
Crystal Stitches (BL)

In a fantastical world, there are two very different races that have been at war for twenty years; humans and vampires. In the human kingdom of Lenore, a tailor by the name of Simon Hart reaches for prestige and wealth through the masterful use of his needle and thread. He labors completely unaware that all of his hard work is about to come unraveled after meeting a famed being known as the Crystal Vampire, who reincarnates again and again, for a purpose unknown. Will their love for each other be enough to overcome hate? Can two flawed men who have never known pleasures of the flesh, share love's first kiss? Or will they be kept forever apart by the societies who call the union between a human and a vampire forbidden love? Pairing - Tsundere tailor x Wholesome, sweet vampire noble with a pocketful of secrets Story includes: - Vampire softening up the tailor over time - Slow burn romance - Caring for someone who is sick - Love that overcomes fear - Reincarnation cycle - Hitting you right in the feels - First kiss - First love - Two men with hidden pasts - A glass cannon and a stealth fighter - Secrets revealed

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41 Chs

My Hero

Culture shock. That was the only way the vampire could describe it. The moment he was introduced to the shoppers as Simon's helper, the humans relentlessly rushed him, asking questions he didn't have the answers to! They wanted to know if the suits on display came in different sizes, different colors or if he had something in stock that was missing from the store shelves! To a nobleman who was used to the peace and quiet of stately castles and sprawling manors, this situation was nothing short of an overload!

But, even if he had been tricked into this mess, he wasn't going to finesse his way out of it. It was clear that while Simon had taken satisfaction in out smarting him, that he really did need his help. Besides, it was the creation of his own suit that had put the other man this far behind, right?

'There's nothing for it. I shall simply have take responsibility and help my dear tailor conquer these hoards.'

So, he rolled up his sleeves and got to work. Still, he was learning more about humans than he had ever wanted to know. It was clear that Simon catered to all classes and while that was a very admirable thing, it seemed to be causing some friction today amongst the haves and the have nots.

"I grabbed 'em, first! Deal with it, Mister-I'm-too-rich!"

"You need to learn to respect your betters, you cretin! Now, give those here!"

"Gentlemen!" Alabaster called as he stepped between them, before things could escalate beyond the point of no return.

Using his superior height to his advantage, he spoke more softly now, almost in the kind of tone a father used on his unruly children.

"I will be forced to ask you to leave The Ode to Maria, if you don't behave yourselves. You will. Won't you?"

The two men sighed, before going their separate ways. The vampire gave a sigh of his own soon after. This was draining, wasn't it? How on Earth did Simon do this day in and day out? Speaking of said man, his eyes searched for him across the room. Even if his back was now facing him, that hat of his was unmistakable.

As if by some kind of magic, the tailor paused. He turned to glance over his shoulder, causing their eyes to lock. The vampire noticed how quickly the human's cheeks were coloring, the longer they stared into the windows of each other's souls. Predictably, Simon turned away first, grumbling to himself as he busied his hands.

'You protest too much, my dear tailor,' Alabaster thought, not being able to keep the smile from his face as he hung up the new vests, 'Your body says one thing, but your eyes say another.'

However, in spite of getting to share in such a moment with his precious human, it was hard to keep his spirits up. As if having to break up a few scraps wasn't enough, the customers were prone to talking over each other, giving long-winded explanations about why they needed this or that and even dared to criticize him when a problem was beyond his control. Like when the shop was out of something for example; one could almost believe that they took it personally!

"What do you mean that you're out of stock!"

"I do apologize, sir. But, I checked in the back and there are no more of these. Perhaps you can put in a special order to-"

"Ugh, never mind! I will be taking my business elsewhere! You are completely useless!"

Alabaster slowly shook his head. Humans were quite rude, weren't they? And he was just about to learn that such behavior was only the tip of the iceberg.

"'Cuse me, gov. Gotta question for ya."

Classes were overlooked in the Ode to Maria. Not to say that the human he carried a flame for treated everyone the same. The wealthier customers were obviously given priority. But, there were so many destinations in the vampire and human world alike that wouldn't even let people through the doors who looked like this fellow did. His appearance was scroungy, but that was no reason not to help him out to the best of his abilities, right? So, he gave him the same warm smile that he gifted to the rest of the customers; something he would soon regret.

"Hm?" Alabaster inquired as he turned around to face the other man, "What is your question, sir?"

A hand quickly reached around the squeeze his rump through his pants, sending a jolt of horror through the vampire. It was so expected that he had almost dropped his glamor!

"Just wonderin' if this was for sale, too. Got a handful o' Asters that says it is, luv. Wanna go out back with me and shimmy out of those fancy trousers of yours? I bet you're just as pretty under there as you are in the face, mate-"

Just then, the man screamed, recoiling from the vampires' body and clutching his now bleeding hand. Alabaster's mouth dropped in surprise as he noticed something long and sharp sticking out of it; that was a hat pin that very obviously belonged to a certain tailor. Speak of the devil, Simon strode from the other end of the room, the promise of pain in his every step. He leaned down to snatch the sharp accessory from the man's wrist, making him scream even more as it was roughly ripped from him with a savagery that made the vampire wonder where his shy gentleman had gone and who this charming, dangerous creature was.

"That was a warning shot," Simon said, glaring daggers at the roughian, "I always give one out of common courtesy."

The tailor flicked up the hat pin, holding it in threat, as it glistened with the other man's blood.

"Now get your wretched hide out of my presence and out of the Ode to Maria, before I forget that I'm a gentleman."

That sent the man scrambling toward the exit, shoving a few people out of the way in his desperate bid to flee. Simon shook his head, retrieving his handkerchief from his pocket to clean the crimson from his pin.

"Some men have no manners. I do apologize for that, Alabast-AH!"

He blushed from head to toe for the second time that day as the vampire stepped behind him and wrapped his arms around him, holding him close to his body.

"My hero," that silky voice cooed in his ear, hotly, "What could I possibly do to reward you for coming to my rescue and defending my honor?"

"Letting go of me would be a good start, you infuriating vampire!"

Simon may have said that, but he had to admit that this felt strangely good. It felt comfortable? And oddly.. right? Still, they hardly knew each other for one, they were in a public setting for another and lastly, the other man was a vampire for cripes' sake! Something he had to remind himself of constantly, when it should have been at the forefront of his mind at all times! Alabaster Stone was dangerous!

'Says the man who just stabbed another through with a hat pin.' his treacherous mind supplied, as he gripped the makeshift weapon a little more tightly in his fingers.

"I gave the fiend who groped you fair warning. Shall I give you the same or will you make quick work of removing your arms from my person?"

The angry face that Simon gave him when he looked up was enough to melt Alabaster's heart. He was a powerful vampire lord that much was true. If he barked out an order, there was no shortage of luxuries he would find laid reverently at his feet. So much power at his fingertips. But, the funny thing was that he would have given it all up in a heartbeat just to hold this man for a little while longer. Could he not see how he felt about him?

'I suppose you will see in time.'

"Very well. I will respect your need for space, my dear tailor."

With that, he unwrapped his arms from around him, taking a step back. Simon tugged his ruffled vest back into place, before turning to face the vampire. That beautiful, blue gaze froze him to the spot in surprise. He knew that expression. He had seen it before on the street, as something lovers coyly exchanged between them when words weren't enough. But, Simon never believed that such eyes would ever be cast in his direction; not ever.

'Is that.. truly adoration?'

"Simon, my lad, it's crowded as a Queen's closet in here!"

'That voice!'

Simon turned in shock to behold the client he believed that he had all, but lost; it was Lord Pattimond of Elderstock, his best paying customer!

"M-My lordship! I have to say that you're a sight for sore eyes. May I get you anything?"

"Oh no, that's quite alright, m'boy! I just wanted to bring a guest to see your fine needlework!"

Passing through the crowds, fazing through them as if they were mere illusions, came a gentleman with jet black hair and a charming smile.

"This is my son, Lord Pattimond of Newbury. He already has his own fiefdom!"

"Father, please. There's no need to brag on me. And there's no need for such formalities. Please, call me Price."

Simon felt a deep intensity when those sparkling, coal black eyes found his own, refusing to let go of them. The tailor wasn't sure what it was, but he knew that he didn't like it.

"Be that as it may, I do owe the noble class the proper title for their station in life; Lord Price, it is."

This drew a rich chuckle out of the man, before he took a step into Simon's space, making him quite uncomfortable. He wanted to take a step back, but felt it necessary to hold his ground. Was this man challenging him?

"You were quite right, father. The owner of this fine establishment is just as well put together as the outfits he creates."

The short and stout old man laughed at this, seemingly ignorant to the way his son practically undressed Simon with his eyes. The tailor shifted his gaze away, ashamed. But, he said nothing in protest. This man was higher on the social ladder in the kingdom of Lenore. Much higher than a man who was peasant-born would ever be. If he said one word to Lord Pattimond's son, whose to say that he wouldn't take his business elsewhere, like he had done before? Or something much worse. Silence was the only answer. It was-

"Lord Price?"

It was apparently the one thing that Alabaster didn't know how to do! Panic filled Simon's heart. It was no secret that the vampire had practically claimed him, no matter how much the tailor protested. So, what on Earth was he going to say to a man who was obviously coming onto him?! The tailor wasn't a praying man by any means. But, there was no harm taking a chance when the stress of the moment had him feeling like a fair maiden who was about to faint from the entire affair proving to be too much, right?

'If there is a deity idle enough to be watching this nonsense, give me strength.'

Hello, dear readers! Looks like there's trouble in paradise in more ways than one! What will happen next time? Tune in to see! XD

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