
Crystal's Confessions

This is the original Fanfic before I wrote Scouts Academy. Its full of a lot of Cringe, but certain events that will be brought up in Scouts Academy.

Dashprincess11 · Anime und Comics
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41 Chs

Chapter 17

Walking in she searched for Eren or Armin, she preferred Armin, but Eren would suffice enough, she thought. Soon she spotted Armin and looked at Levi.

"I need to discuss the change in plans with Armin," She says softly, "Go brew us up a pot of Black tea?" She smiles and Levi nods before kissing her on the forehead. She shivered as he walked away but focused her eyes on the blonde, walking up to him briskly he looked up at her arrival.

"Did you need something?" Armin asked quietly.

"I need to know as much as you can tell me about my physical limits now." Crystal sits down beside him, "I need to know."

"Right..." Armin said softly, "Well with us Titan shifters," He said, referring to himself and Eren, trying to make it seem like he wasn't talking to her directly, "We can withstand most injuries and inflictions, the only thing we can't live past is if someone hits our nape. You can split your consciousness, but that's kind of difficult to do in the heat of battle."

"Okay." Crystal said simply, "That's a pretty cool power you guys have, I'm almost jealous."

"Yeah, a soldier like you would do good to have Titan abilities," Armin says softly, "I think you would surpass Eren's usefulness."

"Hey!" Eren shouted, overhearing that part of the conversation, "How rude Armin!"

"Sorry Eren, it's true! Crystal is a way better soldier than you are-" Armin laughs and Eren rolls his eyes. Crystal huffs when a cup of black tea showed up in front of her eyes.

"Thank you, Lo- Levi." Crystal corrected herself before her mouth finished calling him 'Love', and he sat down beside her, wrapping an arm around her waist.

"What are you two arguing about?" Levi asked as he noticed the two kids were bickering.

"I was just saying that Crystal might surpass Eren's usefulness if she had Titan Abilities." Armin said softly and Levi tensed up, "You know, like healing."

"Yeah... I think she's already surpassed him though." Levi said simply, "But I know Crystal would turn herself into a human body shield if she could heal like you freaks of nature."

"Yeah well... I think I would pass down my Colossal titan to her if the choice was ultimately up to me." Armin said softly and Levi nodded.

"Yeah, she would be better than Eren at being a Titan Shifter." Levi rubbed up and down Crystal's side as the blimp took off, "And if Zeke's warning should be taken seriously, we have a shot of Titan Serum on us just in case this battle goes wrong. From there we will capture Crystal and bring her to safety."

"Thankfully I doubt I will get that injured." Crystal assured, "Don't turn me unless I give the thumbs up."

"Alright..." Levi pulls her closer, "Just don't die on me."

"They'd have to drop a bomb on me to kill me." Crystal smiled at the raven-haired man, when she noticed his eyes closing tiredly, "You can sleep if you want, we won't make it to Yulvaska until a week has passed. So rest easy..." Levi nodded before laying his head against hers, and she felt eyes on her. Looking she locked eyes with Hanji who smiled sweetly at them, giving a thumbs up before going about her business. Crystal felt fatigue washing over herself, and she leans her head over onto Levi's shoulder. Closing her eyes peacefully she let herself doze off.

Hanji walked out and smiled at them before motioning for Armin to follow her.