Sexy stories of Giantesses crushing Tiny people.
#Haiti, 1680
A ray of orangish pink sunshine bathed the beach as the sun began to descend over the horizon. The humidity was at an all time low so Claire thought it would be the perfect time to take a walk on the beach. Claire was the picture of beauty for her time period. Her flawless white skin shined like the sun, her long curly blonde hair was like a maze a man could get lost in. Her emerald blue eyes rivaled even the beauty of the Ocean. Her chest was perky and her body slender; she was everything a man could want.
Her father was a wealthy French nobleman which allowed Claire the ability to afford the latest fashion. She walked down the beach in her brand new silver Chopines, (A medieval type of open toed platform shoe)
And a beautiful white dress.
Claire danced on the beach all by her lonesome spinning and twirling and falling down on the sand. As she went along she noticed something she had never seen before. Right on the beach partly submerged in water was a pile of jagged wood and splinters.
Ever the adventurous type she ran up to it to see that it was the remains of a ship.
"Dear God." She exclaimed to herself upon noticing what she was seeing. She walked along the beach to see what else she could find from the ship, littered upon the shore was an assortment of cannonballs and swords. Her heart sank when she discovered a tattered and soaked black flag on the shore.
She could no longer deny it, these were the remains of a pirate ship.
"Oh no, Father warned me the new world was infested with these sea vermin." she said to herself.
Out of the corner of her eye she noticed movement. She nestled and jumped out of her shoes upon seeing a tiny man about an inch tall holding a cutlass.
"It's a pirate, oh no." She said to herself
She fell to the ground in fear and terror and began backing away.
The tiny man realizing that he was unmatched made a beeline for the trees committed to escape. Claire, seeing this, quickly realized that he could be retreating to a pirate hideout on the island. She realized she had to kill him.
She hopped up and rushed after him. In her haste she flipped out of her Chopines. She covered more ground in one step then the pirate did in ten so she caught him rather quick. She brings down the full weight of her body onto the filthy sea scoundrel pounding him into the sand.
"Mourir sous les pieds, paysan rebelle" She said
She lifted her foot to discover that the sand had cushioned most of the blow so she brought her foot down on him again.
"Worm, you're a worm. I'm gonna crush you like one!" She shouted at the top of her lungs. Her face turned red and she grew flustered.
She stomped on him more and more with each passing blow the pirate's injuries grew greater and greater.
In between one of the blows the pirate drew his cutlass which pierced into Claire's foot. Breaking the skin and causing minor bleeding. Claire fell over again this time in pain.
The pirate used his only broken hand to crawl further away. Claire crawled towards her Chopine and then put them on. She took a deep breath then looked over at the wounded thief. She walked over to him and stood over him menacingly.
"Any last words?" She said
The pirate drew his tiny pistol and fired off a shot. The musket ball struck her right in the arm leaving a tiny bump akin to a bug bite.
"That'll suffice." She said,
She stomped on him again but once again the sand cushioned the blow. She saw a tiny splatter of blood on the bottom of her right Chopine.
Noticing she was getting nowhere she picked him up and took her foot out of her right shoe. She placed him inside then placed her foot there. The pirate was then pinned between cold metal and soft flesh and the overpowering smell of vinegar nearly suffocated him. She pushed down with all her weight and crushed him to death.
"That'll teach you to be a pirate." She mocked as she continued her stroll down the beach.