Jing Sheng who inspected it and nodded in satisfaction.

"Speaking of which, your bubble potato side dish is doing very well. How much did you buy the recipe from my dad? I heard you also restricted it being sold to another restaurant." Jing Sheng asked and pointed to the dish he'd half eaten.

Boss Lan face turn ugly, he look at Li Jain on the side with pleading eyes.

Li Jain cough to cover up his smile: "Xiao Sheng, the recipe was used as a friendly deal to form a long term corporation with the Joyous Restaurant."

"That's right, that's right." Boss Lan had a sigh of relief and repeatedly nod his head.

"It was nice doing business with you, Mr. Lan. Let's do business again another time." Jing Sheng shook Boss Lan's hand like a business taco.

Boss Lan felt like crying. This is the most troublesome business deal he had made in years.

From beginning to end, Jing Sheng wasn't intimidated by Boss Lan aura and was in control of how his products were sold. Boss Lan has seen many people who wanted to do business with him that they'll make their goods cheaper just to satisfy him. Compared to those fools, Jing Sheng is a priceless business genius. If he could train someone like as his successor, how envious those old men would be of him.

Li Jain watched Boss Lan glowing eyes as he stared at Jing Sheng like a priceless treasure, he immediately knew what he was thinking. Li Jain cleared his throat, "Boss Lan, Xiao Sheng can't be your successor. He will start school soon."

Jing Sheng looked at his father in surprise. Daddy is planning to send him to school? He felt very happy inside that he could fly. How he always dreamed of attending school.

Boss Lan was a little disappointed but he thought that such a clever kid is better at school.

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