
Crystal Pack

CamrynRovner · Fantasie
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9 Chs

Chapter 4: The New Apprentices

"Attention Crystal Pack young and old!" SilverCrystal's words had jolted Max out of his rest. He rose up from his place in the nest to find RavenPool racing out of the break in the wall and out through the tiny hole. He wasn't sure if he should follow or not until SnowFlake squeezed through the hole and walked up to Max.

"Alright Max, wake up your sisters and follow me!" He walked over and touched Sorrel's forehead with his tale tip.

"Wake up sis!" She shifted in the nest and lifted her head up and looked at Max as he said, "Wake up Tawny and I will wake up Cinder!" He walked over to Cinder and moved his paw along her flank and she instantly woke and sat up. All four of them were awake and were walking towards SnowFlake.

SnowFlake moved through the hole in the wall with Max and his sisters following closely behind her. He followed her into this huge den with a bunch of other wolves on one side and SilverCrystal on the other. SnowFlake led them to the group and they took their places in the front of the group.

SilverCrystal started speaking again, "This morning we gather to announce the arrival of two new apprentices into out pack. Max step forward! From now on, until he had earned his warrior name, he will be known as FreezePaw. SnowFlake, you are ready for your first apprentice. I expect you to pass on everything Ice taught you and make him the best warrior you can. Sorrel step forward! From this day on, until she has earned her warrior name, she will be known as SorrelPaw . Winter, you are ready for your second apprentice. I know you are still teaching SnowyPaw but I feel that you could handle one more apprentice. I expect you to pass on everything I taught you and make her the best warrior you can. Meeting ended!"

The entire pack yowled at once, "FreezePaw! SorrelPaw!" FreezePaw thinks, *Well I guess that is how they welcome new members to their pack.*

A white she-wolf with gray eyes walked over to SnowFlake and said, "Well SnowFlake, congrats on your first apprentice."

SnowFlake responded. "Thanks Ice, but I should go talk to SilverCrystal right about now." She walked over to FreezePaw and said, "SilverCrystal would like to speak to you." She flicked her tail and he followed her into the leaders den.

The second he walked in SilverCrystal said, "Okay FreezePaw, I wanted to talk to you about CinderPup and TawnyPup. They are only four moons old so they have to stay in the nursery but I'm not sure who would take care of them. SnowFlake what do you think?" She asked as she turned to her deputy.

SnowFlake said, "Well I think Frost would be more than happy to take care of the two, after all she has the milk and she did lose her other two pups to whitecough so she would treat these two as her own. Besides I'm sure they would give SwiftPup some company."

SilverCrystal said, "Well that is very good reasoning so I say it's a good idea. I will send SnowTuft to go fetch her. SnowTuft!" As SnowTuft came racing in the den SilverCrystal said, "SnowTuft I need you to bring Frost and her daughter here please!" He ran off and didn't come back when a she-wolf with silver fur walks in. FreezePaw thinks, *She must be SilverCrystal's sister.*

The she-wolf asked, "You wanted me?"

"Yes Frost." The leader responded. "I wanted to ask you a quick question. Would you possibly take care of FreezePaw's sisters?"

Frost replied, "Sure, I love helping others."

SilverCrystal was about to say something when FreezePaw interrupted, "Thank you very much Frost! In return I promise me and SorrelPaw will hunt for you! Would you like to come with me while I tell them?"

Frost said, "Of course I would!"

He walked out of the den with Frost following him. He led her into the den where the meeting was held and padded over to the spot he had left them and tracked their scent into a smaller den where he found them talking to a gray male with sparkly gold eyes. He walked over to them and said, "Okay girls, time to see your new den!"

SorrelPaw said, "Bye SnowyPaw." And followed FreezePaw into the big den.

FreezePaw halted and said, "Okay so Frost is going to take care of you for a while so you must show her respect, treat her like you would if she were your own mother and do exactly what she says no matter what! Now let's all go back to SilverCrystal and see what we need to do now!"

SorrelPaw said, "Okay!"