
cultivating immortals

Cosmic_phantom_19 · Aktion
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6 Chs


Lin Yun sat in his study, contemplating the events of the past few days. He had been summoned to the palace by the Emperor, and he was unsure of what to expect. He had heard rumors that the Emperor was unhappy with his performance as Grand Tutor, and he was worried that he might be dismissed from his position.

Lin Yun had served as Grand Tutor for many years, and he had always tried to do his best to serve the Emperor and the Empire. He had always been a loyal and dedicated servant, and he could not imagine why the Emperor would be unhappy with him.

However, Lin Yun knew that the Emperor was a powerful and unpredictable man, and he could not afford to take any chances. He decided that he would need to prepare a speech in case he was called upon to defend himself.

Lin Yun spent the rest of the day writing his speech. He carefully crafted every word, making sure that it was both eloquent and persuasive. When he was finished, he felt confident that he could deliver a speech that would convince the Emperor of his loyalty and dedication.

The next day, Lin Yun was summoned to the palace. He was led to the throne room, where the Emperor was waiting for him. The Emperor was a tall and imposing man, with a stern expression on his face.

"Grand Tutor Lin," the Emperor said. "I have summoned you here today to discuss your performance as Grand Tutor."

Lin Yun bowed his head. "Your Majesty," he said. "I am always eager to hear your feedback."

"I have heard reports that you have been neglecting your duties," the Emperor said. "Is this true?"

"No, Your Majesty," Lin Yun said. "I have always been faithful to my duties."

"Then why have I not seen you in the palace for so long?" the Emperor asked.

"I have been busy with other matters, Your Majesty," Lin Yun said. "But I assure you that I have always been thinking of the Empire."

The Emperor studied Lin Yun for a moment. "I hope that you are telling the truth," he said. "Because if you are not, I will have no choice but to dismiss you from your position."

"I understand, Your Majesty," Lin Yun said.

"Now," the Emperor said. "I would like to hear your thoughts on the current state of the Empire."

Lin Yun took a deep breath. "The Empire is in a state of decline, Your Majesty," he said. "The economy is weak, the military is weak, and the people are restless."

"What do you propose we do about it?" the Emperor asked.

"We need to take steps to strengthen the economy, the military, and the people," Lin Yun said. "We need to invest in education, infrastructure, and research and development. We need to build a strong military that can defend the Empire from its enemies. And we need to address the grievances of the people and restore their faith in the government."

The Emperor listened carefully to Lin Yun's proposals. When Lin Yun was finished, the Emperor nodded his head. "These are wise words, Grand Tutor," he said. "I will take them into consideration."

The Emperor dismissed Lin Yun, and Lin Yun left the palace feeling confident that he had made a good impression. He knew that the Emperor was a difficult man to please, but he was hopeful that he would be able to convince the Emperor to take his advice.

Lin Yun returned to his study and began to work on a plan to implement his proposals. He knew that it would be a long and difficult task, but he was determined to do everything he could to help the Empire.