Sexy stories of Giantesses crushing Tiny people.
Jack woke up under the shade of a mighty wooden dresser which was towards him. His head was throbbing with pain caused by drinking the night before.
"Ah!" He said
He got up and then slowly turned forward, as he got closer to the end of the dresser he was met with a bright light from the sun. Though it was overcast that day the light shone through the window in a bright blinding white light.
As he slowly moved over the carpet and towards a bed he could see what looked like a pair of white buffalo T24400 cult platform boots in front of a nightstand. He snuck underneath the bed to see a terrifying sight to a man of his height.
Looking in the mirror he could see a teenage girl, around the age of eighteen or nineteen. She had tan skin, slick black hair in pigtails, her outfit matched her boots, leather short skirt and a white leather bra. On her left arm was a tattoo.
"I luv Sophy." It read
The girl was putting on lipstick.
"I better hurry up, Sophy is going to be mad that I'm late." She said,
Just as Jack was preparing to lurge back the young woman spotted him.
"Ah!" She sheirked in terror then the expression on her face quickly morphed to disgust.
"What are you doing here, pervert?" She asked
Jack tried his damnedest to run but she grabbed him before his tiny legs could carry him further under the bed.
She gently placed him under the nightstand.
"What are you doing here?" She asked
Her high pitched voice sounded akin to nails on a chalkboard to Jack's hungover brain.
"I don't know how I got here?" He said
"Oh you don't" she sarcastically interrupted
"No I don't"
"You can lie better than that."
"It's not a lie I had been drinking too much last night."
"Drinking too much? What did you get into a drop of alcohol?"
"Very funny."
"I should call the cops on you. Breaking into my house to perve on me. Admit it you creep!"
"I wasn't creeping on you. I didn't even know you existed."
"Admit it, you liar. You like this body. You'd totally smash if I let you. Admit it."
"Fine you look good but I-"
"Ha, I knew it. Time to take out the trash."
She then grabbed Jack and plopped him on the ground. She raised her foot then forcefully pounded Jack into the carpet. Splattering him underneath her boots. When she raised her foot she saw the red stain under her boots and on the carpet.
"Shit, I'm going to have to clean that up." She said