
War. Announcing The Recruiting Period.

'I'm currently heading to that new Breath Of Life Sect. I've got my own Sect too. We're going to challenge that sect to a disciple battle.'

Currently. Some pests are heading this way ,as you can tell. Silver Has full control over his physique. He's also in Muscle Refining Realm. His Full Strength Is a 25% Done Organ Refiner. Josh And Jake Passed Organ Refining. They're In Blood Refining Realm. They Aren't Half-Steps anymore. Yggdrasil Is already 5 meters tall. I'm Done with Qi Solidification Realm. I'm Already A Core Making Realm Practitioner. The pests coming this way are all about Peak Flesh Refiners. Their Leaders Are Four Muscle Refiners And One Peak Muscle Refiner. There Are 50 Peak Flesh Refiners. They Came With 55 People In Total.

"Breath Of Life Sect!!! Our Burning Yang Sect Has Come To Issue A Disciple Battle Challenge!!! Do You Accept!!!!!"

"Shut Up! I'm Right Here. Yes I Accept Your Challenge. Unfortunately I only Have 3 Disciples. I take Quality Over Quantity Though. Come In. We Have An Arena In The Sect."




"We're Here. The Training Field Is Near The Arena ,So I'm going to go grab my disciples."

"Sure ,Go Ahead."


"Hey Josh ,Jake ,And Silver. We've Gotten A Disciple Battle Challenge. It's You Three Against 55 Disciples of the Burning Yang Sect. Don't Worry Though Silver Although Not As Strong As You Two ,Could Deal With all 55 people by himself at once. There's 50 Peak Flesh Refiners ,4 Muscle Refiners ,And 1 Peak Muscle Refiner. Let's Hurry Up So I can Get This Over With."


"Alright I'm Back. These Three Are My Disciples. W'll Do An All out group battle. You 55 against my 3 at one time. I want to make this quick. Are We Betting?"

"Yes We Are. If You Win We'll Disband Our Sect. If We Win We Get You Sect Location."


I hate making fight scenes


They All Are In The Arena. It's Time To Start The Fight.

"Alright. We'll Start In 5....4....3....2....1....Fight!!"

3rd Person.

When the match started all 50 Flesh Refiners Ran Towards Josh ,Jake ,And Silver. To normal people they wouldn't even see them as more than blurs ,but to blood refiners and someone with strength equal to organ refiners. They were too slow. They started to throw punches everywhere. They were so fast no one ,but Ye could see them. They Kept Attacking Rapidly. Every second 5 people went down. within a minute all the flesh refiners were all knocked out of the ring. All that was left was the 5 Muscle refiners. They were walking slowly towards the 5. They knew they could end this match quickly ,but they wanted to emphasize the difference in strength.

1st Person.

As those 3 were walking towards the 5 muscle refiners. I shouted.

"Hurry Up you idiots. We don't have all day!!!"

"Ugh. Master ,you couldn't have at least let us have this moment."

"No ,I need to do something today and you all have more training. You two are still at Human Limit Blood Stage and Silver is only at Half-Step Bone Refining."

These Kids. Always Caught Up In Playing around.

"Sorry Juniors But We need to end this quickly."


Finally It took them long enough. I know they were at least trying to let those 5 keep their pride ,but they could've hurried it up.

"At Least you didn't knock them out for more than a minute. If you did I would've put you through even more hellish training than usual. Alright get back to training."


I'm heading to the city to start recruitment for the sect. I'm going to ask the president if I can air something all over america.

"Hey pres. I need to air my sect recruitment all over America. I need your permission."

"Sure ,Go ahead Ye."


That was easy ,welp I'm gonna start now.


"Hello Everyone ,I'm your Big Bro Ye here. I'm here to announce that my Breath Of Life Sect has just beat the Burning Yang Sect in a Group Disciple Battle Challenge. I'm also going to announce that our Sect is starting it's first recruitment tests. Come to ##### In ###### Mountains In Washington D.C. ,We'll Be starting testing in one week. It'll Start at 2:30 Pm. Only come if your prepared. You Must at least be a Flesh Refiner. If your an Orphan. Also Come ,I don't discriminate against people who didn't have the chance to go to the first worldwide testing."

It's Been A Month Since the first worldwide testing. There has got to be a few more orphans that have the ability to come. Maybe some orphans weren't able to come to the testing last month because they weren't allowed to or they were kicked out.


I'm back at the sect. Josh and Jake have passed on to Beyond Human Blood Stage. Silver Is Already A Half-Step Marrow Refining Realm. I'm going to breakthrough from Core Making to Core Reinforcement Realm.

I bit short ,but it's okay.

BrianFord8184creators' thoughts