Sexy stories of Giantesses crushing Tiny people.
# American Midwest 1967
The hippie van came to a dead stop right next to a cliff overlooking the gorgeous orange sunset. The side door peeled open and a gorgeous young white woman ran out. Daisy had long curly flowing blonde hair. The wind blew her hair and it moved as if it were waves out in the open ocean. She wore a nice green dress light brown open toed platform clogs.
"It's beautiful." She uttered.
She made her way towards an old wooden barrier that stopped people from falling over the edge. Hopping out of the passenger seat was Daisy's lover Gerald. An older hippie guy with sunglasses and wearing a bomber jacket. Daisy walked closer to the edge and standing near the edge was a tiny man named Harold. Harold, a former Birmingham police officer, took note of the hippies walking his way.
"Ah great, a bunch of bigger loving hippies." He said.
He took note as she kept trudging closer and closer, paying no attention to the tiny racist in front of her.
"Hey watch it you stinking hippie!" He shouted.
However she still took no note of him. In her walk towards the cliff to look over the valley she was nearly hypnotized.
"Hey, watch it." Harold shouted in a mix of anger and fear.
Before Harold could react the orange rays of the sun were blocked out by the shadow of her foot. He tried to brace for impact but it was a futile effort. Her foot slammed down on him, crunching his body. The weight of her massive platform shoes was enough to break his body in half. His brain exploded from his head and onto the ground.
She kept straight to gaze at the sunset forever unaware of what she had done.