
Cuckold in Superhero World

When Alex hoping to get an awesome superpower like his mom or inherit her superpowers he instead get a system and not a normal system which he has read in any fantasy novel but a system called 'Cuckold System' things gets messy as the bully of his previous school found him again but what about Alex ? will he submit to his desires or resist them ?lets find out. I am newbie writer and this is my first book so pardon my english if you see any error please point them out i will correct them Warning tags : ntr, cuckold

NTRreader · Fantasie
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21 Chs


[Alex pov]

Alex heartbeat quickened when Michael glanced at the gap of the toliet where he is hiding

'What!?, he knew i'm here ?, Livia..., sigh.. But how did he know that i'm in the last toilet ? Wait! Zeno, can you tell me his skill description please ?'

<The 50 ability holder can sense area of metre in each direction from themself even through an object blocking their sight>


'Ah.. Damn shit, i don't know what to do anymore'

He sighed and glanced at Olivia. She is washing her face, hair and breast on the basin. After cleaning her body she dressed in her clothes. She did not wear her panties and hold it in her hand. She called Alex

"You can come out now, Alex~?"

Alex remained in the toilet for some time. He wore his trouser and opened the door to walk out. He keep a straight face as he walked toward her. Before he could come near her, she ordered him

"Close your eye Alex, NOW"

Alex hearing her voice immeditely closed his eye

He heard Olivia's footstep coming closer to him. As she walked to him and stood close, he could sense the body heat of her. He could also smell the musky scent premeated from her body. He pondered

'What she gonna do now ?'

Suddenly he felt two hand coiling around his neck and after that he felt a touch on his lips. He opened his eye and saw Olivia kissing him. His eyes widened

'Damn.., seriously ?'

His dick become rock hard as he also kissed her. He savored her kiss as he thought

'Hmm, Her lips tastes salty, she did not wash her mouth after giving a blowjob to Michael, dang... she really kissing me after giving a blowjob to Michael'

Alex felt strangely turned on by the thought of kissing Olivia after she gave Michael a blowjob. His dick twitched under his trouser. Olivia used her tongue to invade his mouth and swirl it around. Alex's mind turned mess and he felt his body grown hot as the kiss deepened. His breathing becomes ragged and his body started to shake. After a long time she saperated from Alex and distanced from him a little. Both of them panted for some time. After recovering her breath Olivia gazed at him and asked teaasingly

"Did it tastes that good ? you're quiet hard under your trouser~"

Alex lowered his head in shame. Olivia laughed and spoke again while shaking the panties

"Should i give you another gift ? You know i don't want to wear this filthy thing anymore. This will be quiet a fitting gift for a pathetic cuck like yourself"

She brought the socked panties near Alex and tucked it in his shirt pocket. Alex gazed at the panties and gulped hard. Olivia smirked seeing this

"We should heads to the classroom before someone start looking for us or~ do you want them to find out what happened here ?"

Alex shaked his head. Olivia started to walk toward the door when Alex called her from behind

"Liv... Ma'am"

She turned back and smiled at him

"What is lt ? Alex~"

"Um..,Will you be alright.. ? You did not have anything under your skirt"

"Aww, how considerate of you Alex but why don't you tell me directly that you're also turned on by the thought of my pussy drenched and i'm bare under the skirt in the Academy ?"

"N-no, i'm not ma'am"

"Hee.. We will see about that"

She resumed walking and arrived the door. She opened the door and looked out carefully. Then she turned to Alex again


Alex looked at her and his eyes become wide as he looked down. Olivia is slowly lifting her skirt with both of her hand. She lifted until her inner thighs become visible and suddenly released it. Alex blinked his eyes and looked at Olivia

Olivia laughed out loudly

"Haha, look at that face haha.. It was soo amusing. Do you really think i will show you again ?Nope, not gonna happening~, Oh, and don't even think about take out my gift from that pocket. You can only take it out after we reach home"

Then she walked out of the washroom without waiting for Alex

Alex stood there like a statue for a while. He scratched back of his head and thought

'Dammit, i always fall for her antics sigh..., She also gotten quiet proficient in teaing me as well. What will be her next moves i wonder ?'

Alex shakes his head and walked out of the washroom. He arrives the class and sat quietly

'Hmm, class is boring'

He peeked at the right corner of the class. Michael is sitting on the chair with a smile on his face. Alex tries to withdraw hid gaze when Michael looked at him directly and gave him a toothy grin. Alex avoided his gaze and turned his head down

'haa.., i guess he is using his skill for moment like this after the washroom blowjob'

Alex leaned on the table silently and began to sleep. Suddenly he remembered Olivia is bare under her skirt

'Seriously.. ? Sleeping after that thought is impossible. Sigh.. why do i even remembered that ?'

He could not able to sleep as the thought of her bare pussy in the class always coming to his mind and his dick twitches unconsiously whenever he thought about it. Like this the classes are finished and at last the finish bell rang

He waited for every people go out of the classroom. When he didn't hear the sound of shoes anymore he lifted his face and stood up

As he turned back to the door he froze

Michael is waiting for him with a smug face. He walked to Alex and asked

"How was the show ? Cuck"

Alex didn't answer him and just gazed at Michael face. Michael kept his smug face and said while weaving his hand

"No need to answe me since i've already know"


"Should i show you something ?"

Alex kept his neutral face as he thought

'Show me ? What ?

Michael suddenly take out his smartphone from his pocket. He opened it and started to browse something in it. After some time he smiled seeing something and nodded his head. Then he showed his smatmrtphone screen to Alex

There is a picture of pussy in the screen

Alex made a confused face

'What ? Why is he showing a photo of someone pussy to me ?'

Seeing Alex face Michael grinned and showed the full picture of the pussy

Alex is more confused

'What ? Is there something more in the pic-'

Alex's thought suddenly stopped as he fully focused on the picture

It is a photo taken under some table. The chair visible as the owner of the pussy sat there while taking the photo. The owner also has fair and thick thighs. Her pussy is pink in colour and drenched a little. She also showed her right thighs. There is something written on her left thighs. It reads

"Master's exclusive" with an arrow pointed at the pussy with bold letters

Alex dick becomes rock hard as he realized who's photo it is. He looked at Michael with jealous gaze

'Fuck!, i'm jealous'

Michael gave him a shit-eating grin an laughed. He asked Alex

"Did you want the pic ? Cuck"

Alex didn't answer and silently looked at him. Michael grinned and spoke again

"No ? Tsk tsk, and here i thought i will surely get an yes. I'am quiet disappointed sigh.."

He closed his smartphone and return it to his pocket. He inched toward Alex and whispered in his ear

"Don't worry through, you will gonna get a amazing view of it very soon~"

Then he walked out of the class. Alex stood there for some time

'Damn bastard, he know i would not answer him'

Alex cleared his thought and walked out of the classroom. After he exited the Building and arrived the gate he saw Belle car parked in front of the gate. He opened the back seat and saw Olivia already sat on it. He remembered the pic and gazed at her briefly. Olivia sensed his gaze and smiled at him widely. He avoided her gaze and sat down in the car quietly. Belle started the car and drove it slowly in the highway

Suddenly Olivia spoke in a mischevious tone

"Sis, you know, Alex is asking me to do some questionable things at the academy"

Belle blinked and asked

"Uh.. What ?"

Alex also looked at Olivia with a wide eye

Olivia giggled and spoke

"Why don't you ask Alex yourself ?"

"...., Alex ?"

When Belle asked Alex with a quiestioning glance he stared back and fourth between both of them and answered with a stutter

"N-no, i didn't"

"Then, what is that things in your pocket Alex ?"

When Olivia asked the question Belle also looked at his pocket in the back view mirror while driving


"N-no, this is..."

Olivia suddenly brought her hand to Alex's pocket and take out her panties. Then she spread it to show Belle

Belle's eyes widened in the front


She suddenly stopped the car and glanced at Alex with a angry eye

'Shit..., i am fucked!'

Belle's face turned from angry to confused then confused to horror as she glanced at Olivia's skirt

Olivia laughed a hearty laugh seeing Belle's face and said again

"Actually sis i'm the one who has gave the panties to him"

"And~ for what is under my skirt"

She suddenly lifted her skirt with a smirk. Her pussy is still looking moist and there still 'master's exclusive' written on her left thighs with a arrow pointed at her pussy

Alex dick twitched under the trouser. He tries to not look at it but his gaze is totaly fixed in it. As for Belle, she looked shocked with her mouth hanging open. When she finally glanced at the letter and the arrow her face turned crimson and she shouted

"Wha-what are you doing!? Cover yourself! Also what.. What is that letters means!? M-master..."

Her word turned into whisper and she turned her head to the front again. She takes a deep breath and calmed down herself. She then turned to backseat again and smiled at Alex but her eyes are not smiling at all

"Prepare yourself when we reach home brother~"

and drove the car fast

Alex's loud voice echoed from the speeding car

"B-but this is not my faulttttt!!"


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