
Chapter 2 New beginnings

Several weeks later Canterlot main palace. King Bright Shield please calm down! Exclaimed from Crystal Starlight to an anxious king of a stepfather awaiting for two new royals to be born. As he was passing back and forth he said sorry Crystal I am just really worried for your mother. Ok father I get it your just nervous and its ok, She'll be fine exclaimed Crystal Starlight as she held King Bright Shield's hand and guided him calmly back to one of the waiting room chairs.

She the picked up a pitcher of orange juice and poured it for him and then said '' Here dad have some orange juice to calm down.'' The king took the glass and drank the orange juice. He then said ''thank you dearie that helped a little .''He said as he quietly sat down and was taking a calming breath. One of the nurses came out and said where ready for you your majesty. The nurse said good news the little ones are healthy and your queen did a lovely job with bringing two beautiful fillies into the world .''The king came into the room alongside Crystal Starlight. Both smiling relief to see that Queen Solaria is alright and the two fillies are doing great as well. Crystal Starlight then asked whats ya going to call them? She asked to her stepmother who was holding both of the little fillies.

Queen Solaria then said in reply. ''Well sweaty How about Celestia'' She hinted to the little white alicorn fillie with a pink main that sometimes show rainbow when the light hits it. ''And are little moon Luna'' she said hinting to the dark blue filly with a black spot on her flank and light blue main that glistened like light like a star in a starry night sky in the light. Several weeks later while The king was helping the queen rest up after her labor was complete. Princess Crystal Starlight was helping babysit young Princess Celestia and young Princess Luna while doing her duties as princess like attending home schooling and learning how to be a and when to act or which is the right saying for how to properly great a friend. Which in any case just merely she was doing her homework for school. She then took a break to play with her two baby step-sisters who she loved so much. She after playing and having lunch then went to finish her home work. Then the queen cam in and said '' ok I think its time for me to spend some time with my kids.'' Sure mom she replied , Just give me a sec while I get the last of my homework done.'' She said as she sat down and was writing down the correct answers to how to say hola instead of hello is the correct way to great someone who only can speak Spanish or Agua shares a Portuguese word that looks similar like this Água but both have the same meaning. As hours went by eventually became dinner then soon bed Good night my little star shines said the king and queen to there two daughter and step daughter. As the Three little princesses feel asleep in there beds. The next day was a day off from school so that ment Crystal Starlight had more time to play with her adorable little sisters and she did just that play with her sisters. Weeks turn into months as the seasons and years went by till eventually Crystal Starlight was now in her teen years and her little sisters where now at the age of when kids start there own adventures to learn what they want to do in there lives. As well as learn whats in the world that they will rule one day. Basically there first day of school which was either terrifying or exciting for both any little one who is becoming a student to learn a great many things. The sisters stopped playing together and eventually Crystal Starlight tried everything to get them to play together. Till one day out of the blue came a day when it was time for Crystal Starlight to assume the throne but did not feel ready since she could no longer hold her sisters bond together. So as quickly as she could she ran to the only place she felt safe was there old home in Clouds dale where she cried while talking to a picture of her late mother and father saying how she missed them and how she would not be ready for a role. Mean while back at the castle everyone was freaking out about where Princess Crystal had went off to where ever she maybe when word had reached her two little sisters they new where she was and flew to her. They asked her a lot of questions. the most important one was why she was sad and why she ran away during her big day. She said ''My dear sisters I just could not bear the thoughts of us becoming more distant.'' Princess Celestia then replied ''Thats not gonna happen I promise.'' Luna nodded in agreement with her older sister Celestia. But the moment had to come to an end when Luna soon noticed that there was no sun in the Sky or the stars where still out when it had become day. in a panic they rushed home to find the wizards where exhausted of there magic all the sudden the royals then approached to see someone had taken there magic away and was too late to get there magic back so Princess Crystal Starlight did the one thing she new she could she did her best and looked through the old scrolls and found a spell that would save everyone a little while ago so she the casted it on the two sisters she had come to care about the most with a heavy heart she gave up her magic and gave it to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna thus making the two able to learn how to lower the moon and raise the sun thus returning the day and night cycle to normal.

The sisters danced around for a bit to celebrate there triumph but was met by grief to find there older sister no where to be found. They had learned that there dear sister had sacrificed everything to save there world but by doing so ment giving up her physical form. for many days they wept tears of sorrow for there fallen sister then Luna with a look of determination said No, that cannot be it!'' she exclaimed then she ran up to the library opened every book on magic she could find Celestia then went to try to stop her sister followed by one of the wizards who got his magic back after a bit. The wizard proposed that he would take over the sisters magic lessons from now on so that one day they can return there beloved Princess Crystal Starlight to normal. Luna the showed a spell that would at least give her a form that they can as well see. The wizard said here let me see it he looked at the spell and said sure this spell would work I can cast it for you. He said as he then casted it to see that there Princess was now a just still alive yet not dead either .She was in a rift between called the magic realm. The wizard then said why not we try something like this he got out a decretive comb and infused it to her.

In this chapter will cover how life can have its ups and downs and how it can get you rewarded for all the kindness of the world but can sometimes responsiblites can call for greater hardships.

Tina_Stringercreators' thoughts