
I am a side character?

After the short break of pretending to be depressed, Dan continued to look at the status screen of the rest of the party members. Their unique skills were outrageously powerful, but Dan had his own cheat too, the elemental plane.

However, as the saying goes, the grass is always greener on the other side. Dan is slightly jealous at the unique skills of the otherworlders, he hoped that they would not need to fight with one another (Oh boy, raising flags isn't good).

It could be said that their unique skills were rather unique...

---Status Screen---

Title: Genius Magician

Name: Maya

Sex: Female

Age: 16

Unique Skill: Arcane Affinity- Allows its user to use any arcane spell as long as they have enough mana


Blessings: Hero's blessings (Full)

Description: She is known to be the princess in the school, she is a rich and spoiled brat and is very arrogant. She is in love with Roland. Her favourite food is strawberry ice-cream and she hates raisins.

Nationality: CENSORED

[I see, a generic talented magician.]

---Status Screen---

Title: Roland's Lackey

Name: Jake

Sex: Male

Age: 16

Unique Skill: Party Up- Any party that Jake joins will gain an increase in charisma

Blessings: Hero's blessing(Full)

Description: Jake has a cheerful personality and is regarded as the class clown. He enjoys sports and looks down on those who have a 'different' hobby than his. These 'different' hobbies are gaming, reading novels and watching animes. (Seems like he hates the readers). He dislikes Hajime in particular due to the above reasons

Nationality: CENSORED

[Not a threat, garbage skills, easiest to kill.]-Dan

---Status Screen---

Title: A bystander

Name: Hajime

Sex: Male

Age: 16

Unique Skill: Creation-Allows its user to create any objects within the user capability.

Generic System-Shared by close friends



Blessings: Hero's curse(Doom to have a fate worse than death within the first week of summoning)

Anti-hero's blessing-Becomes terrifyingly powerful after encountering his first major failure in Alcanti.

Description: A particularly quiet boy in class. His is basically an Otaku and vivid novel reader. Though he is quiet and does not participate much in class, he is often hated and bullied due to him getting close to the hero's childhood friend(a girl obviously, I'm not writing BL here). He gets along well with Karina and Sienna. They are his only friends after all...

Nationality: CENSORED

[This one is definitely the Anti-hero. Wait if he's the anti-hero then I am a side-character? I am a side character after all.]-Dan shrugs his shoulders.

[So he is supported by the aftershock of the World Will... I see, this is Alcanti's way to balance the world, though it is not conscious of this action. Ironic, the anti-hero looks like he is going against fate, but fate is actually supporting him.]-Dan.

---Status Screen---

Title: -NIL-

Name: Karina

Sex: Female

Age: 16

Unique Skill: Extreme Healing-The user can heal any wounds at a cost of a suitable mana



Blessings: Hero's blessing childhood edition(Will be separated with the anti-hero when the anti-hero is harmed.)

Description: A very caring person. She admires Hajime due to his bravery and kindness. While he does not fight, he tries his best to resolve things as peaceful as possible. She is often chased after by guys and is known to reject them all.

Nationality: CENSORED

[Very beautiful, but I don't do NTR. Hey, Hey, Hey, while I kill at whim doesn't mean I fu*k at whim. Tch, tch, where are your moral values.]-Dan

[I don't want someone who kills on a whim to teach me about moral values...]-System

---Status Screen---

Title: The hero's childhood friend who practices a random sword art

Name: Sienna

Sex: Female

Age: 16

Unique Skills: Edge Point-Any weapons she holds increases its sharpness by 10 fold. (She can probably cut you in half with a ball, don't try it.)



Blessings: Hero's blessing childhood edition(Will be separated with the anti-hero when the anti-hero is harmed.)

Description: A very hard working person who works very hard in school. She can be quite cunning at times to protect Karina. She hates guys who think with their d*ck. She excels in her studies and her kendo activities. She has admiration for Roland, but it is slowly fading away.

Nationality: CENSORED

[Seems hard to kill, I will pass. The hero's companions are really hard to deal with.]-Dan.

---Status Screen---

Title: A Terrible Teacher

Name: Marcus

Sex: Male

Age: 40

Unique Skills: Court Death-Increases his chance of dying by 10%

Blessings: Hero's blessings(half)

Description: An extremely corrupted and self-centred teacher who loves bribe. Even if his student is suffering from family abuse or sexually assaulted, he doesn't care at all. He will only tell them not to be a pussy or to find other teachers even laughing at their problems at times. He ignores bullying that occurs in his class.

Nationality: CENSORED

[This one is probably going to die early.]-Dan

---Status Screen---

Title: Hero Lackey Number 2

Name: Jason

Sex: Male

Age: 16

Unique Skills: Puppeteer-Can control any living being that willingly submits to the user

Blessings: Hero's blessings(full)

Description: A fat person whose shirt can barely fit himself. While he loves animes and games, he keeps them a secret for fear of being bullied or ostracised. He gets along well with Jake and Roland and he is in love with Karina. He hates Hajime as Hajime seems to always attract the attention of Karina.

Nationality: CENSORED

[Probably going to try to kill the anti-hero...]-Dan

---Status Screen---

Title: The Innocent Looking One

Name: Marie

Sex: Female

Age: 16

Unique Skills: Illusion Master-The user can alter the senses of others creating hallucination can even turn reality into an illusion and vice versa

Description: A loli. But DON'T BE FOOLED. While she looks innocent and cute, inside her hides a cunning and evil personality. She loves to manipulate others to do her bidding. She is best friends with Maya.

Nationality: CENSORED

---Status Screen---

Title: Hero's Lackey Number 3

Name: Blaze

Sex: Male

Age: 16

Unique Skills: Blazing Fury-By turning off his mind, he can reduce damage dealt to his body by 95%


Description: A hot-headed person who loves fights. He got to know Roland after Roland somehow beat him up after he tried to court Karina. No important information is known except that he is a son of a rich politician.

Nationality: CENSORED

[I really am a side character...]-Dan

[... Don't have too much fun, you are still in enemy's territory...]-The system's reminder echo within Dan's head.

[Alright.]-After messing around with the system Dan turned to look at the Omnigod.

[Message] [Connection Established] [You are now speaking to the omnigod.]

[Congratualations, you have really messed up haven't you?]-Dan spoke monotony

[You...]-The Omnigod frown so deeply that its cute little face was now distorted.

[You can hide it from your 3 loyal aides, but you can't hide it from me, you know?]-Dan's sinister smile made the omnigod feel discomfort. Seeing the Omnigod taking one step back, Dan laughed so hard that his laughter reverberates through the air. Heads turn to see Dan staring directly at the Omnigod.

[You are still injured from that rebellion aren't you, that one after the Ancient war. Then coupled with the blow from this time round, you are done for if the Origin gods who were still alive from that rebellion know this.]-Dan chuckled brazenly, such that he seemed powerful to the onlookers.

[How much do you know?]-The Omnigod's eyes narrowed slightly, the onlookers may think that the Omnigod was irritated, but in reality, he trying to see through Dan's power level, but to no avail.

[I know enough, enough to describe the war from the beginning to the end. I know that Alcanti's will has partially given up on you. Now with the presence of the hero, a new omnigod could replace you and you are powerless against this fate...]-Just as Dan finished his last sentence, a strong oppression force was emitted from the avatar of the Omnigod.

[Oh, don't look so mad, this was your mistake, after all, you were the one who stopped me from interfering with the ceremony, you even declared your stand openly.]-Dan mocked the Omnigod.

Contrary to the expectation of the onlookers, the Omnigod did not lash out on Dan.

[Speak. What do you want?]-The Omnigod solemnly asked.

[Don't worry, I am willing to clean up your mess for you, all I ask for is that you do not interfere with my 'planning'. All I can say is that the second ancient war will happen again and now is not the time to have a change in leadership. While the gods have been slacking in peace, our enemies grow stronger with each passing day. This time, they won't foolishly fight among themselves. And if the war starts without us being prepared, you do know the consequences...]-Dan explained rationally.

[I see, hmph if I was at my peak this would not have happened. You want me to sign a soul contract with you don't you.]-The Omnigod fell into deep thought.

[Hahaha, this would not harm you would it? I have my reasons for killing the hero, also, your position would be at stake if the gods know that you are heavily injured.]-Dan poked at the Omnigod's wound.

[Very well, I the Omnigod hereby declare that under the eyes of Alcanti, I will not interfere with the work of the lord of Chaos and Order.]-The surroundings shone brightly and dimmed quickly.

Dan looked slightly shocked, the Omnigod looked satisfactorily at this scene and said, "Hmph, while I cannot see through your disguise I can at least tell the nature of your mana. Do not forget that I am the One Above All."

One Above All my ass, I saw your history and the amount of mistake you made is numerous... While you are powerful, you lack proper planning skills... Dan smiled back at the Omnigod and looked away.

The surrounding gods couldn't hear the internal conversation that they were having all they heard was the last sentence that the Omnigod had spoken. They had no idea why both gods were staring each other down.

But seriously that was the riskiest action I took since I came into this world, hero huh? Looks like I will need to slowly wear the power of plot armour down. Once it is down he will be powerless against the threats of this world. If I could recruit any one of them, it would be the best. But it seems that the Arcane goddess has plans for them.

The Omnigod cannot reveal his fear for the heroes, so he cannot tell the Arcane goddess about the methods to deal with the otherworlders. Looks like he already noticed the hidden Origin-Class gods who were secretly watching over the ceremony.

Luckily, with the aid of the system, I can cheat my way through with knowledge that doesn't even belong to me. I can't wait to become a true god soon, but first, I will need to make a new body.

Still not dead yet...

Afternoonecreators' thoughts