

Tracy rushed into the store dressed from head to toe in all black. The only defining marker on her was the white bottom of her platform sneakers. She rushed straight to the hygiene aisle and immediately broke the glass. She filled up her bag with tampons and other women's health items.

The store occupants and employees could only look on in terror as she filled her bag. This wasn't the first time this place had been the victim of a smash and grab. The perpetrators usually weren't petite young white women though. 

They quickly dialed up the police and the dispatcher assured them that the only available officer was on their way. As Tracy rushed out of the store she was stopped by the world's smallest cop. Standing at five inches tall, officer Robert Stones wasn't a pushover, he'd taken down many suspects many times his size. 

"Freeze! You're under arrest." Stones shouted

Tracy halted in her tracks and looked down at the tiny officer who scolded her.

"Are you supposed to be a cop?" Tracy questioned

"Yes, I am an officer of the law and I'm placing you under arrest." Stone said

"Typically cop, enforcing the exploitative and corrupt power structure that keeps health items behind locked doors." 

"Ma'am you're not allowed to steal." 

"I stole these products, now I'm going to steal your life." 

Tracy stomped onto officer Stone as hard as she could. She then instantly scraped her foot back, smearing him on the pavement.  She then fled the scene.