
Chapter 3 years apart

When Crystal Starlight opened her eyes she saw the state of her body it was see through and when she looked around she realized years had gone by in a flash and she no longer near her sisters. She then looked around some more and found a strange little village when she found the town name sign. ''Pony ville thats a strange name?'' Crystal said in confusion. ''Yeah of course thats the town name silly.'' Said a pink pony with an alligator on her tall. Crystal Starlight jumped right when the pink pony said yeah startling her. ''where did you come from?'' More importantly you can see me?'' asked Crystal Starlight. ''Well yeah I can see you and it looks like no one else can see you except me.'' Whispered the pink pony. ''Whats your name pink pony?'' asked Crystal Starlight in a curious tone. '' The names Pinky Pie pleaser ta meet yeah.''

''My name is Princess Crystal Starlight and if you do not mind me asking do you know where I might find a Princess Celestia and Princess Luna?'' Well yeah said Pinky Pie just take the train to Canterlot Castel.'' Uhh I have no clue where Canterlot Castle is. Let alone what it looks like so can you show me please'' asked Crystal Starlight. ''Sure I be happy to help a pony in need such as yourself.''

So off they went to Canterlot Castle. Once they reached Pinky then took Crystal up to the front gate and pointed. ''Up there I think you should find what your looking for. Well this is as far as I can go it was nice meeting you Princess Crystal Starlight'' said Pinky Pie. ''How come, more importantly why?'' asked Crystal confused at Pinky. Us common pony folk are not allowed in unless given permission. ''Oh I guess that makes scene see you soon I hope'' Said Crystal in a sad toned voice. ''Yeah who knows might just throw one of my signature special Pinky Pie parties for yah.'' Said Pinky as she disappeared into the crowed streets of Canterlot.

Crystal Starlight went into the castle and notice what Pinky Pie said about only certain others could see her. She then looked around and saw a castle guard holding his schedule said he was next to be near some wizard corridor. So she followed him all the way up to the wizards corridor. She then notice a familiar hat and cloak on an old man. It turns out to be the wizard she saw right before she was in the rift of the magic realm looking down at a book. She thought maybe I can try to get him to look up. So she did the first thing that came to mind she nocked the book out of his hand with a small move of a pebble.

The wizard then Stumbled first over the pebble then over his cloak slightly nocking the bell loose. The old Pony then looked and noticed a small bit of magic coming from no where except from right in front of him. '' Ha caught you now Luna did you not'' he said as he used a spell to pulled Crystal out of her current form. He stood there with his jaw dropped as though he had seen a ghost. ''Princess Crystal Starlight where were you.'' asked The old pony as though he was relieved and delighted to see her in one piece. She explained everything that had happened to her right after she opened her eyes. ''An thats what happened'' she said after she had finished explaining to the wizard. Then she realized there was something else she did not know. ''Now that I think about it I never got your name '' said Crystal. ''Its Star Swirl its a honor your majesty'' said Star Swirl as he walked with her to go see her younger sister now all grown up Celestia. Celestia then turned around and dropped her book. As it hit the floor Princess Celestia ran over as tears of happiness ran down her beautiful white face and she gave her a big tackle hug in order to welcome her sister back. While she said ''Crystal'' as they fell to the floor. ''Is it really you my sweat dear sister that went missing years ago.'' Crystal then replied ''yes sister its me I missed you so'' she said as tears of happiness streamed down her face.''

The moments when a family is reunited after a long years worth of time is a real treasure to behold. Since you may one day see them the next they are forcefully ripped and torn away from you with out a secound thought as though to never be seen again.

Tina_Stringercreators' thoughts