
Crystal in the dusk

Short_stories · Fantasie
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13 Chs

Vol 2 chapter 4: people

And then they found us, the velociraptors attacked the people they all died except one he ran away and the velociraptors ran after him. he got away because he was going through a portal we were all confused.....I got Gerry again because he helps me with thinking, he makes me calm and he's cute. Since y'all didn't know I have a power, that Is that I am very smart. I said:" let's forget all this and get you guys a power let's explore this forest!" Kane came with no gravity it's super cool he can lift things up with his pinky! And the other? They still don't know they're power,so Kane and me are the only one with powers we know.but there were more people I saw like 100 of people together at a campfire laughing and talking we decided to go there, they were all confused they were already in attack mode when we got there I said:"relax were people that are surviving here too we can help you guys we have a small hut full of resources you can use" they said "really" and then they followed us well.... the half of them to make sure we wouldn't kill them... they were so happy but then we hear loud bonk, it was so loud that one tree fell down it was so loud and powerfull it looked like a earthquake Gerry fell from his little house he survived tho don't worry! But still it was scary I went outside and I saw

NOTHING till the next episode .

To be continued